what happens if you wear the same clothes everyday

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Depends:P You should change underwear, t-shirts and … Would it turn him into a hyper-productive super-achiever? What happens when you wear the same clothes every day. Pin. The Good Trade is not responsible for the content or the privacy practices of other sites and expressly disclaims any liability arising out of such content or practices. So, I've been wearing the same clothes everyday for a very long time. Advanced Subsidiary. Like mentioned above I did this before. The stuff I kept for non-work outfits definitely fits what you’re describing – all of it matches, and it can all be easily accessorized. Like most teenage girls (my name on here is Dave. Still, there's some things you should know. No need to wear the ill-fitting items just because you bought them haphazardly because they were on sale, or because they’re the only clean clothes ready for wear for you that morning. 2. The idea that one style of dressing is the “secret to success” is exclusionary, and ignores the mountains of privilege it requires to have that conversation in the first place. Wear something that makes you feel good and wear it everyday. I recently wrote in my morning routine that I choose my outfit the morning of, but this experiment showed me that my process subconsciously begins the night before. Is she monastic and wearing only one garment? Tweet. 1. !” rush more often than I have in quite some time. (And don’t put anything with Lycra … Underwear is the same as all other clothing in that extended wear leads to a build-up of the bacteria on the garment. Laundry, for example. But with my minimalist approach the benefits became even clearer in my mind. So, my version was more of a “life uniform” that extended beyond office hours. Otherwise I would repel my co-workers or I would have to do nightly laundry. Same uniform everyday. While it was nice to have my outfit chosen, I definitely took advantage of the “easy” morning routine. Would anyone notice? 3. I ended up with several items I know I’ll treasure for a long time, and felt at peace letting other (super-cute but not-quite-right-for-me) garments go. Relevance. Article from esquire.com. She’s a Los Angeles transplant who was born and raised in Indiana, where she studied Creative Writing and Business at Indiana University. My coworkers were prepared, and I didn’t see the same friend more than once, so I can’t speak to societal expectations as a whole. Let me break it down into a fashion system. 4. Love it. It’s important to acknowledge that many people do wear actual uniforms to work regularly and successfully. In case it got cold, I had an Elizabeth Suzann jacket (spoiler alert: it didn’t get cold, this is Los Angeles). Brown. I was going to wear the same outfit all week and keep a running diary of the experience (hence, what you’re currently reading). what do u think? Art. It’s not all good news. Another reason you might want to rotate your shoes? Did I become a well-rested, multi-millionaire decision maker? I set out to answer these tough questions. As a rule, they are emotional and easily excitable, although they often try to hide it. Without even thinking about minimalism, I already did this some years ago. It took two iterations until I found shirts that are fitting well and are also more durable. You cannot think of any other item of clothing that would go with every single item of clothing you own the way that a hoodie does. A friend of mine brought over a bundle of clothing she was getting rid of, and I felt much more restrained than I usually do. and my mom tells me to wear the same clothes for 2 days then switch it again. Photography. I even wore the same two necklaces and stud earrings every day, just for good measure. Ultimately, I finished the week with a huge sigh of relief, and I enthusiastically donned head-to-toe pink the next day. Yes. This is what happens to your body when you wear … The light-wash jeans got boring after seven days as they're not a color I’m usually drawn to. You really need to get over what others think of you Kash. You can even don this versatile piece from the yoga studio straight to Sunday brunch. For example: if a female politician gives a speech, the media covering it are almost sure to comment on the clothing she chose to wear and how her hair was styled. Would anyone notice? If they passed the test, they rested in my closet until the next morning. Yes - I already do! I still have some button up shirts in my closet, but I actually don’t wear them, I couldn’t remember the last time. 6. reply. 