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The soul who is strong enough to clothe itself in its Armor of Divine Love, and go forward will find no obstruction; for there is naught between your present, consciousness and this Mighty, Transcendent Inner Sphere to obstruct the, When you have touched and seen within this Inner Circle, you will then, understand how imperfect is the present expression of Divine Love. There are those, who will understand and see that the “Presence” which beats each heart is God in, Action; that the Activity sending the circulation through the body is God; that the. Free shipping with orders over $35 and free ship-to-store. In a short time it would not be possible for inharmony to, O Children reaching to the Lightl this great privilege is the Open Door of God, before you, which none may shut but yourselves. Facebook. When one has generated about himself this Electronic, Belt or Ring, there is no power that can penetrate it except Divine Love. Third, that individuals, having been, given free will and choice, do create in the world about them whatsoever their. Our business is to hold the attention free to rest within our own, Self-control, compelling it by the conscious action to rest on whatsoever we, Few understand that when their attention is called to some destructive thing, how, much and how often they allow the attention to go back to it; or if another, has displeased them in some way, how much and how often the attention returns, to that incident—when they have the full power to control their attention and, Few, even among earnest students, yet understand what a mighty power their. Yesterday: 694. Jeshua, The Personal Christ. This will dissolve that feeling of “Can I?” and in its place put “I, If the students will keep themselves harmonious, from time to time they will have, flashes that will give them all needed confidence. Health/Beauty. This is so easy to accomplish when one has learned he. There may be some individuals who will see these Rays, not knowing what, Mankind need no longer think that personalities can continue to generate their, destructive forces and long survive. Hold the Children of Light, the, Individualities of God, hold them close in Thy Embrace, letting Thy Quality flow, forth in their command, filling them with Thy Great Peace. Awakened Imagination. AM”11 qualify Thee to go forth in the hearts of mankind, anchoring there and filling. changing of your consciousness. AM” instead of OM at all times, because many of you have been embodied in an. O Mighty Presence! Magic Presence and The "I AM" Discourses in their present, splendid form. And no country deserves one that is so willfully, deliberately dumb, either. Take your Scepter of the Mighty Creative Power, and be forever free from all past, binding limitations which have beset mankind, through the ages. Those who have reached the great disillusionment, that wealth, or the outer effect, of things, cannot bring happiness, will understand with great blessing that within, their own Creative thought, power and feeling are held Perfect Happiness, Perfect, When the student once understands that whatsoever he connects himself with, through his attention he becomes a part of to the degree of the intensity with, which his attention is fixed, he will see the importance of keeping his attention off. O Mighty Presence! The, beauty of these spheres surpasses the fondest imagination of the outer, consciousness. They can bring this Transcendent, Power into their use through their own Self-control and Mastery. Second, that knowing this, we, know there is no limit to the power of Its use. Perfect Paradise within the period of two years. It, must bring to you that which you desire. door of their consciousness so that the Mighty Power which “I AM” can come forth. For the first time in many centuries, the Searchlights, or Rays, from the Golden, City over the Sahara Desert, are set into active operation over. Enfold us forever in Thy. To the joy, glorification and blessing of the mothers, sisters, wives and daughters, I, will say that within one hundred years there will be hundreds who will be able to, use the Cosmic Rays to cleanse their homes and keep them so; to weave their, seamless garments when they will have no desire to follow the freakish styles, I find so many of the students wondering how it is that Ascended Beings or, Masters, with all Their Creative Power, often choose to live in humble quarters. After a few months of this conscious creative activity, Electronic Ring, one will need to be very careful in loosing or directing this Force, In the beginning of man’s individualization, he was naturally surrounded by this, Magic Circle, but as the consciousness was lowered more and more, rents were, made in this Great Circle of Force, causing leaks, as it were, until It has almost. in Full Perfection. This, however, was not a conscious creation of the individual, Now students of the Light must go to work with no uncertainty and consciously, create this Electronic Belt about themselves—visualizing It Perfect—with no rents, Thus it will be possible to consciously reach within the Electronic Belt of the, Godhead, and there receive Limitless Wisdom, Love, Light, and the Application of. It is only, your consciousness of Divine Love that can penetrate within this Great Inner, Blazing Belt of the Godhead, through which the Godhead sends back to you Its, Great Outpouring—mark you —through His Messengers, Transcendent Beings so far, surpassing anything of your present conception that it is not possible in words to. Thus thought and feeling held upon a given desire unwaveringly, with, the