seeing someone praying in dream

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There is no coming back from this socialism/communism. Maybe I’ll just have to wait and see, but just in case I don’t hear from any of you again, what are you thinking? The song was produced by Lewis and is written in the key of G minor, with a moderately slow tempo of 74 beats per minute. After I woke, I pondered the meaning and was a little scared of the power of it all. Trump has the guts, the courage and the balls of steel to do this once for all, while all the monsters our assembled for the “inauguration “. It was definitely a female. I believe there is still a problem with your point. But I feel that “coincidence” told me to look deeper into it. On January 20, 2021, in accordance with the Constitution, confirmed by the states and the courts, and certified by Congress, President-elect Biden will be inaugurated and will become our 46th Commander in Chief. Trump tried. thank you MMcC- God works through people and can use any and all for His purposes in living in His graces and following His teachings. Atonement. I don’t believe that is a coincidence! The first dream, the competition represents the 2020 election. No saving. He is God’s man of the hour, not another liar. Within the heart of our Beloved, is a deep longing and desire for his children to live in peace, love, and harmony with one another. Perhaps both situations are shown. Pray against any power that wants to use you for sacrifice. Awesome and exciting. Seeing number 888 everywhere is an angel message related to positive abundance in various forms coming into your life. If I were the Devil video has literally come True. Many of them somehow connect Q to Christianity. I noticed on the map that although the storms were stationary, there was an inflow of water feeding them. To change the world we must be good to those who cannot repay us. Life will continue. In my dream I noted that I thought it was a person they were looking for and that they had been scouring the water for quite a long time. If something doesn’t get done it will be the biggest crime of a lifetime and I see no recovery from it. There’s a rather strong community on twitter believing that xrp will be the new (crypto) currency, and that BTC will drop to zero. Perhaps the military walking briskly at first, then slowing down, and standing still, indicate they were very quickly put into position, and are now waiting for further orders. I don’t know what to think about Q now. Operation Underground Railroad And they have certainly done that. To those people I just ask; Please do not let it make you live in fear. I too, dream at least one dream every night and the ones that I take as meaningful and from God have a very unique quality to them. Shanique was sitting on her bed at the time of the draw, waiting for the phone to ring. In the last scene, the actions of the military were portrayed as a series of four tropical storms. I believe he tried his heart out, gave it his all, but in the end something happened. Regards. All the evidence for a fraudulent election has been debunked. Ain’t that just peachy? Why didn’t they expose the fraud? For a Hindu mystic, dream interpretation can provide a window into the future.Objects, characters, and emotions that appear in a person's dreams all take on symbolic meanings to be analyzed and interpreted. Dreams do mean something! There is currently a massive troop buildup underway in Washington DC, ostensibly for the purpose of riot control in connection to the presidential inauguration on the 20th. I know, through Jesus; we win in the end. There were wonders happening in the sky and I was asking around if anyone saw it. He just worked to make that base more passionate and motivated to vote. I am not alone. It felt dark/evil and surrounded by magic. My heart goes out to Trump, if how I feel is any indication of what he is going through, I feel so helpless. I don’t have dreams but do have strong feelings at times. Praying Medic……you keep me sane! In my last dream I met president Trump. FAILURE! 800,000 sounded like a lot so I did some searching. Soros is MIA. ), Guess what January 19, 2021 is designated ? We always hope and believe that truth and true justice will prevail. FINALLY, I have been waiting for you to come alive. We honor your continued service in defense of every American. The American people have trusted the Armed Forces of the United States to protect them and our Constitution for almost 250 years. Have you noticed that Trump has not conceded the election? The Vercelli Book dates back to the late 10th century. Hast thou faith? That possession of the Gulf coast would give ‘them’ the ability to squeeze everyone into the mid America regions. Thank you for the idea. Just wow. When I got there I saw what seemed to be a naked young girl chained. I just don’t think that after Biden is president our country will automatically become far left socialist. I take it back. Mantis *Please see Praying Mantis. Thank you for your thoughts. The bible talks about in the end times some children will turn on their parents, family, etc. (1/20, the “b” video) Done in 30 days. I understand that many people are loosing hope (thinking of a comment above) and I truly understand that. He has gone Dark. Looks like Trump lost his nerve. Ask yourself this. Since the FBI and DOJ have shown no interest in prosecuting high-level corruption, it seems that if it is to be done, it will be done by the military. Get new life skills that will help you land a new job. One who does NOT concede is one who stands strong & confident in his decision. God bless stay safe. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Why should we be happy about that? Hope this helps. 10. Maybe AG Barr, who was in a far better position to know than any of us, was right when he told the President that there were no indictments because there wasn’t evidence to justify them. I absolutely do consider myself a Christian, Thank you. “High winds can rip through canyons that are aligned in a southwest to northeast fashion.” Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? When you see different colored lizards in your dream, this could represent various meanings. Some symbols are harbingers of great … . It was so predictable! It’s too early to take the masks off. Things that might seem strange to you will happen in your life and you should, therefore, be psychologically prepared. What will happen will happen. 