8 Answers. If you are switching between only five items, you can imagine how quickly they lost their fit and don’t look good anymore. After the week of restraint, I’m feeling emboldened to explore colors, layers, and textures in new ways. Except like 2 to 3 people asked me about it, if it’s really the same shirt every day, or if I just got a ton of them. Not that I have a problem with that. And as I also would consider myself a simple guy, guess what happened, I was wearing the 5 same shirts all the time. A few things I just want to mention quickly, that I will probably write more about somewhen in the future. The Good Trade covers conscious fashion, beauty, food, wellness, travel and lifestyle. Picking The Outfit. That’s literally the worst thing that can happen here. Barack Obama, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg are all celebrated for mastering “decision fatigue,” while women are still trying to move past the question “who are you wearing?” at red carpet events. The more you bring your authentic self to the world, the more iconic you will be, no excessive wardrobe needed. Save time every morning deciding what to wear. Without even thinking about minimalism, I already did this some years ago. Do I wash the same articles of clothing every night or just carry on like I’m not wearing days-old clothes? I wanted to experiment beyond the workday and see how this outfit affected every part of my daily life. Then my minimalist thoughts came into place, why not just buy 10 – 15 same shirts again. Besides I dont really care if ppl notice that I'm wearing the same clothes or anything cuz it's my life. That’s basically a challenge of using only 33 clothing items, for 3 months. I found myself getting dressed and ready quite a bit later than usual, and ended up in the “where are my keys? Buffer. Each night, before I went to bed, my brain started kicking in and telling me what it wanted to wear or try the next day. It’s a rigorous standard. So for you, you can read this and you decide if it’s right for you. This double standard plays out across society. Of course, sometimes you're in a bind for time and you grab what's most convenient. Bonus: I’m still hanging up my clothes like an adult. Usually, if I feel bad in an outfit, I blame it on the outfit. I selected a handful of pieces, tried them on, and re-evaluated how they would look alongside my existing wardrobe. An art director on why she leaves the creativity behind when it comes to her professional wardrobe. Back then it was just laziness and seeking for simplicity. 60 Comments. Why I Wear The Exact Same Thing to Work Every Day . Under no circumstances does The Good Trade accept responsibility for, nor shall The Good Trade be liable for any damages or detriment arising out of content, practices, or other media of third party links. Some people I've noticed wore the same clothes for the whole year and never changed them. Even I would call myself very quick in making decisions, I was thinking a lot about, what I should wear and if it would fit that day. Emily Torres is the Managing Editor at The Good Trade. Our Next Life on January 21, 2016 at 10:58 am . So while the Steve Jobs black-turtleneck-and-denim uniform has called to me in the past, I’ve found it difficult to implement on an emotional level. The everyday vs. every day dilemma is not an uncommon one. But if you start regularly wearing the same, unwashed clothes for … Would you wear the same thing every day? After doing this for a while now, all of the factors above really make me happy. Our Site will occasionally contain (paid) links to, and quotation of, material from other sites. These two words suffer from the same problems as anytime and any time, or anyone and any one—compounds can be a source of much confusion.So let’s see how we define and use everyday and how we define and use every day.. Dont think that ur wierd no matter what ppl say Otherwise, once I was done with the outfit for the day, I hung both pieces up carefully and checked them for smells and unsightly stains. Maybe that’s the right approach for you. When you wear the same thing every day, you save time deciding what you’re going to wear each morning. It depends if I feel like looking for something different to wear. Most humans are decision fatigue, so am I in some points. 10. By wearing the same thing every day, you’ll better realize what’s most important to you. When a man wears the same outfit every day, people assume he is too absorbed with important business to worry about … And let's not even talk about what happens in the summer, when the heat, and in some places the humidity, begin to make mask wearing a real challenge. When you wear masks long enough, the backs of your ears begin to get tender and irritated, and unless you wear an extender, having a loose mask on may only be slightly better than having no mask at all. Having a fresh idea for an outfit makes getting out of bed exciting and helps me build a positive outlook for my day. When you decide to wear the same thing every day, all of that becomes easier. And keep in mind that perspiration and skin oils wreck fibres like Lycra so you shouldn’t wear a mixed-fibre bra than *maybe* twice. Sweat. I wear the same clothes all the time. I bucked the neutral approach and selected a bright amethyst washable silk shirt from Sourcery, and paired it with Everlane jeans and Nisolo shoes. Answer Save. May 12, 2019 2 min read minimalism time. Those things are not insignificant. You know what items work for you and your body type and give you the confidence to focus more on your work and be a better team player. Difference Between Everyday and Every Day. Meanwhile, you could be super interesting but wear the same clothes every day. By Matilda Kahl. I always felt a little sense of disappointment when I remembered I couldn’t implement those ideas right away. I don’t need to do any