isaiah 51 matthew henry commentary

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Outline of Isaiah 50 The rejection of the Jews. Chapter 4. Outline of Isaiah 51 Exhortations to trust the Messiah. Commentary Read Isaiah 54:1-5 Verse 1-5 — Observe the low state of religion in the … Matthew Henry Bible Commentary ... Chapter 51: Chapter 52: Chapter 53: Chapter 54: Chapter 55: Chapter 56: Chapter 57: Chapter 58: Chapter 59: ... Matthew Henry "Verse by Verse Commentary for 'Isaiah' Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary". Isaiah 51:1-23. Song of Solomon. II. Christ defends his people. Isaiah 1 – Indictment and Invitation A. Chapter 54. CHAPTER 51 . That the righteousness and salvation he designs for his church are sure and near, very near and very sure, Isaiah 51:4-6. And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou. Isaiah began some time after, and not long; but his prophecy is placed first, because it is the largest of them all, and has most in it of him to whom all the prophets bore witness; and indeed so much of Christ that he is justly styled the Evangelical Prophet, and, by some of the ancients, a fifth Evangelist. (Verse 17-23.) > bible > commentary > en > ot > matthew-henry > isaiah Contact website You can contact us through this form, or directly through mobile/WhatsApp: 002 01287627004 (Michael Ghaly). (1-8) Confession of sin, and lamentation for the consequences. 51:17-23 God calls upon his people to mind the things that belong to their everlasting peace. (Verse 4-8.) (4-8) Christ defends his people. > bible > commentary > en > ot > matthew-henry > isaiah Contact website You can contact us through this form, or directly through mobile/WhatsApp: 002 01287627004 (Michael Ghaly). It is good for those privileged by the new birth, to consider that they were shapen in sin. Chapter 51 + Text Size — 1 Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged. Isaiah 51:1 - 23. This should cause low … - Matthew Henry Bible Commentary. That God, who raised his church at first out of nothing, will take care that it shall not perish, Isaiah 51:1-3. Matthew Henry's Commentary – Chapter 51 . He that designs such joy for us at last, will he not work such deliverance in the mean time, as our cases require? Isaiah 51, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this one volume concise commentary provides a condensed look at nearly every verse in the Bible III. 51:1-3 It is good for those privileged by the new birth, to consider that they were shapen in sin. Chapter 1. Isaiah. (17-23) Verses 1-3 It is good for those privileged by the new birth, to consider that they were shapen in sin. E NCOURAGEMENT TO THE F AITHFUL R EMNANT OF I SRAEL TO T RUST IN G OD FOR D ELIVERANCE, B OTH FROM T HEIR L ONG B ABYLONIAN E XILE, AND FROM T HEIR P RESENT D ISPERSION. (4-8) Christ defends his people. Commentary on Isaiah 51:1-3 (Read Isaiah 51:1-3) It is good for those privileged by the new birth, to consider that they were shapen in sin. He that designs such joy for us at last, ... Isaiah 51:11. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. Online Resource Library Return to | Commentary Index | Bible Index | Search | Prayer Request Matthew Henry Commentary - Isaiah (Show All Books) Verse Commentaries: Chapter 56. When we have no say in the sudden disruptions that life can bring, disorientation is worsened by loss, remorse, confusion, … Continue reading "Commentary on Isaiah 51:1-6" '. (Verse 4-8.) The people whom Christ has redeemed with his blood, as well as by his power, will obtain joyful deliverance from every enemy. IV. Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Chapter 55. - Matthew Henry Bible Commentary. They prayed for the display of God's power; he answers them with consolations of his grace. (Verse 1-5.) (9-15) Promises of deliverance. Those who should have been her comforters, were their own tormentors. (Verse 1-12. The soul shall, as to this world, vanish like smoke, and the body be thrown by like a worn-out garment. (1-8) Confession of sin, and lamentation for the consequences. Matthew Henry JFB Commentary Wesley's Notes Geneva Study Bible : View Isaiah 59 in the note window. It is the greatest comfort to be made serviceable to the glory of God. Commentary Read Isaiah 51:1-3 Verse 1-3 — It is good for those privileged by the new birth, to consider that they were shapen in sin. Commentary Read Isaiah 55:1-5 Verse 1-5 — All are welcome to the blessings of salvation, to whom those blessings are welcome. > bible > commentary > en > ot > matthew-henry > isaiah Contact website You can contact us through this form, or directly through mobile/WhatsApp: 002 … Isaiah 50, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this one volume concise commentary provides a … Look to Abraham your father, And to Sarah who bore you; For I called him alone, And blessed him and increased him.” For the Lord will comfort Zion, He will comfort all her waste places; He … and to Sarah who bore you; for he was but one when I called him, but I blessed him and made him many. > bible > commentary > en > ot > matthew-henry > isaiah Contact website You can contact us through this form, or directly through mobile/WhatsApp: 002 … (Verse 13-15. Statement of Faith | Tell a Friend about Us ... Henry, Matthew. Therefore hear now this, thou afflicted, and drunken, but not with wine: Thus saith thy Lord the LORD, and thy God. The power of God, and the weakness of man. It is the greatest comfort to be made serviceable to the glory of God. Let us seriously reflect upon our guilt. Chapter 51. Happy is the man that fears God always. Know, then, the cause of God's people may for a time seem as lost, but God will protect it, by convincing the conscience, or confounding the projects, of those that strive against it. ... Chapter 51. Chapter 56. Chapter 2. 