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I have single kidney. A weakness of memory, inability to remember names and letters, spelling or writing words or syllables incorrectly and experiencing difficulty in speaking during conversations are classic signs. If food is not eaten regularly, the headache becomes worse. Early age excessive mastubation may be one of the cause I also suffered hepatites c 10 years ago which is negative now. Kindly advise me which medicine to take for cure this sympom. Marked constipation may be present since puberty, when away from home, in infants, with ineffectual urging. I have lycopodium 6 (liquid) at home. I am now 55 years old. I am of 67 years, I am in US currently and will reach India after 10 days. Subramanyam, Ph.D. मधुमेह, उच्च रक्तचाप, फ्रोजेन सोल्डर, जोंडों के दर्द tinitus aur प्रोस्टेट की दवा बताएं। 15-20 साल से पीड़ित हैं।. Kindly reply. In 24 hour I have to go to toilet min 4 times in 24 hour. dispatched. I am 80. Plz guide 1. Kidney stones cause pain in the kidneys as well as the bladder. be stored near other medicines(allopathy) or strong smelling homeopathic medicines this way. In homeopathy, it is believed that every person has a particular constitution. Can I get medicine home delivered. –The urine come with serious urgency to the extent that if I do not urinate immediately I will urinate into my pants. I have go for toilet for 3 to 4,time in a day. An affected child may cry before urinating, and red sand-like substance may be present on the diaper. At bed time also, I need to take few glass of water. Spasmodic constriction of the anus prevents stool to be expelled. Main Lycopodium 200 potential ki dawa din main eak baar le raha hoon pichle do days se . Is lycopodium 200 best for me ? Lycopodium has a specific action on the kidneys. Please prescribed what you have i can take to help me with the above, ill be greatly appreciated. There are herpetic eruptions on the face and corner of the mouth. I have experienced almost all the symptoms mentioned herein above. But after some days issues started again. The problem of constipation is also there. Can I give him the same to treat the problem? Hi Dr sharma I have this bloting problem for years now, it could be IBS or something else. Urine is slow in coming, and the person must strain to pass it. Dear Dr. Sharma, I wrote to you a few days ago and while I await for a response I have one more question to add. Storage Of Homeopathic Medicines: Since its natural with I feel always full even if I eat less. of them are stored in amber colour glass bottles. The patient feels hungry immediately after eating, though the stomach and abdomen are full and tense. Thanks for broad homeopathic knowledge a such as Lycopodium and sepia also. 3 for UTI by which I had suffered last summer. Hi I am 57 years male I had one heart attack in 2000 abcess in lever in 1994 constipation & gastic can I use Lycopodium 200 how many dose should I take. i cannot see in sunlight. I’m dealing with a 3.2cm Acoustic Neuroma, Graves Disease (Hyperthyroidism) an Heart Aneurysm, leaking heart valves with a Heart-Murmur and a enlarged Prostate with frequent urgencies at night, as many as 8 times at night. Different food allergies are present, and complaints arise after intake of wheat, bread, and fermented foods. Avinash Joshi. by dropper the pills get medicated and can be dispensed to the Right-sided headaches, pain that begins on one side and goes to the other where it is worse, pain in the head with ravenous hunger which gets better after eating are the classic symptoms indicating towards Lycopodium. I have similar symptoms and taking following after prescription of doctor. Hi Dr kaur , l am health problem mantel deeppration ,anxiety, tension , gas, Sir, I am on self-medication. Your safety is our top priority. Order medicines online. There is constriction of the throat that is always induced by regurgitation of food. . Treatment For Piles, Homeopathic I also have the following conditions: –I have lost 5kgs in 4weeks. A temporary solution for If yes what is its dosage? Many symptoms of Lycopodium of brain and digestion are similar . –Dizziness. More when I meet you and take your treatment Regards Ashok kohlu, Dear sir, I’m 35. Currently getting homeowners treatment. The Lycopodium personality lacks vital heat and has poor circulation and cold extremities. Dr Sharma I am 65 yrs