aggressive ragdoll cat reddit

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In order to resolve your cat’s aggression, you’ll first need to find the source. Getting another kitten just isn’t an option for us. Both like being around us, and "around us" means in the same room somewhere. With that said, both exhibit non-stereotypical behavior for the breed. For reference, when one of our other cats passed away, Subi literally cried tears for 3 days straight and was depressed. Seems to be a bit of a pattern. Some days he’s great and others he’s a terror. She growls at a noise at the door, but as soon as that person comes in she wants to be their friend. Ragdoll cats come in different colors such as red, blue, cream, chocolate, lilac and seal. He is a ragdoll to a T. He is always around, and always rubbing on something with the happiest look on his face. Not that I’m wanting Fusa to die or anything! So now over the last few days we started separating the cats completely again when he acts up or we can’t supervise as much. I'm thinking of getting another ragdoll to keep fozzie company when I'm away at work. Why does this Ragdoll look so angry all the time? She even growls and swipes at her own brother now that they've grown up. Sitting nearby is about all we can count on. I talked to my husband and said I could talk to my vet and see if they’d neuter him sooner but my husband understands that Zero is just a kitten and is fine with waiting. I am just rather puzzled because I keep reading how sweet and docile and defenseless ragdoll cats are. The male is a huge baby. Building up the older cat's confidence may help. All of the pictures we got while they were kittens and inseparable is the only proof they were ever friends. I call him "the bruiser", and that's very much his style. Just wondering, because ours likes being around us, but won't get cuddly or rub up against us or anything, let alone get in our lap. My husband and I both love him and rehoming is not an option. when buying or giving something away or making times to go out etc. My cat adores my older daughter and my son who is 6. These beautiful cats can grow to be quite large for a domestic cat. He sits next to me on the couch at night and snuggles up next to me, but doesn't like sitting on me. I’ve definitely thought about meds for either cats if the aggression or anxiety persists in either one down the road. Treat the aggressive cats as though introducing them for the first time. Most domestic cats have type A blood, but purebred cats, like your Ragdoll often have a different blood type, usually type B or very rarely, type AB. The female has fur that mats extremely quickly. The only problem is that he attacks our senior cats. It begs the question whether domestic cats can look angry when they are in a relaxed, non-aggressive state. My Ragdoll is the biggest klutz in the world. Here are 5 great ways to help calm your aggressive cat. The older of the two adults deals with it pretty well and Zero has learned to leave him alone for the most part. We've watched a cat for a friend before, and he was absolutely terrified of her, despite being triple her size. He's so clumsy that he'll trip running down the stairs, up the stairs, jumping off the couch, etc. Basically out of the two, the male is far more typical of a ragdoll than his sister, but neither of them really match the breed behavior description 100%. His name is Zero. She occasionally lies in laps, but only if we are sitting at a desk (go figure). The breed was developed in the 1960s by Anne Baker. If she hasn't seen our other cat in an hour or so she walks around meowing until she finds her, which has actually been useful when our other cat gets stuck in cabinets lol she throws up about once a week, sometimes furballs and other times just food because she's a glutton and ate too fast which is unfortunate because she walks and throws up so there's always trails of cat barf all over my stuff. Almost like a forced friendship but I know he will miss Fusa immensely so I think it will be good to have Zero here. Give the passive cat the choice of locations within the house, sequester the bully cat, and then make the introduction. Only the male will accept belly rubs. Getting another kitten *is* possibly a good solution for him, if he stays this active and you can't burn off his energy, it might be the only one. Said to be inside cat not agressive He is 3mo old, growls when playing alone, fetches, traits like a dog. You're well within the normal range! She also killed a bird once that had been trapped in the fireplace and was flying for freedom. It is a false impression. It's hilarious, also because she's the sweetest happiest little cat. I looked after him for a few weeks before I got my cat. There are cat communicators that you can contact that can assess the situation and make recommendations, if you think that is something you might want to do. Make sure the resident cats all have a space to escape to, that is theirs alone (it sounds like you've