51:9-16 The people whom Christ has redeemed with his blood, as well as by his power, will obtain joyful deliverance from every enemy. (4-8) Christ defends his people. Awake, awake, stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the hand of the LORD the cup of his fury; thou hast drunken the dregs of the cup of trembling. That the persecutors of the church are weak and dying creatures, Isaiah 51:7,8. Isaiah 53, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this one volume concise commentary provides a … Isaiah Chapter 51. (Verse 9-16.) )Commentary Read Isaiah 52:1-12 Verse 1-12 — The gospel proclaims liberty to those bound with fears. In this world of changes, it is a short step from joy to sorrow, but in that world, sorrow shall never come in view. (9-16) Their afflictions and deliverances. It is the greatest comfort to be made serviceable to the glory of God. He was a 17th and early 18th Century … (9-16) Their afflictions and deliverances. )Commentary Read Isaiah 52:1-12 Verse 1-12 — The gospel proclaims liberty to those bound with fears. Chapter 51. The more holiness men have, and the more good they do, the more gladness they have. (1-3) The power of God, and the weakness of man. Isaiah 51 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this one volume concise commentary provides a condensed look at nearly every verse in the Bible (1-3) The power of God, and the weakness of man. They make Christ more precious to the soul, and give strength to our attempts and prayers for others. Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete) /. Chapter 58. They prayed for the display of God's power; he answers them with consolations of his grace. (4-8) Christ defends his people. (17-23) Verses 1-3 It is good for those privileged by the new birth, to consider that they were shapen in sin.This should cause low thoughts of ourselves, and high thoughts of Divine grace. Chapter 3. A second prophet He was to declare the truths which comfort the broken, … Thou art drunken, not as formerly, with the intoxicating cup of Babylon's idolatries, but with the cup of affliction. Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart. "Matthew Henry Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible". Look to Abraham your father, (1-3) Listen: The LORD ’s past faithfulness is a promise of future blessing. Isaiah 51:1-23. (4-8) Christ defends his people. Isaiah 52. Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD: look unto the rock. (Verse 6-10.) According to this theory, chapters 1-39 were written by the first Isaiah, the son of Amoz (1:1). (Verse 9-16.) After the exceedingly great and precious promises of gospel grace, typified by temporal deliverances, which we had in the foregoing chapter, we have here, I. Isaiah 59:1-21. (Verse 10,11.) Thy sons have fainted, they lie at the head of all the streets, as a wild bull in a net: they are full of the fury of the LORD, the rebuke of thy God. Chapter 51 This chapter is designed for the comfort and encouragement of those that fear God and keep his commandments, even when they walk in darkness and have no light. isa 51:0 Exhortations to trust the Messiah() The power of God, and the weakness of man(Isa 51:9-16) Christ defends his people. 51. Doubtless Isaiah … > bible > commentary > en > ot > matthew-henry > isaiah Contact website You can contact us through this form, or directly through mobile/WhatsApp: 002 … )The humiliation of the Messiah. “Listen to Me, you who follow after righteousness, You who seek the LORD: Look to the rock from which you were hewn, And to the hole of the pit from which you were dug. Did we dread to sin against God, we should not fear the frowns of men. (1-3) Listen: The LORD ’s past faithfulness is a promise of future blessing. Sacred Texts Bible Bible Commentary Index Isaiah Index Previous Next Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible, by Matthew Henry, at In Christ there is enough for all, and enough for each. Commentary Read Isaiah … Isaiah 51:1-23. (1-3) The power of God, and the weakness of man. III. Verses 1–3; Verses 4–8; Verses 9–16; Verses 17–23; This chapter is designed for the comfort and encouragement of those that fear God and keep his commandments, even when they walk in darkness and have no light. The power of God, and the weakness of man. Home > Commentaries > Matthew Henry Concise > Isaiah > Chapter 50. (16-21) Babylon’s case shall be as bad as ever Jerusalem’s was. Jerusalem had provoked God, and was made to taste the bitter fruits. Let those weary and heavy laden under the burden of sin, find relief in Christ, shake themselves from the dust of their doubts and fears, and loose themselves from those bands. How shall we escape if we neglect it? There is no salvation without righteousness. This should cause low thoughts of ourselves, and high thoughts of Divine grace. Happy is the man that fears God always. and where. (Verse 1-3.) 