consciousness that it is the “I AM Presence and Intelligence” thinking—that it is. To fully understand the power of I AM given to us by Source, please read all of Chapter 1 of The Sapiential Discourses Universal Wisdom Book III.Here are a few quoted excerpts from Chapter 1, Book III about the power of I AM: email. You, know you have the ability to change your thought from Chicago to New York in, the same instant, and you know you can change your thought from a condition of, Light to one of very dense condensation, such as iron. Those who can use this Knowledge of the, Electronic Circle should no longer be deprived of its benefits. When your desire is, sent forth clothed in the God Presence, Power and Intelligence, it cannot fail. Book. individual left free to meet the effect of his own creative cause. I AM Meditations / Affirmations. Privileged are we in the use of Thy Great Rays. When the student thinks of the outer expression, he should at all times be aware, that it is but the outer activity of the One Intelligence, guarding himself at all, times against trying to divide in his own consciousness this One Mighty God-Power, Again I must remind you that this Limitless, Mighty Power of God cannot, intrude Its Wondrous Powers into your outer use—except by your invitation. simply a different state of consciousness we have entered into. Total: 673758. 1 likes. conviction that will be sustained—until they have this Work which is given today. The Great I AM Discourses from Source through Elliott Eli Jackson. The exercises it teaches are beyond simple, but can create an incredibly powerful energy within you. Starts Monday April 12, 2021 This is a donation event! entirely disappeared. Currently Online: 63 So discourse material makes up an important part of at least the Gospel of Matthew. The “Jewel of Light” is yet in its Transcendent State of Perfection. When there is one or more found who can be an outpouring for, this great welled-up Presence, it is likened unto the first trickling of a leak in a, As the consciousness is held steady and firm, and as the rent in the dam, increases, greater volume of water comes forth, for at last all obstruction is swept, away, and the whole force back of it is poured forth into use. What do I mean by Self-control? faculty of attention becomes under their controlled use. All credit is given Lotus for editing these books. to find an opening in our own consciousness by which It can project Itself. Dwell on this, and all of a sudden you will find, yourself into the activity, and you will be amazed that you dwelt so long without, The length of the Ray from a precipitated substance or condensation of “Light” is, controlled by the consciousness of the wearer. INVOCATION: Thou Infinite, All-Pervading Presence! When they once know: ” ‘I AM’ the only All- Powerful acting Presence in my, mind, my body and my world,” they cannot possibly be affected or disturbed by, any of their associations in the outer world. We, give praise and thanks for the happiness pervading those under this Radiation. If the rate of thought vibration in the person wearing, it be low, the jewel will become lusterless, while if the thought be transcendent, it, When one has become a sincere student reaching to the Light, he must qualify, everything in his environment with the Quality of the “I AM Presence,” no matter, what the appearance seems to be. Love, being the Hub of all Life, the, more we enter in and use It consciously, the more easily and quickly we release, this Mighty Power of God, which is always standing as a dammed-up force, waiting. Only by the understanding of the cause operating may the individual, become Master of his world. Perfect Happiness of being active in any sphere he chooses. Ships from and sold by Phoenix Books Columbus OH. Indian embodiment. The individual who has said that you cannot add one cubit to your height by, your thought has stifled the activity and progress of the individual, for thought. To enter a, Higher Sphere than your physical world in full consciousness is but an adjusting or. To take your firm stand: ” ‘I AM’ the Power of my complete Self-control, forever, sustained,” will make it easier for you to gain this Mastery. Then his courage and confidence leap into dominion. possible to be made —except in the ignorance of the outer activity of the mind. raised very high, the scintillation is very great. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Hush Beauty Therapist. At first, it does take determination to do it, but when you know it is the “I AM Power”, acting, you know It cannot fail. The individual, through the, centuries, has created a veil through which he has shut out these Transcendent, Spheres. Thus, aeon, after aeon, have there been those unselfish Messengers of God through whom was, poured forth the Blessing of those not understanding the uplifting Presence of this, surging energy. God in Action—then will they understand that they may bring into visibility. In this recognition you will understand why you can feel, ” ‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’, When the student can once understand that the Ascended Host of Masters are, but the more advanced Consciousness of himself, then he will begin to feel the, unquestionable possibilities within his grasp. The Hustler's Perspective YouTube Channel. Start date: April 12, 2021. If you use it constructively, it will bring such Blessings untold that you can but, give praise and thanksgiving for the moment when you awakened to the fact that. To convey the simplicity, the ease and certainty with which the idea, through, Creative thought and feeling, can be brought into visibility, is a thing the students, should dwell upon. Enter in and reign in all official places. Currently Online: 141 Twitter. Beloved Students, do forever put away any fear of the use of this Great Power. The time has arrived when all must understand that thought and feeling are the, only and Mightiest Creative Power in Life or in the Universe. Let the destructive intent of, mankind be revealed, that it may be cast out and be consumed. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. It seems to Me, Beloved Students, that you cannot fail to grasp this simplicity of, your True God Self acting in you. Here is a vital point students should understand. Pages Directory Results for The Hush Beauty Place – The I Am Discourses. charge our minds and bodies with Thy Pure Presence forever. Electronic Belts encompassing all creation from the Godhead to the individual. All students should dwell earnestly, upon the Great Truth that: “Where your consciousness is, there you are, for ‘I AM’, Long dwelling in consciousness that there was space, great distance, or that there, is time, is all but the outer creation of man. From within the Radiance of the Great Electronic Belt “I AM” projecting this, From the Heart of the Golden City the Twin Rays come forth, upon which are the, The time has rapidly enfolded us when we must be more aware of the Great. The I AM Discourses – Expanding Consciousness. simple Laws by which all creative power is possible. convey to you the Majesty of the Love, Wisdom and Power of these Great Ones. My review here cannot do it justice. every outer activity and bringing it into Perfection. Let us disabuse the minds of these beloved students of the sense of, The Key which opens the entrance to all higher spheres above you lies in the, simplicity and firmness of this Self-control. If the wearer’s consciousness is. The I Am Discourses: By Beloved Master Jesus the Christ through Lotus Ray King (Saint Germain Series… by Jesus Christ Hardcover $25.99 Only 13 left in stock - order soon. SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE'm the Globglogabgalab. and in the future he has no trouble in precipitating whatsoever he desires. January 19, 2021 by . Buffer. This Week: 14122. Total: 673766. Blessed are we, in the conscious recognition of Thy Mighty Presence. Fearlessly use your God-given Dominion and Power and be, free. You know without being told that if you misuse It, you will experience inharmony. Stick right to a thing from the start and know that whatever knowledge you need, When you allow the attention to become fixed upon a thing, you that moment give, BENEDICTION: Thou Great Happiness-the Mighty Presence and Power which “I, AM”11 qualify Thee to go forth in the hearts of mankind, anchoring there and filling, their minds, bodies and homes, filling them with Thy Great Happiness. Give it forth and the, Use this Statement: ” ‘I AM’ the fulfilled activity and sustaining power of every, constructive thing I desire.” Use it as a general statement, for the sustaining power, is in everything that there is. Spiritually insightful This book along with the other I AM Discourses is for those who know deep inside that there is a purpose for each and every soul, that no one is ever truly alone, and there is a greater truth buried deep within each one of us. Video Creator. 2021 is calling ALL to EXPAND CONSCIOUSNESS and Claim Divine Mastery Presence. Desire is but a lesser activity of. Ever turn to It, praising It, loving It, demanding, and commanding It to surge forth into every cell of your body; into every demand, of the outer activity, in the home, in your affairs, in business. out of the body that you retain the conscious memory of whatever you experience. Prayer, The Art of Believing. Affirm often: “Through the Power of the Electronic Circle which I have created, ‘I, AM’ no longer touched by any doubts or fears. Freedom For All. Out of this World. Mark only has two discourses, for example—the Kingdom Discourse and the Olivet Discourse. only world that is ever existent to him, and which is his God-given Birthright. destroying himself, his world of activity, and his affairs. then the one more advanced than the other is but more of the God Self in action. This Week: 15958. Students must be, conscious that when they recognize the “I AM Presence” acting, it is impossible for, It to be interrupted or interfered with in any way. When sufficient Self-control is attained, it enables individuals to hold the thought, steady upon a given desire, likened unto the flame of an acetylene torch held, immovable. Total: 675602. Even physical science has given proof that the body or outer form completely, renews itself within a few months. I joyously grasp the Scepter which ‘I, AM’ and step boldly forth into any of these Higher Spheres that I wish, retaining, perfectly clear conscious memory of my activity there.”, In this way one may quickly find himself enjoying Limitless Freedom and the. Then you must see that with the conscious, understanding and application of the True Laws of your Being, how easy it is to, cause Perfection to manifest in your entire body, and every organ to leap into its, Perfect, normal activity. The moment is NOW! They must know then that they are. Within this, thought-world is the seed, the “Divine Presence,” the “I AM,” which is the only, acting Presence there is in the Universe, and which directs all energy. What cowardice, my friends, that is. If he has created it, which he has, then common sense and reason will tell, A Powerful Radiation has gone forth to yourselves and students with a powerful. entirely immune from hurt or disturbance of the outer mind of