how to teach reading in spanish

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This isn’t a summary of the book, but more of a commercial. Select the text ahead of time, and then create one of the following activities as a warm-up before reading in class or at home. Your classroom should drip with literature. Why or why not?”. This makes the whole reading experience more memorable. The Word Splash activity will be difficult for novice learners, so either do it as a class or have them represent their understanding in a non-linguistic way by drawing pictures that represent what they already know about a topic and labeling it when possible. Text-based Instruction: Prioritize Spanish Reading Materials Text-based instruction emphasizes reading comprehension skills by giving students different kinds of texts, like newspaper articles, and trusting that deeper learning will take place as the students learn … How to Teach Reading in Spanish. To conduct a book talk, allow two or three students to give a brief description of a text they’re reading to the class. For another spanish is a really widely spoken language. The words will vary depending on the level, but the activity is conducted in the same way. Intermediate students should be encouraged to deliver their descriptions in Spanish. Reading in Spanish is one of the best ways to immerse yourself in the language. © 2021 Enux Education Limited. Have children’s books and magazines available for perusal and for students to take home. The ACTFL recommends a minimum of 75 minutes of foreign language instruction each week. So, you’ll want to start finding materials for these levels by looking to children’s books. Let students know about the selection of Spanish-language books available in the school or public library. Escaleras de fluidez – Reading in Spanish requires fast syllable processing. They understand messages found in very familiar, everyday contexts. We all know that because we’ve all been there! You read large amounts, and are concerned with enjoying the story or learning from the contents. Nov 13, 2016 - Strategies to help learn vocabulary and reading in another language. Good readers tend to make sense of what they learn by calling upon what they know. Cloze — Create sentences that contain about ten of the key vocabulary words students will need in reference to the text’s topic. Alphabet Game — Help students remember what they already know about a topic with this game. When students learn to make connections from their own experience, they have a foundation upon which they can place new facts, ideas and concepts. Understanding student level discrepancies is critical in crafting any part of a lesson. You looked at a text and thought, “How many new words are there and how do I pronounce them?” Or worse, “How badly is everyone going to laugh when I butcher this sentence?”. These readers will rely on their own background knowledge and “clues” such as pictures, cognates or text formatting to help them gain understanding. For example, let’s say that this is your question: “¿Quién es el personaje principal del cuento y cómo sabes?” (Who is the main character and how do you know?). When they’re familiar with the subject matter, they should be able to recognize the main argument in an argumentative text. The ACTFL recognizes three: foreign language experience (FLEX), sequential learning and immersion. You can teach your child to read in Spanish at home. Instead, teachers take 10 to 20 sentences from authentic literature (think YA books) and write 4 to 5 open-ended questions. Highly predictable pattern books, grocery lists, restaurant bills and simplified infographics are examples of texts that are appropriate for this level. See more ideas about reading strategies, vocabulary, teaching. When novice students present their book talk, they can share a description in English and read one or two lines from the book in Spanish. This allows for students to get a deeper understanding of the text, practice fluency and get an opportunity to hear and pronounce words correctly. certification to teach Spanish as a foreign language, it’s becoming more and more popular to add them to foreign language curricula, How to Teach the Spanish Subjunctive Creatively and Effectively, 14 Awesome Spanish Presentations to Introduce Vocabulary to Beginners in Your Classroom, The Quick and Easy Guide to Teaching with Spanish Songs, Win at Life: 5 Fun Spanish Vocabulary Games for the Classroom, How to Teach Spanish Prepositions with Cartoons, 5 Writing Projects for Spanish Class to Get Students’ Brain Juice Flowing, 5 Terrific Songs for Teaching Varieties of Spanish Through Music, Readers at this level are very limited in their understanding. I’ll say something like, “Disculpa las molestias, pero me gustaría compartir lo que hizo ____.” (Pardon the interruption, but I would like to share what ____ did.). We’re going to start with the basics, the ABCs. 1. Then you can continue to circle around the class, respond to raised hands and give guidance to everyone who needs it. How to Teach Kids Spanish. It’s best if the topic of a chosen text is of general interest to them, but they’re also able to read new subject matter and compensate for limitations by using context clues. Learn Spanish by reading in Spanish with these intermediate Spanish stories from Lingo Mastery. What that means is that every letter makes the same sound in the alphabet as it does in a word. If you think read-alouds are only for elementary students, think again. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240). How? These readers are most successful with a text that’s simple, predictable and loosely connected in simple sentences, paragraphs and pages. Underneath the Palabra column, choose five to ten key vocabulary words. Weekend Links: 1001 Libros Infantiles to Tres Lech... Upside Right Encourages Children to Be Active, Flamenco Lesson Plans, Activities, and More. Students at this level understand longer narratives and descriptive texts, and should be able to identify both the main idea and supporting details of these texts. We do it letter by letter and it’s sound. Bilingual Activities to Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day. I know because ____.). Same principle, more complex language. Learning English becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. But over the past nine months, I have done a lot of digging and research. Put a teddy or a stuffed animal alongside and ask who wants to answer. Create a table with three columns: Oración (Statement), Estoy de acuerdo (I agree) and No estoy de acuerdo (I disagree). I really, really hope that these are helpful. Novice and intermediate students will need texts with less complex vocabulary and sentence structures. Students will then rate how well they know the word from one to three, with one being “I’ve never heard this word before,” two being “I’ve heard and/or seen this word, but I’m not sure what it means” and three being “I’ve heard this word and I can use it in a sentence.”. All of this is a lot to think about when planning for a lesson that lasts only about 15 minutes! While lessons are an important piece of the learning puzzle, actively experiencing the second language in your day-to-day life is an excellent way to develop understanding and fluidity of speech. Say the words out loud as you write them down. If they chose a three, they write a sentence using the word in the Ejemplo column and they write the definition in the Significado column. from time to time. The students I taught at the secondary level had already started their journey, but I did learn that what I knew about reading would benefit all ages and grades, not just prekindergarten through second grade students. As you write down the translations, click the Spanish word on Omniglot to hear the correct pronunciation. It helps creates curiosity about a topic. How Reading Helps Your Spanish Language Skills. Keep your personal classroom library stocked with chapter books and YA novels. If you are looking for a way to teach preschoolers Spanish and get them engaged in the process consider documenting. Want to work from home? ". Answer the third question. This activity is usually done on a half-sheet of paper with the fill-in-the-blank sentences at the top and the vocabulary words at the bottom, but it can also be set up on a PowerPoint so the class can work together. Read a portion out loud and then have the graphic novel available for students to peruse or take home. If you’re determined to boost reading comprehension fast, quite a few of these can be mixed and matched within the same class periods. Simple theme. FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons. Exposing students to new vocabulary in context and reading aloud to get its correct pronunciation. Spanish texts for beginners to practice and develop your Spanish reading and comprehension skills. These guidelines describe, more or less, texts a student at each level can understand. Spanish is a phonetic language, unlike English. Boys read out loud and girls follow along, or left side of the classroom reads while other side listens. Write five to ten true or false statements that are related to the topic of the text. This helps to stimulate interest and asks students to start thinking critically. Getting comfortable with written Spanish is necessary to fluency, and online exercises such as these are a proven way to get better. Spanish Texts for Beginners. Not that you won’t expose students to picture books at this level, but you want them to enjoy and discover what reading they can do on their own. Much of early reading instruction in … That’s all to be expected—don’t be afraid to challenge them, but do make sure you’re prepared to support them in class. You’ll activate their prior knowledge and get them in the right mindset to approach the text with their own experiences. ), “Me cambié de opinión porque ____.” (I changed my mind because ____.). These discussions should be brief. Use things in your surroundings to turn reading into a game and to teach the ABC, the numbers, and first words. Answer the second question, then allow students to discuss in groups and check for understanding. For novice and intermediate levels I might assign a word to a student and they’ll need to do some research and share the word, example and definition with the class by the end of the lesson. Part of the series: Spanish Language Basics. When teaching someone to read Spanish, it's best to begin with simple visuals, such as flash cards, or something as interactive as a puzzle. Teachers typically develop this skill with activities such as rhyming or phoneme blending—where students are given the sounds that make up a word and asked to put it all together. Also as you write out the phrases, pick apart what you write. While phonological awareness is all about sound discrimination, you aren’t actually connecting sounds to letters. Make sure novice and intermediate students have access to texts they can easily read. Vocabulary is knowing the necessary words to be able to communicate. Las palabras ____ y ____ van juntas porque ____. When it comes to learning a second language, we develop basic vocabulary first—hola (hello), hace frío (it’s cold), tengo hambre (I’m hungry), etc.—before we move into more advanced language. One such tutoring program that provides intensive instruction in Spanish is called Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL), an application of Reading Recovery (RR) in Spanish (Escamilla & Andrade, 1992). Have you ever walked into a book store or library and been completely overwhelmed? Select a handful of good books, and assign a group or pair of students to read each one. As it turns out, the same fundamental reading strategies would be just as beneficial for these learners. Normally, that will give the other students an idea of how to proceed if they’re stuck. For the most effective Spanish teaching, professionals recommend going from “closed” to... 2. The most important component of a successful book talk is having these texts available for students. The text will be read out loud four different times. 