51:1-3 It is good for those privileged by the new birth, to consider that they were shapen in sin. But those whose happiness is in Christ's righteousness and salvation, will have the comfort of it when time and days shall be no more. isaiah 51 › Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Isaiah 51 – Listen and Awake A. Isaiah /. Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise), Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete), California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Jeremiah. THE BOOK OF THE PROPHET (9-16) Their afflictions and deliverances. Gracious offers of pardon and peace. For the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool: but my righteousness shall be for ever, and my salvation from generation to generation. (17-23) Verses 1-3 It is good for those privileged by the new birth, to consider that they were shapen in sin.This should cause low thoughts of ourselves, and high thoughts of Divine grace. Chapter 60. That the righteousness and salvation he designs for his church are sure and near, very near and very sure, Isaiah 51:4-6. Read Isaiah 55 commentary using Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). (1-3) The power of God, and the weakness of man. Reproofs of sin and wickedness. (9-16) Their afflictions and deliverances. Isaiah 51, Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Bible, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, filling six volumes, provides an exhaustive look at every verse in the Bible. A second prophet The more holiness men have, and the more good they do, the more gladness they have. Matthew Henry :: Commentary on Isaiah 56 ← Back to Matthew Henry's Bio & Resources. Isaiah, no doubt, was falsely accused and loaded with reproach and calumny, as other prophets were; but he despised the reproach, knowing that God would roll it away and bring forth his righteousness as the light, perhaps in this world , at furthest in the great day, when there will be a resurrection of names as well as bodies, and the righteous shall shine forth as the morning sun. On each page, you will find a chapter of the Book of Isaiah that you will be able to read through. This chapter is designed for the comfort and encouragement of those that fear God and keep his commandments, even when they walk in darkness and have no light. "Concise Commentary on Isaiah 51". It is good for those privileged by the new birth, to consider that they were shapen in sin. Exhortations to trust the Messiah. Resources » Matthew Henry's Commentary » Isaiah » Chapter 51. This should cause low thoughts of ourselves, and high thoughts of Divine grace. Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete) /. Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Isaiah 52. Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah. According to chapter 1:1 the Prophet Isaiah (Meaning, Jehovah is Salvation) was the son of the Amoz, who according to an old … But all they could gain by violence was, that people were brought to outward hypocritical conformity, for consciences cannot be forced. The beautiful garments were laid up then, when the harps were hung on the willow trees; but, now there is occasion for both, let both be resumed together. Did we dread to sin against God, we should not fear the frowns of men. They make Christ more precious to the soul, and give strength to our attempts and prayers for others. Look to Abraham your father. Look to … This should cause low thoughts of ourselves, and high thoughts of Divine grace. They have no patience by which to keep possesion of their own souls, nor any confidence in God's promise, by which to keep possession of its comfort. Online Resource Library Return to | Commentary Index | Bible Index | Search | Prayer Request Matthew Henry Commentary - Isaiah (Show All Books) Verse Commentaries: (9-16) Their afflictions and deliverances. (Verse 1-12. Search This Resource : Navigator: Previous Next : Chapter 49 Chapter 51 Printer friendly version : Additional Resources • Adam Clark Commentary This should cause low thoughts of ourselves, and high thoughts of Divine grace. (Verse 13-15. (Verse 6-13.) 2. Our Isaiah 51:10 also concludes with גאוים. Isaiah /. Let us seriously reflect upon our guilt. And Christ's church shall enjoy security by the power and providence of the Almighty. (17-23). The oppressors required souls to be subjected to them, that every man should believe and worship as they would have them. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 50:4-9 As Jesus was God and man in one person, we find him sometimes speaking, or spoken of, as the Lord God; at other times, as man and the servant of Jehovah. isa 51:0 Exhortations to trust the Messiah. (Verse 17-23.) Isaiah 52 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this one volume concise commentary provides a condensed look at nearly every verse in the Bible The gospel of Christ shall be preached and published. Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible by Matthew Henry. The oppressors required souls to be subjected to them, that every man should believe and worship as they would have them. Moving, changing jobs, personal transitions…all of these mix up our lives by taking us out of our patterns. Exhortations to trust the Messiah. The believer will enjoy his portion, while revilers of Christ are in darkness. Listen to me, you that pursue righteousness, you that seek the L ord. Book List. Matthew Henry :: Commentary on Isaiah 51 ← Back to Matthew Henry's Bio & Resources. Daniel’s persecutors shall be thrown into Daniel’s den; let them see how they like it. (Isa 51:17-23) Their afflictions and deliverances.Isaiah 51:1. isa 51:1. (1-3) The power of God, and the weakness of man. Isaiah. "Put on thy strength, and, in order to that, put on thy beautiful garments, in token of triumph and rejoicing. God promises protection. Matthew Henry Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible. Bible Commentaries /. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. Outline of Isaiah 54 The increase of the church by the conversion of the Jews and Gentiles. The Lord Comforts Zion - “Listen to Me, you who follow after righteousness, You who seek the Lord: Look to the rock from which you were hewn, And to the hole of the pit from which you were dug. Isaiah 50. All Rights Reserved. ... Isaiah 51:3. Chapter 51: Chapter 52: Chapter 53: Chapter 54: Chapter 55: Chapter 56: Chapter 57: Chapter 58: Chapter 59: Chapter 60: Chapter 61: Chapter 62: Chapter 63: Chapter 64: Chapter 65: Chapter 66: Bibliography Information Matthew Henry "Verse by Verse Commentary for 'Isaiah' Matthew Henry Bible Commentary". This should cause low thoughts of ourselves, and high thoughts of Divine grace. The sufferings and exaltation of the Messiah. Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished. Chapter 51. The power of God, and the weakness of man. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary online free at for sermon, Bible study, and Sunday school preparation. Clouds darken the sun, but do not stop its course. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. Outline of Isaiah 55 An invitation to receive freely the blessings of the Saviour. Exhortations to trust the Messiah. Those who should have been her comforters, were their own tormentors. © 2021 Isaiah 51 – Listen and Awake A. The captive exile hasteneth that he may be loosed, and that he should not die in the pit, nor that his bread should fail. But those whose happiness is in Christ's righteousness and salvation, will have the comfort of it when time and days shall be no more. Isaiah 51:7 "Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart [is] my law; fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings." (Verse 1-3.) The soul shall, as to this world, vanish like smoke, and the body be thrown by like a worn-out garment. For the LORD shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody. Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD: look unto the rock … In35 Isaiah 51:9 concludes with the words וְהָלְכוּ גְאוּלִים. For the moth shall eate them vp like a garment, and the worme shal eate them like wooll: but … “Listen to Me.” 1. Chapter 51. Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy, And forgettest the LORD thy maker, that hath stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth; and hast feared continually every day because of the fury of the oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy? Matthew Henry Bible Commentary ... Chapter 51: Chapter 52: Chapter 53: Chapter 54: Chapter 55: Chapter 56: Chapter 57: Chapter 58: Chapter 59: ... Matthew Henry "Verse by Verse Commentary for 'Isaiah' Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary". How shall we escape if we neglect it? 51:9-16 The people whom Christ has redeemed with his blood, as well as by his power, will obtain joyful deliverance from every enemy. To do so will tend to keep the heart humble, and the conscience awake and tender. The believer will enjoy his portion, while revilers of Christ are in darkness. We are to fear the Lord. Look to the rock from which you were hewn, and to the quarry from which you were dug. Chapter 53. Chapter 59. Outline of Isaiah 51 Exhortations to trust the Messiah. Let those weary and heavy laden under the burden of sin, find relief in Christ, shake themselves from the dust of their doubts and fears, and loose themselves … It is the greatest comfort to be made serviceable to the glory of God. Their afflictions and deliverances. eproofs of sin and wickedness. And Christ's church shall enjoy security by the power and providence of the Almighty. Chapter 52 The greater part of this chapter is on the same subject with the chapter before, concerning the deliverance of the Jews out of Babylon, which yet is applicable to the great salvation Christ has wrought out for us; but the last three verses are on … Isaiah 50 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this one volume concise commentary provides a condensed look at nearly every verse in the Bible He that designs such joy for us at last, will he not work such deliverance in the mean time, as our cases require? Exhortations to trust the Messiah. Whether it was intended primarily for the support of the captives in Babylon is not certain, probably it was; … (Verse 4-9.) This should cause low thoughts of ourselves, and high thoughts of Divine grace. (4-8) Christ defends his people. Matthew Henry JFB Commentary Wesley's Notes Geneva Study Bible : View Isaiah 51 in the note window. There is no salvation without righteousness. Hearken unto me, my people; and give ear unto me, O my nation: for a law shall proceed from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for a light of the people. The commentaries of the Reverend Matthew Henry have been a great blessing to the readers of the Blue Letter Bible since 1996. Commentary on Isaiah 2:10-22 (Read Isaiah 2:10-22 ) The taking of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans seems first meant here, when idolatry among the Jews was done away; but our thoughts are led forward to the destruction of all the enemies of Christ. Isaiah Chapter 51. And the Lord is known by these judgments which he executes” (Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible: Complete and Unabridged in One Volume, S. Is 51:17). Isaiah 51. 