2nd dream: Great dream analysis!! Really? The military upholds the constitution and defends America from threats at home or abroad. May God Bless You!! You just got to pull yourself up and move onto the next bigger and better thing. Father God we pray that you would strengthen your hold over the red states even as we break the power of the principalities in the blue states and beyond. Example: A US postal service contractor drove a tractor and a 53 foot trailer from Bethpage, New York to Harrisburg, PA. I have fought and bled for my country in the past, and I am prepared to do it again. Amen. I pray it isn’t so, but those were the words of MY President Trump. Ooops… 🙂 If it wasn’t already obvious…. I have heard that GOD will not be mocked. Church leaders disappoint me and I suspect God. Seemed logical and positive to me.. Dave, we appreciate all you do and have done to educate us and spread faith. It doesn’t hurt to be polite to each other. There are none who stand for God…we are big trouble personally but that won’t stop great men and women from forging forward and it won’t stop God from the deliverance we have prayed for WHICH HE IS IN THE BUSINESS OF PROVIDING, BY HONORING PRAYER. You will soon understand yourself better and know how to deal with coldhearted people. Election officials have told us that that video is only parts of a longer video pasted together. They were violent.Organized. LOL…Washington, DC is NOT the northeast! Too bad it took you so long to figure it out. False accusations don’t help children. When they are hurting to the point they can not take it any longer, then the revolution will commence… is sad it takes that long for society to wake up. I expect you will have more to fill in that puzzle. There were many things President Trump could have done to stop this madness, but he chose to do nothing. I worked for the 2016 campaign and I had the honor of meeting Trump and his family along with the Pence family and I must say I did feel Gods presence in around the pence family I am still not convinced mike pence is a black hat .. if he is I will accept but my gut for some reason is holding off on pence and Rosenstein as in I am not yet 100% sure they r all bad or part of the plan ..any insight from others would be greatly appreciated. Just because our current members in SC, lower courts, Legislators and Congress working it seems in Conjunction with each other to push Biden as the President elect does not mean that men in uniform regardless of Rank should just except their illegal Conclusion and the unconstitutional method in which he was deemed elected. The people inside would be the bad guys that they don’t want to escape. You simply allowed yourself to get caught up in a false conspiracy theory. Fruit is in the action not the faith. He took off on the run and it appears we’ve been left holding the bag and it’s not a good bag for us. Something only our Beloved can do. I began seeing my old house number twice a day, every day, for years. Molyb12….for the swamp to be drained President Trump needs to truly know who is for him, against him and wavering. But until that time… I cant help but wonder what would have happened had we done more than just listened and hoped… I’ll continue praying… for only one can truly help us. The dreams all say the same thing…. (after seeing Biden’s inauguration movie) Was walking down the streets of an American city, -looking at what had changed- then saw a little shop on the streets selling ice cream. This is out of men’s hands…and your imagery has been confirmed in other ways by other people…This is all now in God’s hands…and He is never late. God Help me get through this, in Jesus Name, Amen. You have my deepest condolences. When the military has been made stronger, I think they would support & respect the one who put them in that position. The swamp is beyond deep, it’s etched in at this point. However, recent events have really had me down in the dumps for the past couple weeks. I’m going to go back to work – and keep my head down. I’m with you, Anonymous. 2nd dream: (after seeing Biden’s inauguration movie) Was walking down the streets of an American city, -looking at what had changed- then saw a little shop on the streets selling ice cream. lol) He stood out, not a normie you would see at the local supermarket. I looked around and was standing on a brand new paved road in front of a newly constructed home. Such a beautiful prayer for these times. A blue lizard in your dream means that a calmness will be part of your life shortly,  a red lizard will indicate a great passion for your work while an orange lizard is an indication that you will triumph over all obstacles in your life. I have even said it myself. Forbid it, Almighty God! I have not dreamt very much but a dream I did have last week was the following: I had a dream the night before last. This was portrayed in the dream as Internet traffic grinding to a halt while only the military was able to communicate messages. God is not finished yet. Their gathering into a small hallway represents a small number of military to carry out required military operations. It could be someone that you are completely unaware of and when you finally realize the need to connect with this person, the relationship that develops might actually be one of the best you will have. Someone is calling you an angel. Myself I am waiting to see what unfolds. What a fiasco! I assume you don’t consider yourself a Christian. PM – Step back and look at your dream leaving all you previously know behind. I believe we are in those times but, it also tells us that no man knows the hour of Christ’s return. Are you suddenly seeing 5:55 when you check the time or did you see 5:55 in a recent dream? I like the story where the leaders of Babylon and surrounding tribes (bad guys) were partying and mocking Israel by using their sacred temple vessels to serve themselves during their bacchanalia, until…suddenly they saw ‘the handwriting on the wall.’ It kind of stymied the fun. But they were all happy and celebrating. Since lizard dreams often have deep meanings, it would be better if you remained calm, refrain from sharing your thoughts and appreciate the people in your life. Is this same as in your dream? (never cared to much about money, property or status, but recently feel like I should invest the money I have, and I expect God to guide me in it and bless me, so all my investments will come back to me with good returns!) Virtually everything the democrats plan on doing will harm our Republic. That could portray an obsession with military actions in general. The corruption is heart wrenching. In ALL times….Christ on the cross, The formation of America, The Revolutionary War, World Wars. I have been following Q & listening to Praying Medic for quite a while. We will see his hand move. AMEN. First dream I had was about crypto currency. Trump said that if you didn’t agree with his ideas and policies then you weren’t a real American, that you didn’t love your country, that you were an ENEMY. Official documents should be dated and also signed in black ink. Washington DC is in the northeast part of the United States. This may represent the idea that the military intends to achieve four different goals, or the individual storms may represent four phases of an operation. Will our majority be punished for thr wickedness of the few? History is full of people who were misguided and believed the lies told to them when they didn’t have to. Scavino was there too, but smiling. They talked a GREAT talk… But did very little walking. We in the UK are still praying. The storms caused a halt to all activity. Everyone or nearly everyone on the right believed that, including me. Finally somebody who can see reality for what it is. Vox's Caroline Framke felt that the track was a departure from the "dive bar party anthems" which Kesha has become known for. That God’s just be performed. Pence pushed forward electors but with changed wording why? Either him or his family was threatened. There was a clear sense that everyone was of ONE mind and ONE heart with ONE vision. If Fraud exists which there is overwhelming Proof then by a Precedent ruling by the SCOTUS in the 1800’s, the Election is Null and Void. I don’t think I believe in a deep state or fraudulent elections but I think you’re right on on everything else. Overnight he went from being a very smart man to a dumb sheeper. It is a specific figure in the field of numerology that holds a lot of promise for those who have received it. Belief is a step toward knowledge. Worse, his stated goals and objectives will destroy what little is left of our Republic. They contain evil “S” & “P” Hunter videos on 1 of them. be referring to DOD publication Law of War Manual amended 12-13-2016, Sections 11.3 and 11.4? I suspect it is either an attack by a foreign state or rogue CIA. Forever. Listen to Trump’s own words WE WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST COUNTRY. I wish they would not wait till the 20th. Many thousands (possibly millions?) This was portrayed in the dream as Internet traffic grinding to a halt while only the military was able to communicate messages. Stay away from the news and the conspiracy theories. The rights of freedom of speech and assembly do not give anyone the right to resort to violence, sedition and insurrection. Beyond that, the military serves the President to defend Americans from enemies foreign and domestic…and I believe that stealing an election with the help of other nations would qualify as something our military would act upon if the President deemed it necessary. I was standing in the center of the country. Hmm, wonder if the 2000 are pro-Trumpers? The only scenario in which the US military would attack DC is some kind of FF operation – very unlikely. 🍿. The people voted, but we still have no TRUE outcome, thus you came away not knowing who won. "Praying" is a pop piano ballad written by Kesha, Ryan Lewis, Ben Abraham, and Andrew Joslyn that features elements of gospel and soul music. Various reasons Why you would dream of Seeing Lizard, #24 Aquarius Sun Virgo Moon – Personality & Compatibility, #83 Gemini Male And Gemini Female – Love, Marriage & Friendship Compatibility, 11 Dreams About Car Being Stolen – Meaning & Interpretation. The inflow of water originated in the southwest corner of the map, while the outflow was toward the northeast corner. If this is your argument for your side, than clearly you argument is empty. 4) A repetition of a dream is a sign of its truth. Although I usually have a fair number of literal dreams, most of my recent ones have been symbolic, making them harder to interpret with precision. Insane the people falling for it. However, both of {...}, Having a dream about car being stolen can represent insecurity, feeling directionless, losing control of your life, under the {...}, Subscribe to receive updates about The Latest Articles from, Simply enter your email below to Join Other Followers. In the words of Patrick Henry: I think it’s because somebody built some near his golf course and he doesn’t like them. Same with the supposed election fraud. I don’t know which side they are on. Calmness might be required on your part when you face difficult situations. I am praying daily and often for all who have worked so hard to get the truth out there. If they want to put me in a re-education camp to brainwash me, they can try, but I won’t go willingly. I felt somehow insecure about making an investment in it, because I thought I might be buying into the beast system. I see no one exiting the fight, I read nothing saying it doesn’t matter. It seems like it has gone from typical corruptness in DC to pure evil. This is already a war zone. Please keep up the posts. I suspect that the second dream portrays a hidden reality—a turbulent time ahead where the military’s actions will be the main focus of everyone’s attention, to the point where all other news becomes irrelevant. Why would you Deputize? ... Do not be afraid to dream great things! The DoD has a footprint and resources in DC that does not make sense in light of publicly stated objectives. Psalm 46:10 The driver gave this account under oath and threat of purgery. The four storms are actually one, not four. Will simply tried to write me off as a deep state enemy because he can’t handle or doesn’t want real dialog. We no longer have a leader, we are a ship without a rudder. Thank you for showing us that NOTHING you say should be listened to. They are supporting the peaceful transfer of power to Biden. It has abandoned us. (Many on the right were upset about that.) I get what you’re saying, but Biden’s recovery during the wee hours of morning defies simple statistics – constituting 7 sigma (near 0 probability) events.

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