shopping. My new rule is: "Do I love this piece enough that I would wear it for seven days straight?" Exciting outfit combinations swirled, and shoe pairings danced in my mind—so many fun ideas! Andrew Zaeh for Bustle Reitano says that it's possible to get some not-so-great odors down there when you're re-wearing the same underwear for two or more days at time. A couple of years ago, I decided to wear the same outfit all of the time. I wear the same clothes sometimes. I was so proud; I’m not one to immediately hang garments back up, so this was a big step for me. Photography Subjects. Any time I left the house for non-exercise purposes, I was in this outfit. When having only a that less things, doing the laundry is a quite easy task, you are putting 10 shirts in one drawer, done. Just think about how much time goes into maintaining, and organizing, and taking care of your clothes. Garment care was the biggest hurdle since I only have one of each piece (like most people). No figuring out in which closet this has to go. Less so, but still important, I felt the urge to spice up my makeup. on the TSR community forums. Here are some reasons why your should wear the same thing everyday. Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg did it. And nobody cares anyway . Does it matter if you wear the same clothes often? (I mean, I might argue that the wage gap, glass ceiling, and entrenched sexism have something to do with it, but who am I?). Sadly, this same scrutiny happens in the boardroom as well as on the red carpet. Rep:? Everyday. It’s funny, at the same time as I did this I read “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” and got rid of a TON of my clothes – conservatively, I’d say around 60%. All that being said, I decided to embark on a journey to wear the same thing for seven days straight. It got easier, but I still had to choose from one color and I still had tons of other options available. Join in on the conversation about How do you view people who always wear the same clothes? The punchline here is that whether you’re boring or interesting, you shouldn’t let what you wear mask who you are. Nor do I care to. Anonymous. Which, you know, is probably the same as what I spent over the course of six months before starting up this whole crazy idea in the first place. Here are 11 mistakes you’re probably making with face masks. I wear the same color and style of clothing everyday. With the people that I talk about such topics, like minimalism and intentional living, I mostly got the feedback that they would also like to size down a bit but won’t ever go for just wearing the same every day. I figured since my outfit was already planned, I could take all the time in the world to drink my coffee—not true. You won’t believe how much head space that saves me and how happy I am just about that amount of time I am saving each morning. So if you look at the direct costs of the outfit I wear every day, and the indirect layering-and-replacing costs, I’ve spent about $834.95 (USD S620.53) in the past 18 months on my work clothing. im asian. Yes, leggings can be both comfy and cute. 1.) TL;DR – Nothing, people don’t give a fuck. Does she come up with a new, inventive way to style her wardrobe favorites each day? People who prefer to wear black clothing are ambitious, purposeful but also sensitive. Here are 13 everyday habits that could ... and that face masks should be washed after each time you wear it. I’m always torn between minimalism and maximalism. May 17, 2018 - Our writer set out so spend a month wearing the same outfit to work. I ordered 5 blue shirts, 5 grey shirts and 5 black shirts, just for convenience. Black shirts are fitting every where. Check your inbox for a confirmation email! (please dont say any nasty words about my mom)! I understand that fewer things and simpler routines are good for me, but I also love being wildly creative in my personal style. When doing the laundry you will be so amazed, because it’s freaking easy. After this experiment, I can say that I’m much more grateful for the items I own, and I feel determined to continue my journey of only adding pieces that I truly love to the collection. Love it. So, did I learn anything? But with my minimalist approach the benefits became even clearer in my mind. Wearing the same thing everyday (pajamas) because I work from home doesn’t count, huh? This top air-drys well, so I tossed it in with my air-dry only bedsheets and hand washed it a couple of times, which was a nice reminder to slow things down. We live in a world that tells women to express ourselves with a fresh look each day, but it simultaneously reminds us that fashion is frivolous and holding us back from success. For example project 333. Did he complete the sartorial challenge? Re-wearing a dress continues to make headlines, and makeup and other personal grooming expenses are considered unnecessary instead of nuanced. Here’s what I learned from wearing the same outfit for a week. https://www.thegoodtrade.com/features/wearing-same-clothes-every-day But not more than that - between perspiration and shed skin cells and whatever you’ve come into contact with during the day, you need to wash those clothes. 