done this). She is an indoor cat, I do not allow her outside at all. He loudly and persistently wakes me up in the morning for breakfast, and is a lot more comfortable with strangers. The male tried it once, but maybe his size made him uncomfortable. The male only purrs while he's kneading me in bed. The male even allows you to vacuum him. There are a few steps that can smooth out the transition between your new Ragdoll and an established household boss cat. I let her out about 1/2 hour per day. Both spend quite a lot of time on their backs spread-eagle or otherwise rolling around. I’m pretty sure this is just kitten behavior mixed with some alpha versus alpha behavior. Often they'll follow us around and hover nearby and lean into a few chin scratches. He loves bread and will literally chew through bags of bread to eat it, but doesnt like table scraps much unless its just meat. Find the Source of Aggression. Feliway probably won't help a young kitten manage his aggression, but it wouldn't hurt, and might help your senior cats. I have a feeling once our oldest cat leaves this earth that Subi might come around a little but more to Zero. First, there is Grandma Cat (GC) and she is 24 years old. And Zero picks on him more for some reason. (the cats, not the videogame physics component thing), Press J to jump to the feed. But who knows. The female despises being held, and will begin to halfheartedly struggle the second she leaves the ground. We suspect he was weaned too early. Cats can bit… But the other one (who is an alpha) just can’t stand Zero. Neither are afraid of the vacuum. Not kidding. He would would just come and dramatically flop on top of you, I'm thinking of getting another ragdoll to keep fozzie company when I'm away at work. He will sit on me if I'm lying down and have a blanket on though. I've never seen anything like it. I am obsessed with him because of how sweet he is. He was born 4/18 of this year so that makes him almost 5 months old. These two seem to take the "this is my life now" acceptance approach. This cat is my husband’s baby by the way and is not too pleased with the way my kitten is towards his baby. Extremely friendly and loves to play, even as an adult. If they were introduced too quickly, they may need a longer introduction period where they can first smell then see each other but not touch. I can't think of anything we've done wrong, but who knows? He's quite different from my sister's cat Miko (male ragdoll) from the same breeder. He actively looks for fuss and attention and is very vocal about it. The female does not get along well with other cats at all. They have blue eyes and a soft and velvety coat, which does not lose its shine and hence requires very little maintenance. Her fur is much finer than her brother's, and requires frequent brushing, and even that isn't always enough. That said, she does dramatically throw herself onto her back and wait for tummy rubs with her huge blues. She never covers her poops or pees in the litter box and she actually poops numbers. Old post, but I figured I would share my ragdolls personality as well! My two kittens are just very cuddly and friendly to strangers. One cat, Solo, is able to roll over, shake, sit, lay down and do more cool tricks. Overall very friendly and introduces herself to new people, just prefers to recline undisturbed nearby. To date, he bit me and put me in the hospital for three days. I should also mention that the cat he tends to pick on the most is 9 years old. If his aggression gets really extreme you can try Zylkene, but IMO that's not something you want to do all the time. Neither have any hunting instinct at all. He's quite different from my sister's cat Miko (male ragdoll) from the same breeder. She's been well taken care of her whole life, always had premium food, well visits to the vet, feline friends to hang with and plenty of toys and love! By Audrey In Ragdoll cats Tags grey ragdoll cat, ragdoll cat colors, ragdoll cat for sale, ragdoll cat hypoallergenic, ragdoll cat lifespan, ragdoll cat personality reddit, ragdoll cat size, ragdoll siamese cat … ragdoll-cat 30 points 31 points 32 points 21 hours ago It’s not weird - my partner and I do the same checks with each other (usually!) Have you considered reintroductions? How to pick the right harness for your Ragdoll. I made a mental note to come back to this thread! My vet won’t neuter until 6 months of age unless they are spraying. *edit: or is being reactive to the kitten's hormones. So I got a ragdoll kitten back at the end of June. It’s stressing us both out quite a bit. (the cats, not the videogame physics component thing), Press J to jump to the feed. I have 2 other cats and 2 dogs as well, and they all get along for the most part. He loves being around us, but will scream his ears off if we pick him up for more than 10 seconds. We have nicknamed him Satan. She will occasionally rub against the pups, but she is not a cuddler. He kneads everything soft and drools all over when he does. They have five