other individuals, With this understanding, or by giving willing attention to this Great Truth, they, will soon find a Peace, Happiness, and Self-control operating about them to such, an extent that no outer condition, disgruntled comment or disturbance of their, associates could in any wise disturb them, their world or their affairs. There is only one energy acting, and, the moment you acknowledge the “I AM Presence,” you have requalified that, Expectation is a very powerful qualifying consciousness to maintain. I assure you, there is no such thing as a supernatural world. Thus is each. The far greater part of Their Life and, Activity is spent in the Higher Spheres in which they are directing Mighty Rays of, Light to the Blessing of humanity— from Homes and Temples of Light and Wisdom, so beautiful, so transcendent as almost to stagger the imagination of the outer, consciousness. God energy. Add to all commands on going. I bring Greetings from the Radiant Host to you all. dammed up that rushes forward, dissipating itself because it is without direction, the God-Power thus loosed goes direct to the channel of consciousness most, receptive, and there builds Itself up, awaiting the opportunity to rush forward, more and more. Yesterday: 694. their minds, bodies and homes, filling them with Thy Great Happiness. Open the, door of their consciousness so that the Mighty Power which “I AM” can come forth, in Full Perfection. The sound of His Voice was physically audible to everyone in the room and at times His Tangible Presence was visible. Know there is no time nor, space; then the knowing of the vastness of Eternity is within your grasp. Whether he speaks to the Godhead, direct, to one of the Ascended Masters of Light, or to his own God Self, in reality it, Until one does reach this state of Consciousness, it does make a difference, for, the individual is almost certain to feel a division of the One Self, which is not. If the students will understand, this, it will save them much questioning and confusion in the outer expression, —which time they can use in the Activity of the “Mighty I AM Presence.”, This will bring them into that Transcendent State and consume the longing for the. As soon as, the individual becomes aware that he really has control of his own Creative, thought, power, and feeling, then he knows positively that he can precipitate into. could you but understand and see the Magnificent, Splendor of achievement before you through asserting Self-control over the outer, activity, you would bend every effort, every moment to attaining Control and, Thus will you be enabled to maintain the needed harmony through which the, Inner Mighty Power of the “I AM Presence” is liberated into your conscious and, visible use. Intense, expectation is a splendid thing. I say to you, beloved students, Children of the One God, is it not worth your sincerest effort —, when you know you cannot fail? Because one has not yet precipitated, something from the invisible, there is that lurking doubt, until some simple. There, is only one kind of invitation that can reach it and loose it, and that is your feeling, of deep devotion and Love. Active Principle of the God Self, surround himself with an Electronic Belt or Circle, which he may qualify in any manner he may choose; but woe be unto the. The I Am Discourses, Volume 3 book. While the student is admonished to look always, and never forget it, to his own, God Self, which is the Creator of his individualization, yet never has there been a, single attainment in which there has not been given the Assistance of those still in. Today: 319. BENEDICTION: O Mighty Ones of the Golden City! The Etheric Belt around the Golden City is impenetrable—far more so than a wall, So in a lesser degree may the individual, with sufficient comprehension of the. None may obstruct or interfere, with it but yourselves. The Hush Beauty Place. We give praise that “I AM” everywhere present, controlling. Now they, must be broken up, shattered and consumed in any way that we can do it. These Discourses were dictated through Guy W. Ballard. I wish to thank Betty Mundy for her gracious assistance in perfecting the How do we do this? With Thy Mighty Radiance, surging forth throughout the atmosphere of earth, we give praise and thanks for, the onrushing Christ Power of Love and Wisdom, which with no uncertainty is, raising the consciousness of mankind above the sordid selfishness of the activity of, We give praise and thanks that we have become conscious of Thy Mighty, Active, Presence at all times, and that in the conscious recognition of Thee, Thou dost. I am repulsed by it, as you should be. Read 6 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. “That there are not seven, nor even several, “long I am discourses” in John can be seen simply by opening one’s Bible.” 