104 Shares. In a perfect state, you could wear the same clothes (not underclothing) the next day. Fewer decisions. Everyday (as one word) is an adjective. 1 decade ago. Let’s start with WHY. 500+ VOTES SO FAR. Then somehow I lost this approach and didn’t get back until I started thinking about minimalism. You can wear leggings to the gym or as a fashion statement. If you have ever wondered why some successful people choose to wear the same outfit everyday, or better yet, if you are considering adopting a more streamlined wardrobe yourself, here are 8 convincing reasons: 1. I wore it on the weekend, out with friends, and while running errands. Can you rock a shirt and tie with cargo pants? Black color helps them to switch the attention of surroundings from their appearance to personality since internal qualities of a person are most important to them. I think I came close. Personally I wore different clothing to uni everyday as I travelled from home so it was a lot easier. TL;DR – Nothing, people don’t give a fuck. I’ve found it a lot easier to get dressed when everything mostly goes together! Wear the same thing, the argument goes, and you’ll have more mental energy to spend on decisions that matter. Actually no one gives a shit. He suggests buying two pairs of the same shoes, if you can, and alternating them. It’s not that I dislike fashion: I love high couture, but I’m no Daphne Guinness; I enjoy fashion as an art form, but that’s about it. I love this concept in theory, but it's more complicated once you examine the outdated gender expectations. Now let’s cover what other people are thinking about you, if you are appearing with the same shirt and jeans all the time. So do you wear the same clothes to uni or college for a whole week or do you wear something different everyday. Explore. And you save significant energy over the course of the week. And lucky you! I don’t care if I am going for a business trip or private vacation. I’m also reminded how important it is to celebrate whatever choices a person makes about their clothing. Re-wearing a dress continues to make headlines, expenses are considered unnecessary instead of nuanced, An Approachable Guide To Creating A Minimalist Wardrobe, Make Do And Mend: How A Costume Designer Creates & Cares For A Sustainable Wardrobe. I spend actually no time with thinking what I should wear. The biggest draw towards wearing an ultra-simplified wardrobe is to cut down on decision fatigue. As to the specific outfit I chose for the experiment, I wouldn’t have changed the top for anything—the cheery bright purple helped me feel vibrant throughout the week. Women's Portrait Photography .. I also drank my coffee and ate much more carefully to avoid drips. Email. You can usually find her reading or writing, caring for her rabbits, or practicing at the yoga studio. Decision fatigue refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual after a long session of decision making. I have about 6 tops, a few pairs of leggings and two pairs of jeans. ... Other than that, I don't give a damn. It’s a privilege to have a closet full of clothes, and it’s a privilege to decide only to wear a few pieces of that wardrobe. Like mentioned above I did this before. Now I am just not thinking about it anymore, what I am going to wear tomorrow, also if you a good fitting black shirt all the time, you will realize it fits for mostly all purposes. I should clarify, I don’t wear the SAME EXACT clothes. I would – but couldn’t get away with it No – I love choosing my clothes everyday . It was easy to care for, as well as versatile, and I found ways to wear it little differently each day (rolled-up sleeves, knotted bottom, tucked-in). I realized that shopping, and then deciding what to wear every day, was taking up too much time and energy. But as I wore the same outer garments each day, I discovered that details like my bra and underwear have a seismic effect on how I feel in my clothing. Favorite Answer. Ampp3d. x. You can more or less wear the same white t-shirt blue jeans combo everyday to work if you want, and own five of the same thing. There are also other approaches than going out with a black shirt with the rest of your life. Both served as reminders that details matter; if you feel more like yourself with a little glitter gloss and a lacy bra, then go for it. Save time and money on shopping for clothes. No, no you can not. Badges: 18. Because getting dressed is fun for me. The shoes would have been less tiresome with darker pants as well; something wasn’t quite making sense between those two garments. i was thinking that it was kinda nasty. I wanted to see how I felt in the outfit, more than even evaluating what other people thought of it. This was a great start, I simply switched through them, but after a while I was mostly wearing a blue shirt. What Happens If You Wear The Same Clothes Every Day? By always wearing the same thing, you don’t have to pack different for any trips. Let’s wear the clothes that suit us, and ignore the ill-fitting expectations that others might try to dress us in. Share. And you'll quickly discover it's not the clothes you are wearing. What happens if you wear the same clothes for 2 days? Why I wear the same thing every day, and what I wear.

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