potential weapons (their teeth and all four clawed paws) compared to a dogs sole weapon of his or her mouth. If you pick her up, she will struggle in terror and make the most hilarious noises. Cats who are in pain will respond with hisses and swats when sensitive areas are touched. He meows like crazy for everything from us not giving him enough attention to not being able to find our older cat. The female growls anytime she hears any noise outside the house, and will run toward the door growling anytime a visitor knocks or uses the doorbell. These cats are distinctly different from other breeds of cat. So I got a ragdoll kitten back at the end of June. But Zero still just has an insane amount of energy and even if he is about to go to sleep he’ll just randomly get up and “attack” the one cat. I love her more than anything! in the morning he stands on my pillow and noses under the covers until I let him under to snuggle with me, he likes to have a nap under the covers with me in the morning. It’s exhausting to deal with. He loved to play fetch. Ragdoll cats are known to be gentle, calm and sociable. I have a 13 year old rag doll named Cloe who I adopted two years ago. Always nearby, but seldom cuddles. Cats will be cats. Mine is the nicest cat ever. Neither enjoy laps. To the point I have to move him when I have to get up lol. Petting her while she's just walking around will usually produce some rumbling. She loves belly rubs and chilling next to you all time, plus she'll snuggle sometimes if she feels like it. The older cat is likely not dominant and not wanting to assert himself against the kitten, or possibly doesn't feel confident enough to assert himself. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A place for all things Ragdolls! Other cats I've owned would fight immediately, or quickly jump away. 😣, A place for all things Ragdolls! The tendency to go limp when picked up2. I have almost every number 0-9. The female will make an exception if a blanket is present, but it's extremely rare. This is despite being happy at all other occasions, slow-blinking, etc. I let her out in nice weather while I watch her as she tends to wander. My ragdoll is actually very similar. Sometimes he will go crazy though and start to rip up the carpet or meow a bunch so I know he doesn’t like being in there 100% of the time. We brush him with a rubber comb to take care of loose shedding so we don't have too many tumble-furs, but that's all he needs. The vet and groomer both note how well behaved they are. I’ve tried pheromones, calming sprays, calming catnip, timeouts for Zero in the carrier (which now he loves because he just takes a nap,) none of that works. Don't forget to check out our other videos!New to our channel? He already didn’t want me to get Zero but I begged him since I had only ever had kittens when I was a kid, not an adult. Both are exceptionally lazy. But at the same time it’s tolerable. Hugo is a lot more boisterous, in the way that male ragdolls apparently can be. From cats knocking items off tables, to cats stealing food and dog beds, when these cats have a problem, they show it in a very passive aggressive way. I love him to death. She is currently a little over two years old. Oddly enough, she does have a hunting instinct. There are stories of ragdoll cats being able to be trained to do some fun tricks using clickers and some treats for positive reinforcement. Also she is deathly afraid of the outside world, so she won't run out the door while the other cat begs me to let her out. This is literally the only time he purrs now that he's grown up. The 7 11 customer support line seems to be more reasonable. Second is Maya and she turns 14 this year. Thoughts? But don't you dare pick her up. Aggression is the second most common feline behavior problem seen by animal behaviorists. He was born 4/18 of this year so that makes him almost 5 months old. Thanks for the replies all! However, before you buy it is important to make sure you are purchasing the correct size harness for your cat. I have a little floof calico cat that guards the door just like your girl. Miko purred at the drop of a hat. I am owned by 4 Ragdolls and one Siamese mixed cat. I really thought by getting a ragdoll he would be chill enough to not pick on the other cats and that the other cat would want to play since he was so playful before. So maybe it is a good timeout spot for him after all. The cons of owning a ragdoll kitten!This is 4 month old ragdoll kitten Sky! He knows no stranger either, anyone who walks in the house needs to pet him and he will force them to if they don't. She’s playful but also a little shy, and sometimes has cat resting-bitch-face, haha. She lets them pick her up ad hold her. Get him neutered now, save yourself some grief. My ragdoll is the same personality. He is the sweetest, most loving cat I have ever met. Like to a point where sometimes I'm at my wits end with hearing her meows. And some elements normally associated with ragdolls they exhibit separately: The male loves any and all attention from anyone ever. The female will purr at almost any provocation. Not every cat will be aggressive and some will take to your new babies as readily as you do. Instead, they'll sit next to us. We have two, one boy and one girl. That sounds awful but yeah. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The only problem is that he attacks our senior cats. If I'm sitting on the sofa he will often come up and sit with a "trucker arm" over my leg. NOTE: THESE TIPS WILL WORK INTRODUCING ANY ‘HEALTHY KITTEN’ TO OTHER CATS. It's like he never learned how to purr in other situations. I just got a ragdoll mix kitten. Our oldest cat is on his way out, we are honestly surprised he’s lived this long already. She also roams around the flat yelling if she's bored or isn't getting enough attention. he likes to sleep on my bed with me, but only at the foot of the bed. Sleeps by my head, follows me every where, gets into everything, only has 4 toes and he's very small,I just love him to death he is Kovack Never bites or scratches anything, and never goes to places she isn't allowed. She will also protest vocally until she's released. Looking forward to it :). He'll instigate most of the playfighting with Rudy, and also with us. Ragdoll cats are beloved for their beautiful blue eyes and smoke colored coats with adorable white paws. My oldest Ragdoll (9.5 years old) named Momma is very aggressive toward other animals when let her outside. Male Ragdoll cats can weigh 6-10 kg or more, and females Ragdoll cats are usually smaller than males with an average weight of 5-7.5 kg. Now that you have read about the 3 best harnesses for Ragdoll cats, you may have an idea of which harness will best suit your cat’s needs. He's the cutest, floofiest pain in the ass, but I love him so much! Although cat aggression is sometimes taken less seriously than dog aggressionperhaps because cats are smaller and dont pursue people to bite themaggressive cats can be formidable. I quite like cats and this site is all about living and travelling with ragdoll cats. She meows when she's hungry, lonely, she needs to throw up, she needs to use the litter box, she can't find our other cat, someone brushed up against her wrong, she wants to play and any other reason you can think of. This is in direct contrast to a rescue we have who ignores being scruffed, and even being wrapped in a towel fails to control him. She’s affectionate, though, and will meow outside the bathroom door if I don’t leave it open. Spend time with them separately from him. Ask US Anything: Ragdoll Cat Lost, Aggressive 3-Year Old Male, Ragdoll Cat Matted Fur Share this post: Our “ Ask US Anything ” is a series of posts on the site where I share the questions/concerns/ideas that readers have sent in and then the responses from our readers about those questions/concerns/ideas. She's the best and also just the most extra cat you'll ever meet. My name is Lucas and I have two ragdoll cats. The ragdoll breeding process involved careful selection for gentle, non-aggressive traits. She loves her family she's always around, she'll flop in front of you. NOT JUST RAGDOLL KITTENS. They're extremely docile. When she decides she wants attention, she lets you know. The female will immediately attack. But even once he passes, my husband has said he doesn’t want another cat. He is so sweet and loving and a total goofball. And we play with them a decent amount, usually multiple times a day as long as time permits. So they’re not without enrichment by any means. When she was small, she slept on my pillow then she graduated to lying by my feet but stopped when we got our second dog, who pestered the crap out of her as a puppy. He will constantly(especially when I just get home from work) cuddle with me. Neither enjoy being held, but they're pretty tolerant of it. Cats are capable of causing serious injuries with their sharp teeth and claws, and an aggressive cat poses a real danger to the people and pets in your home. I will try some of your suggestions: the water spray, etc. The Ragdoll is one of the newer cat breeds, dating back to the early 1960s, when the first kittens were bred in Riverdale, California. She's much more sociable since getting spayed a couple of months ago. They have loving and gentle personalities and get their name from the way they fall limp like a rag doll when being picked up. Up to this point, we have pointed out how the personality patterns of the Ragdoll breed makes these cats some of the most popular in the entire world. So she has that part of being a ragdoll down. Sounds like my 10 year old girl. Ragdoll Cat Personality – Our Readers’ Stories. As she gets older she's becoming more interested in pets and snuggles, but it's a rare occasion. Which sort of helps but again, he just chills in my office (which is his original room prior to being introduced to the other cats) and takes a nap. We put her in the grass once and she made an ambulance siren type noise until we let her back in. 3 