3. some great resources! Part of the series: Spanish Language Basics. Discuss and check for comprehension. There are numerous ways to teach your kids Spanish, and few of them involve lesson type learning. Show them how to use highlighters to mark important main points, how to annotate text with a question and comment in the margin (or on a separate piece of paper), and how to stop reading when they are confused. If students take a long time reading syllables, they may need some practice in this area in order to improve their fluency, decoding, and comprehension. For the Knowledge Grid, I let my advanced students work individually or with partners, but no research is allowed. The pictures serve as a visual aid to increase student comprehension. You might already see the many reasons why this is a good activity for getting students to read. Have fewer statements for the novice learners and ensure that they’re simple. The class then categorizes words, and once the categories are named, a class map is created. This Spanish Reading Comprehension page printable resources and web-bases reading comprehension resources that you can use to teach, practice and/or assess reading comprehension in the Spanish language.. Teachers please feel free to use these Spanish teaching resources, but we ask that you respect the copyright and footer information of all of them. I observe students as they write, and that lets me know what students already know and what I need to be sure to cover. Expanding Your Teaching Methods 1. The following descriptions are based on the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines for reading comprehension when learning Spanish as a foreign language. Students need to fill in the blank by consulting a word bank at the bottom of the page. Implicit means it’s not stated, but the reader can infer meaning and gain understanding by looking at textual clues. The other four components tie into reading comprehension, but comprehension is the most important for students to achieve. Increasing variety in your classroom isn’t difficult, but it is essential. Explicit means something has been stated outright, there’s no question. Feliz Día de San Patricio, Happy St. Patrick's Day! If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to teach Spanish with real-world videos. Students must think of facts, descriptors and names—or anything else they can think of—that’s related to the topic and that corresponds with the letters they were given. It exposes students to new vocabulary, which will improve their overall comprehension. Be part of an empowering and collaborative community? Tell students the topic, then divide the letters of the alphabet among the class. Have every student find their very own Spanish-language book to read. The old adage is that you can do phonological awareness activities with your eyes closed. Students benefit from the same idea. Enhance reading comprehension by teaching students pre-reading strategies. If you have any experience in this area, I hope that you will share with the other readers your tips, suggestions, and resources. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you They should be exposed to texts with plenty of high-frequency vocabulary. Reading out loud is so beneficial, but can be so frightening for language learners. Maybe by the end of this week you'll have the tools to have your child reading like this one... You can also take a look at one of my favorite bilingual homeschooling blogs that I have often shared with you in my Weekend Links, Let's start this week off with this short video by. 4. Then they’ll answer some questions pertaining to the text. Although we want our advanced students to eventually delve into classic Spanish novels like “Don Quijote,” let’s start them off with good YA (Young Adult) books that are sure to spark their interest. Especially if you are teaching students who may one day travel... 3. Let’s take the Spanish letter a for example. Spanish Reading Comprehension. Read articles about teaching Spanish (like this one!) I’ve included over 30 Spanish resources, most of which contain dozens of articles and stories to read in Spanish. Make sure the passage is interesting and from which you can draw your 4 to 5 questions. That’s exactly what we’re going to do in Spanish. The information was either understood explicitly or implicitly. It might be natural for you to read a lot in your mother tongue, but this is very different from the kind of reading you might do in a foreign language textbook. The first question might be a general comprehension question like, “What is the setting and how do you know?” or “What does ____ mean in line 8 and what clues helped you figure it out?”, Then questions 4 and 5 might be something like, “Why does the speaker feel that way?” or “If this were you, would you respond in the same way? And if they aren't - let me know in the comments! The student read “the sky is blue” and understands that the sky is blue. I promise it isn’t. If you’re looking for a resource that could cater to all levels, you should check out FluentU. I make sure that if I do this activity a lot, I take the opportunity to expose students to all kinds of texts. For example, they’re given a/z/u/l and they put it all together to say “azul” (blue). We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. To see Dr. Palacios in action in her preschool classroom, take a look at the "Reading... Instruction for the Beginning Reader in Spanish. How much of “Cien años of soledad” can a novice understand? Weekend Links: The Giving Tree to Albóndigas, The 2011 Endangered Species Day Youth Art Contest. English is considered to be an opaque orthography, while Spanish is transparent and predictable. Students have a chance to listen to a fluent speaker first (you) before they read out loud as a group. Due to the syllabic nature of Spanish, the most important difference between beginning to read in Spanish and in English is that students begin to read in syllables. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Go ahead and watch thisYouTube clip of the Spanish ABCs. Reading. Even though I’ve been teaching guided reading for years, I am always trying to find ways to improve my lessons. Thanks for subscribing! By the end of the year, students will have been exposed to songs, poems, biographies, news articles, realistic fiction, fantasy and so on. Let’s start by comprehending comprehension. (Download). Look intently at the other "pupils." A novice student has a very limited vocabulary and they’re still learning basic sentence structures. Please check your email for further instructions. All Rights Reserved. These lines can be from a song, poem or book. Here’s how invoking prior knowledge pertaining to a text will increase comprehension: These activities can all be done before reading a text. Learn the numbers 1 10 in spanish in this learning video for kids. As the text is being read or after you’ve finished reading, the students return to the table, reevaluate their responses and then talk about why they did or didn’t change their mind. Alongside reading activities, FluentU can certainly help to boost classroom engagement! 2. During the Alphabet Game, allow novice and intermediate students to utilize words from their environment by having a print-rich classroom with word walls, labels, anchor charts, poems, songs, etc. Check out FluentU today to see how you can get your students even more excited for language studies! As a native Spanish speaker I wanted to clarify something about rhyming. These readers are more successful when they can anticipate the information in the text, so the text should feature repetition and simple, high-frequency vocabulary. See 10 authoritative translations of Reading in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. This is usually achieved by rereading a story various times, reading with a fluent speaker or hearing a fluent Spanish speaker read daily. It will also be beneficial for them to have sentence starters ready for discussion like: “Yo no estoy de acuerdo porque ____.” (I don’t agree because ____. Bring Spanish or Mexican culture into the classroom. © 2016 1. Their vocabulary is limited, so you should expect to use highly contextual, highly predictable text and lots of pre-teaching activities. We want to scaffold students to the next level, and only reading books that they can read independently won’t help accelerate them. May 15, 2013 - Explore Brianne Rusk's board "Spanish Lessons for first grade", followed by 277 people on Pinterest. There are so many reasons why you should begin the process of reading in Spanish. Early Literacy Instruction in Spanish: Teaching the Beginning Reader Stages of Literacy Development. Vary classroom activities. Learn to read spanish for kids. And no matter how you use them, they’re sure to take reading comprehension to the next level in your classroom. Before getting my certification to teach Spanish as a foreign language, I taught the little ones. Try Spanish graphic novels to motivate and excite students to read on their own at these levels. With a song. The students that didn’t read in the last step now get a turn. You can also kick the difficulty of the questions up a notch. Here's an excellent way to improve and evaluate your Spanish reading comprehension. Hearing the patterns of language from a fluent reader help students imitate those patterns when they read, increasing their comprehension of texts read independently. Reading fluently means reading naturally and accurately, at a smooth pace and rhythm. We return to this page at some point during the lesson—usually after reading the chosen text—so that all words have a three, an example and a definition. Choose 10 to 20 sentences from a text and type them up as a Word document. This means that once students understand the basic sounds for the symbols, they can easily decode. The ones who were starting their reading journey and for whom I had to lay the foundation. can take anywhere. They can understand sequencing, time frames and chronology, but it’s important to avoid texts that are too abstract, since they’re still in the process of building up their Spanish vocabulary and grammar knowledge. Students comprehend more when they’re interested in the topic, and giving peer recommendations is one of the best ways to increase student motivation. I have, which is why I need a site like Goodreads to help me narrow down my selection. Help your students by giving them the sentence stem to answer: “El personaje principal es ____. Classes should meet three times per week on an every-other-day schedule. Make a positive impact? How did you learn the ABCs in English? How will this help their reading comprehension? For novice and intermediate students, using picture books that contain rich language and new vocabulary will support any lesson unit. I’ll let them tackle the question for a few minutes, and then I’ll interrupt the class when I find a student who’s doing a great job. 4. This is a fun and effective before and after reading activity that lets students respond to the text in a less threatening way. Have every student find their very own Spanish-language book to read. 1. 5. Find out how to use short stories to teach someone to read Spanish with help from the founder of a Spanish language school in this free video on teaching reading in Spanish. It’s important to ensure that the text isn’t overly complex, and that the pattern of presentation is somewhat predictable. Word Splash — Give students key words related to the text and have them write a few sentences that capture these words based on their background knowledge. Briefly discuss responses to ensure comprehension. With FluentU’s diverse and growing library of authentic content, students learn and live Spanish in an immersive fashion. Awill alw… I was working in two bilingual first-grade classrooms as an aide at that time, and in charge of a couple of 'low-scoring' reading groups. As they move past the. Effective teaching for children who speak Spanish and who are struggling to learn to read can be provided in an intensive individual Spanish-language tutoring experience. Check out some new textbooks, websites or language learning apps whenever you feel things are getting a little stale.

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