3. Consolation to the believer, and warning to the unbeliever. Isaiah 51. Holiness, more than any thing, is the beauty of the church. God calls upon his people to mind the things that belong to their everlasting peace. )The humiliation of the Messiah. 51:4-8 The gospel of Christ shall be preached and published. Its certain deliverance. That the persecutors of the church are weak and dying creatures, Isaiah 51:7,8. (9-15) Promises of deliverance. Biblical Commentary Isaiah 51:1-6 EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: A number of scholars believe that the book of Isaiah was written by three people or groups of people. Study the bible online using commentary on Isaiah 55 and more! The more holiness men have, and the more good they do, the more gladness they have. To do so will tend to keep the heart humble, and the conscience awake and tender. (17-23) In this world of changes, it is a short step from joy to sorrow, but in that world, sorrow shall never come in view. Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Bible Isaiah. According to this theory, chapters 1-39 were written by the first Isaiah, the son of Amoz (1:1). But I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee; which have said to thy soul, Bow down, that we may go over: and thou hast laid thy body as the ground, and as the street, to them that went over. Isaiah 51 Commentary, this commentary, filling six volumes, provides an exhaustive look at every verse in the Bible. Resources » Matthew Henry's Commentary » Isaiah » Chapter 51. Such transitions are all the more disorienting when they are forced upon us. Outline of Isaiah 52 The welcome news of Christ's kingdom. Outline of Isaiah 52 The welcome news of Christ's kingdom. Large transitions disorient us. “Listen to Me, you who follow after righteousness, You who seek the LORD: Look to the rock from which you were hewn, And to the hole of the pit from which you were dug. We see from this, that God through Isaiah, is saying, "If you love me, do not deny me before men". (1-3) The power of God, and the weakness of man. Isaiah 53. Know, then, the cause of God's people may for a time seem as lost, but God will protect it, by convincing the conscience, or confounding the projects, of those that strive against it. Biblical Commentary Isaiah 51:1-6 EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: A number of scholars believe that the book of Isaiah was written by three people or groups of people. (Verse 1-3.) (16-21) Verses 1-8 If our prayers are not answered, and the salvation we wait for is not wrought for us, it is not because God is weary of hearing prayer, but because we are weary of praying. Christ defends his people. Matthew Henry's Commentary – Chapter 51 . Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the LORD; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. xhortations to trust the Messiah. Study Isaiah 53 using Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise) to better understand Scripture with full outline and verse meaning. It is possible, indeed, that thus ending Isaiah 51:10, the Prophet was reminded of Isaiah 35:9, and that occasioned his repeating here the words that there follow, viz., Isaiah 35:10. Its triumphant state is described. Exhortations to trust the Messiah. Read Isaiah 51 commentary using Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). There shall be no fears within; there shall be no fightings without. Jerusalem had provoked God, and was made to taste the bitter fruits. IV. (Verse 1-5.) Military men value themselves on their splendid titles, but God calls them, "Wasters made to destroy," for they make wasting and destruction their business. (9-16) Their afflictions and deliverances. Chapter 52. (17-23) Verses 1-3 It … But all they could gain by violence was, that people were brought to outward hypocritical conformity, for consciences cannot be forced. 51:1-3 It is good for those privileged by the new birth, to consider that they were shapen in sin. For the L ord will comfort Zion; (Verse 11-17.) Commentary on Isaiah 51 by Matthew Henry Chapter 51 This chapter is designed for the comfort and encouragement of those that fear God and keep his commandments, even when they walk in darkness and have no light. “Listen to Me.” 1. They have no patience by which to keep possesion of their own souls, nor any confidence in God's promise, by which to keep possession of its comfort. Clouds darken the sun, but do not stop its course. Thou art drunken, not as formerly, with the intoxicating cup of Babylon's idolatries, but with the cup of affliction. Their afflictions and deliverances. Chapter 57.

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