milky way scorpio

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This orientation of the zodiac to the Milky Way raises some interesting questions. The constellation was known to the ancient Babylonians 3,000 years ago. Gemini and Sagittarius as opposite signs follow a similar dualism and have similar stories as Taurus and Scorpio. A confirmation to the connection between Rashis and Nakshatras can perhaps be found in Harappan archaeological ruins. Gemini contains the Nakshatra Ardra, ruled by Rudra, which has a similar energy to Sagittarius as representing the arrow and the hunter. With the moon waning now, it's time to go out in the country to witness the glorious Milky Way. At the heart of Scorpius is Antares, one of the brightest stars in the night sky. In Vedic thought, the planet Mercury is regarded as having both male and female sides, to be half-male and half-female, or alternatively male and female. So it is also the Nakshtra of Vritra or the dragon. Although mostly a southern hemisphere constellation, it can be seen in the northern hemisphere from July to August. This also enters into the symbolism of Scorpio. It will frustrate him, and good enough for him. These are the Silver Gate of Gemini, through which souls descend to earth, and the Golden Gate of Sagittarius, through which souls ascend. Scorpio is ruled by Mars. So far we are polluting our planet and taking the role Nirriti or calamity, for which the Gods of retribution like Rudra cannot be far behind us. Kenoyer, 207-215, Madison, Wisconsin). In Sanskrit as in other mythologies the animal is a symbol of the soul. That which was the third part to take flame became the other Sun Gods (Adityas). Therefore his name is Bhuta (what exists). This means that for a genuine science of Consciousness to be credible we should learn the... Ayurvedic Astrology: Hinduism Today With the Covid-19 era focusing humanity on wellness more than ever before, we present a little-known branch of knowledge—medical astrology. There is a specific story in the Aitareya Brahmana (which also occurs in several other Brahmana texts as well) that explains the mythology of Prajapati further. Locate the triangle that goes through the Milky Way called the Summer Triangle. Jupiter represents the consistent ethical nature that is opposed to Mercury’s duality and ambivalence. The main Vedic symbol of the creative power is the Bull (vrisha or vrishabha). For the Romans, Mitra became the Sun God as the God of the zodiac itself! We live in the Milky Way galaxy, a beautiful spiral galaxy with a bulging center crowded with newborn stars. Similarly, the energy of the Milky Way on the Gemini side has a positive aspect represented by Mrigashira and Soma and a negative aspect represented by Rudra and Ardra as portions of the Milky Way cross Ardra as well. This Taurus-Scorpio, Rohini-Jyestha axis and its dualism is perhaps the key to the entire zodiac on both inner and outer or worldly and spiritual lines. Psychic Readings. In addition, the later portion of the Milky Way in Sagittarius falls under the Nakshatra Purvashadha, whose deity is Apas, the Water Goddesses who are also connected to Soma. Each human being is a unique individual with his or her own angle of vision, point of view, or determination of reality. Other bright stars along the Milky Way are regarded as, if not archers, at least the dogs that accompany these Divine hunters or their teeth. The seed of Prajapati that had been released flowed out. To continue to quote it further. Clearly the Taurus-Gemini side of the Milky Way represents the nectar of immortality or Soma, while the opposite Scorpio-Sagittarius side of the Milky Way represents poison or death. The Virgo Supercluster (Virgo SC) or the Local Supercluster (LSC or LS) is a mass concentration of galaxies containing the Virgo Cluster and Local Group, which in turn contains the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. These must be the animals in the sky or the stars of different colors or degrees of radiance. This provides a basis for calling the sign after the bull or Taurus as Mithuna or Gemini, which in Vedic thought is not portrayed as twins but as a male and female couple. Therefore, it easily became the symbol of the sign opposite Prajapati or Taurus, the place of Jyestha or the star of conflict and misfortune. The most dramatic factor in stellar observation for any person is the Milky Way. The opposite sign of Sagittarius is symbolized by a bow and arrow (called Dhanus or the bow in Vedic thought), which may also reflect this slaying of Prajapati. This means it is in conjunction with the poisonous side of the Milky Way. This includes the dog stars Sirius and Procyon and probably Ardra (Betelgeuse) as well. Why should this be such a malefic point in Vedic thought? Then they took their most terrible forms and combined them together. They are located around 18 degrees of Taurus and 20 degrees of Scorpio (according to Surya Siddhanta VIII.4 and VIII.18. Mrigashira is the antelope’s (Mrigas) head (shira) slain by the arrow of Rudra, the hunter, who rules nearby Ardra. Elsewhere in the Vedas it is said that Prajapati created the animals and assigned them each a star (Taittiriya Brahmana I.5.4). So one can easily see how the figure of Rudra with his arrow, which also occurs in the Ardra portion of Gemini, gets transferred to Sagittarius on the opposite side of the zodiac based upon the dualism inherent in the zodiac. But in the clear sky of that night, I could see a very dim Milky Way stretching through Cassiopea to Perseus before completely fading from sight. But the story goes much further. So these twin stars could easily be brought into the Gemini symbolism. When one rises, the other sets. Lying next to Sagittarius, where the Milky Way's center lies, Scorpius also has a number of bright globular clusters. Mine is what remains on the sacrificial ground.”. It relates to Brahma (the Brahma bull) or the creator, also called Prajapati or the lord of progeny. It is said to be the head of Prajapati or Brahma, the Creator, who also has the form of a deer or antelope. The sign Taurus is ruled by Venus, in Vedic thought Venus is called Shukra, which also means the reproductive fluid. In this article we will discuss the relationship between Ayurvedic Counseling and Vedic Counseling. In astronomy, the Great Rift are the nearby dark dust clouds that significantly obscure the center and most radial sectors of the Milky Way galaxy from Earth's perspective. The Gods said, ‘May this seed of Prajapati not be spoiled. The universal fire caused the lake to flow. This occurs through the creation of couples as the Vedas and Upanishads say. In Vedic mythology, Soma is guarded by various archers. In this regard, Ardra is called Bahu or the arm in some early Vedic texts, indicating that it is the arm of the deity of which Mrigashira is the head. An indepth study of the Vedic Understanding of the Milky Way and the Zodiac. Scorpius is a large and bright constellation which is mainly visible in the southern hemisphere. Scorpius pre-dates the Greeks, and is one of the oldest constellations known. An Harappan seal dated to 2400 BCE has been found recently that shows a deer and an arrow on one side, the symbol of Mrigashirsha (Orion) and a Scorpion on the other. I will quote it at length as it has bearing on the origins of the signs, Nakshatras and planets: Prajapati felt love towards his own daughter, the sky some say, the dawn others. In this complex information technology era, particularly during current restrictive lockdowns, not only our physical immunity is challenged, so is our psychological immunity, and in a way that affects everyone on a daily basis. If... Sanskrit is to experiential spirituality what mathematics is to science. The rift is largely between the Solar System and the next arm, … Modern western examination of the Vedas, and through the Vedas the... American Institute of Vedic Studies Rohini and Jyeshta: Taurus and Scorpio. It became a lake. That which was the second part became Venus (Bhrigu). In some myths his creation proceeds through his intercourse with his own daughter (Rohini), for which sin Prajapati himself is eventually slain by the other Gods. This appears to be the main spiritual power point in the Vedic zodiac. Mrigashira includes the same region as the constellation Orion, marking its upper portion. Prajapati has done something forbidden. It is located close to the stinger of Scorpio and the arrow of Sagittarius.

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