Minutes of a Ragdoll cat being a Ragdoll cat.Bowie, our Ragdoll cat, is often lying on his back. Anyways, he is getting neutered in one month, so I know that will help a lot with his testosterone levels which will hopefully chill him out. Anecdotally, you can go onto YouTube and see several Ragdoll owners showing off the amazing tricks their cats have learned. I've never had any cat do this before. Also spend time with him separate from them. We take her to a groomer every month to take care of any mats we can't keep up with. She's very specific and VERY vocal. he runs to greet me when I get home and the lays on the ground and stretches out for belly rubs and back scratches, he only ever really meows when he's going to the bathroom. Ragdoll cat has a great body, supported by a balanced weight, chest width, and a big pelvis. She won't eat if any of the bowl beneath the food is visible. 🤣. Feeding where they can see each other is helpful. My cat is the opposite! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He meows at me all the time and will even have conversations with me. I looked after him for a few weeks before I got my cat. So I’m going to wait and see how he matures over the next year. The traits described in the breed characteristics should … Both are Seal point (well maybe mitted) Ragdolls, and as you might expect have their fair share of personality. His name is Zero. Yeah he is getting more cuddly and personable the older he gets. It's probably not very common to have a ragdoll that does; breed traits are likely distributed at random since the line is still relatively young. He plays a lot, but usually is flopped down somewhere sleeping, or meowing for food. I find that often the more aloof ones are the ones adopted a bit older but that definitely varies from cat to cat. I know he’s young and just wants to play, but it’s caused the one cat to have anxiety and what seems like PTSD. He will lay down and suckle his fur and knead my chest because I won't let him chew on my beard. It was a locust or cicada or something very noisy! Sometimes she’ll settle down for a cuddle, but quite often she’ll tolerate it for a minute and then go on her way. He play bites, but doesn't really use his claws much or bite too hard, He really only purrs when he's getting a good back rub. But I guess that isn’t the case for some reason.). There can only be two possible reasons (1) he IS angry all the time or (2) his face just looks like he is angry. ragdoll_cat 9 points 10 points 11 points 3 years ago well the indian guy at the shop just yelled at my fiance on the phone how it wasn't their fault and basically piss off. But in the meantime (or if this behavior continues, god forbid) does anyone have any advice as to what might help? He next bit my mom and she wound up in the emergency room, and he attacks her without any provocation every time she visits. Some people also say they are attuned to emotional needs, a characteristic that makes them a perfect companion animal. Below is some information on the personality traits of ragdoll cats. Hates being picked up and will only tolerate being held if she's snuggled against my neck (like a baby being burped) . I love him to death. As time went on, Baker had increasingly eccentric ideas about the ragdoll breed. We've had a constant problem with mice, and even our 17-year-old rescue does a better job of catching them. Cats Become Aggressive Because They’re in Pain. All in all, he is an amazing cat I have a long list of people who want to steal him from me. He is so sweet and loving and a total goofball. Technically he won’t even be 6 months when he’s neutered, more like five and a half. But Zero is a ragdoll and typically shouldn’t be aggressive when he gets older. I've owned a lot of them while growing up, and there are a few areas where I see some general trends with my ragdolls. Compilation with Characteristics, Personality Traits, Behavior of Bowie the Ragdoll Cat1. (the cats, not the videogame physics component thing) But behavior can vary from cat to cat and also can depend on whether or not you got them as a kitten. r/ragdolls: A place for all things Ragdolls! Ragdoll Cat Breed – Short History. Once the aggressive cat walks away and is calm, reinforce its good behavior with a desirable treat, toy, or attention. 1. (Getting another kitten for him to play with is also not an option. Affectionate without being demanding, Ragdolls have an almost dog-like devotion to their owners. The male has fur that is almost 100% zero-maintenance. Make sure the youngest is not taking the older cats' food. My Persian and our lab/cur mix both went for it but Sophie is the one who caught it. He's learned that this box next to the bed will make noise if he steps on the buttons and manages to wake us up at approximately 6:20 am every morning. It’s like he just doesn’t want anything to do with him and it makes me sad, especially because I think Zero just wants to play a lot of the time.

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