You apparently assume I’m male, even though I’ve hinted at nothing, and that I’m only doing this for brownie points. Just sayin’. They're our closest living relatives, and they are constantly fucking. It is insincere to claim that you support equality without resisting the casual sexism that happens all around you. ADVERTISEMENT. And biases gives you a virtual advantage, but make you look pathetic. Which means that the powerful will take advantage of anyone to make money. This is clearly a WILD underestimation of the types of women there are. A man who’ll dance with anyone is fun at a party; A woman who’ll dance with anyone is fun at a party. Why should we still bow to caveman gender stereotypes? There are 10 keys and only one of them can open a lock. Then you should deal with it better when people call you one. I would say they ARE wrong. Keys of roughly the same size will often fit any lock with the same mechanism (like a cylindrical lock). Feminists would like you to think the whole worlds against them, well it not. Having a confrontational argument with someone might mask an opinion, but it doesn’t change it. In those locks, a few pairs of pins have a third pin called a master wafer or spacer separating them. Male and female sexuality is different and works toward different ends, in this species (and all species). Spoiler: The correct answer to the “Can you open the lock using these clues?” riddle is 042. Some locks can be opened with two different keys. Face it, the joke is only funny if you’re already a misogynist who is against female promiscuity. If the lock in question is on a piece that was stripped and refinished, but the lock itself was not removed before the work was done, it can be clogged with finishing and debris. Humans evolved in this situation in fact, so that is the most natural for us to accept if we’re going to base it on biotruths. The metaphor is extremely biased. If you have professional skeleton keys, you can open it without any complexity. Answer: A computer keyboard. I am in an argumentative (but perfectly reasonable) frame of mind right now, so here goes:You specify that you are not talking about the metaphor itself, but the thought behind it. Animales De 8 Patas,
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