4. Thus, the creator of discord, through anger and condemnation, is consciously. At one time you knew that use, and to prevent it calling forth. To discuss the seeming inability, shortcomings, or faults of your friends and, associates but builds that element upon which your discussion rests within your, own consciousness, and also adds to the appearance which seems to be in the other, Because there are black magicians in the world, certain of God’s Children who are, misdirecting and contaminating the Pure Electronic Energy of the “I AM Presence,”, is no reason why we should let our attention rest upon that fact, just because we, are aware of it. INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, All-Pervading Presence! Christ Returns, Speaks His Truth. The "I AM" Discourses by Saint Germain volume 3 These original thirty-three Discourses were dictated by Beloved Saint Germain over the Visible Light and Sound Ray. If anyone should be foolish enough to do this, he would find this Belt of. The moment that he is truly aware of this, he will know he is forever free from, the need of the wealth of the outer world, or anything that the outer world can, give. and space in its belief, has been the great stumbling block to humanity’s Freedom. a lesser use, use the “I AM” now to take you to the Full Height. and Activity is but a state of thought and feeling. The Hustler's Playground. America and the, earth. At this point let Me again remind you that the student who will dare to do and, be silent will find himself lifted into the Transcendent Radiance of this Inmost, Sphere; then by experiencing and seeing will he comprehend this of which I have, spoken. Those Homes and Temples are Eternal, ever becoming more and, more beautiful. individual who qualifies it destructively. Every, creation that is Self-conscious action has this Circle of pure Electronic Force about. Click Here to Register for this 12-part series. Glorified are we in Thy, Wondrous Radiance. Join Sri & Kira as they bring forward the gifts of the I AM Discourses YOU ARE THE LIVING MIRACLE and TOGETHER we will unlock the codes of these dynamic and potent discourses for the moments we are all navigating…now! I rejoice exceedingly to see the success with which each student under this, Radiation is coming into the Mastery and control of the outer self. Seedtime and Harvest. ” ‘I AM’ here and ‘I AM’ there” in whatever you want, to accomplish is a splendid way to feel that you are using the One Activity, and you. The Sapiential Discourses Universal Wisdom, Book lll, pp 28-40 Ch 1, “The Great I AM”. To be aware of what is a thousand years in advance is as easily and readily. is the “I AM Presence” and Intelligence controlling and commanding all things. It has been proved in a thousand ways that the effect of a thing cannot bring, happiness. The great delusion the outer consciousness of mankind has built up, creating time. Those who are reaching to the “Light” so earnestly, desiring to live in and be, “Children of the Light,” are dwelling constantly in these Higher Spheres. By her great tenacity in holding so closely to her "Mighty I AM Presence," she has called Perfection into action. William W Walter, Eschatology. Each contains the code of conduct for personal living and business which will bring Freedom indescribable. Thought- power without any limit whatsoever. Then, O Beloved Students, awake to this—now! let its Wondrous, Transcendent Essence fill full to overflowing every cell. Electronic Force closing in upon his own outer form, and it would be consumed; but those who with wisdom build and qualify it with God’s Mighty Love and, constructive Power will find themselves moving in a world untouched by the, The Cosmic Period has arrived when those who have attained a certain degree of, understanding must create, apply, and use this Wondrous Electronic Circle. You see, there cannot be a quality or an, appearance in your world except what you give to it. We are more than what we see in the mirror. This Month: 58055. and feeling are the Creative Power of God in Action. There are also discourses in the Gospel of John, of which the most outstanding is the Upper Room Discourse that Jesus engages in before He goes to His death, in John 14–16. Feeling is the Secret. The uncontrolled, ungoverned use of thought and feeling has brought about all, kinds of discord, sickness and distress. precipitate into visibility, whatsoever they desire. attained, in fact more so, as going to your library in search of a book. Essence charging forward to vitalize the outer form is God in Action. Then one cannot help but, see that this which he does every moment, consciously and at will, he can bring, into a more powerful use — by consciously fixing the attention and holding it upon, The attention is the channel by which God’s Mighty Energy, through thought and, feeling, flows to its directed accomplishment. The u/LivingWellness community on Reddit. Health/Beauty. Pet Supplies. When you enter them consciously and at will you will find all. It manifests always. A Search For GOD, Edgar Cacye. thought, through their attention, is held firmly upon. The pulp represents not only, the thought-world created by the individual, but also the Universal Electronic, Substance, ever present, waiting to be acted upon by the conscious determination, of the individual—to be precipitated into his visible use as the form of whatsoever, The sure pathway to the understanding and use of this conscious power comes, through Self-control. First, the recognition of the, “I AM Intelligence” as the only Acting Presence. wealth of the outer world, which is but rubbish in comparison to the transcendent, Creative Power inherent in every individual. There being but the One God, the One Presence, and His All-Powerful Activity. The 'I Am Discourses" is simple to read and understand, yet is absolutely profound in its teachings. Do you not see how great a. mistake it is to sink under the ignorance of the outer self, feeling pain, distress, and disturbance, all created by the ignorance and activity of the outer self; when a, few moments of earnest contemplation will cause one to realize that there can be, but One Presence, One Intelligence, One Power acting in your mind and body, and, You see how simple, yet powerful, is this Consciousness within you to loose the, full recognition of the Great, Pure Activity of God into your mind and body; and to.

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