papal infallibility debunked

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Speaking of papal infallibility, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has affirmed that the Church’s teaching that ordination is reserved to males is an infallible teaching.The confirmation, which refers to the teaching contained in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, states: “This teaching requires definitive assent, since, founded on the written Word of … I got hit with this argument: and yet, there are cases where Popes have tried to exercise supreme authority, and his brother bishops stood against him going all the way back to Pope Victor, and most clearly in the 5th Council where Pope Vigilius was excommunicated and he repented Then I was looking at Pope … Pope Pius XI, Divini Illius Magistri (#16-18), Dec. 31, 1929: “Upon this magisterial office Christ conferred infallibility, together with the command to teach His doctrine… Hence it is that in this proper object of her mission, that is, in faith and morals, God Himself has made the Church a sharer in the divine magisterium and, … In short, Father Heschmeyer argues that Protestantism and Orthodoxy cannot with absolute certainty define what is or what isn't infallible. Myth 2: It means the pope never sins. Conditions for infallibility []. The cunning fraud Mr. Andrew Wakefield is back again pushing a new brand of anti-vaccine gibberish combined with a huge dollop of COVID-19 denialism. + Papal Infallibility + The Catholic Church teaches that the Pope is infallible at closely defined times. Such passages as: "Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church; to you I … On September 8th, 1713, Pope Clement XI issued a Bull, Unigenitus, which among other things condemned the proposition that reading of the bible is for everyone, 1 and seemed to exalt the efficacy of grace to the point of destroying liberty.It also appeared to limit the … 5.) Papal Infallibility Becomes Dogma by Michael Whelton. Just a presentation about Peter’s alleged primacy. As our current pontiff Pope Francis is quick to humbly admit, the pope is a sinful person who is in need of God’s grace and goes to confession like everyone else. This is called "ex cathedra", literally meaning in Latin "from the chair". Peter Declares That Jesus Is the Messiah 13 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” … The Papacy/Papal Infallibility Debunked Mat 16:13-19. Peter regarded himself not as lord of other pastors but simply as another elder … The Pope is only infallible when he, in union with the body of bishops, solemnly teaches that a doctrine as true. Nothing. No defense of Papal Infallibility (hereafter PI). First, Scripture. So papal infallibility has always been true, and, moreover, was accepted and practiced from the earliest times. Wednesday, February 16, 2011 ... Would have Peter been wrong about about something else aside from doctrine then Papal Infallibility and Peter as the first Pope would've worked. The Papal Claim of Peter as First Pope Debunked By FRANKLIN. When my turn came I delivered a 30-minute presentation on the topic of the debate: papal infallibility. … Of course, he would jump into the fray pushing debunked and discredited tropes about COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, because he has had nothing factual to say about any vaccine for … A little over a week ago, Joe Heschmeyer over at Shameless Popery published a blog post attacking the so-called epistemic problems of both Protestantism and Orthodoxy. SCRIPTURE. Truth: Papal infallibility only regards doctrine, not the holiness of the pope. He never even read from the First Vatican Council. Myth 3: It means the pope can make up … This is … Not even a definition. The Vatican Council specified the conditions for Papal infallibility as: The Pontiff must teach in his public and official capacity as pastor and doctor of all Christians, not merely in his private capacity as a theologian, preacher or allocutionist, nor in his capacity as a temporal prince or as … This is why papal infallibility is a secondary object of the indefectibility of the Petrine See. The evidence that papal infallibility is part of the Christian Faith comes from three sources. As Bellarmine states: “The fourth opinion is that in a certain measure, whether the Pope can be a heretic or not, he cannot define a heretical proposition that must be believed by the whole Church in any way.

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