old. have their power gone due to these factors. i cannot walk. Also taking Lycopodium 200 for many stomach and digestion problems and for minute gallstone. is an important aspect of homeopathy medicine manufacturing. Pills/tabules/tablets: When the liquid is put on the pills It belongs to the Lycopodiaceae family and is commonly found in the hilly pastures and heaths of Central and Northern Europe, Russian Asia and North America. Feels exhausted & likes to remain in rest. Since sometime I am suffering from frequent urination along with irresistible dribbling of urine which causes much discomfort. doctor works. Please let me know . Please advise me to get well soon. Sometimes may turn asthmatic and breathing problem. Before intercourse my penis goes downwards and have to sleep disappointed I suspect on wife and she loves a boy of 24 I think of suicide sometimes .Can I be recovered sir ?? The pain is of burning, cutting character. I am 70 year old male suffering from hypertension for last 30 years & diabetes type 2 for 12 years. sources like plants, animals, minerals and many more. her age is 79 yrs and very weak physically 39 kg weight. Pills should be placed on tongue as 2. Lycopodium works well in the cases where the mental symptoms are clearly present with the physical ones. –I am anaemic (RBC count is 29.2 , PCV is 26.9%, Haemoglobin (Hb) is 9.4gm/dl. I am gastric patient and use allopathy medicine for relief and using it from year. suggest any remedy and oblige. kindly suggest , its emergency, Hi , doctor. Urine appears dark and fetid. Why buy on H4ALL? delicate configuration care should be taken for its storage. I have enlarged prostate and have problem of frequent urination particularly at night.I have become completely impotent. Acidity heartburn and constipation with irritable bowel syndrome kindly tell the medicine to cure all diseases. But I don’t know of which potentcy I have to take . Emaciation and debility occur from loss of fluids in the morning. Which homeopathic medicine, I should take which increase penile erections, increase libido and treat/reduce prostate gland. Belchings tend to rise only up to pharynx. Sir I have left side ingenual hernia since last ten years. I am bloated although not as bad as when it started. Liquid : The basic tinctures undergo potentization and range Gets worse with cold attacks during winter season. Ulcer/Apthous, Prostate Suffering from Gastric problem and bloating in lower abdomen also have small bulge on naval(may be umbilical hernia) also have kidney stone problem for last 15 years stone pass frequently and have size below 10 mm , no uric acid problem. Merc Sol is the best natural Homeopathic medicine for toothache that is accompanied by two main features. Greetings of the day. I am 64yrs bald headed, diabetic and having arthritis to some extent. "Homeopathic Pharmocopia" of the country where it is sourced. Legal Disclaimer -None of the medicines mentioned including services , mentioned at should be used without clearance from your physician or health care provider. Widest range of Dilutions, Mother Tinctures, Tablets from Indian and German homeopathic companies. –The episodes of blood in urine also comes up when up when I eat foods like meat, fried foods , roasted foods , smoked foods and a host of others. The person suffers from chronic constipation and hard stools. I have maximum symptoms that match with lycopodium. The person cannot eat to satiety as it produces a distressing feeling in the hepatic (liver) region. Kidney shaped cases include spores of one kind only and are borne on the upper surface of the leaf blade of specialized leaves. homeopathic products that you wish to buy or answer simple queries about them Thanks and regards, डॉ जी इधर करीब 15 दिन से पेशाब करते हुए पहिले करीब आधा चम्मच ब्लड मिला पेशाब आता है फिर ठीक आता है। रात में करीब 4 बार जाना पड़ता है। उम्र 68 की है। हाई बी पी भी है। किडनी में स्टोन आया थ। दवाइयां लेने के बाद दोबारा अल्ट्रासाउंड नही कराया। पानी जब भी पीटा हूँ उसके आधे घण्टे बाद ही पेशाब जाना पड़ता है। पेशाब दिन में भी जल्दी जल्दी जाता हूँ। इधर हर्निया भी हो गई है और बाएं तरफ हैड्रोशील भी करीब 30 सालों से है। निवेदन है कि कोई निदान बताए।, Hi, I am Kidney disease patient though I am not on dialysis because creatinine test required by my doctor shows my creatinine is within normal. The club-shaped appearance of these flowering stems gives clubmosses their common name. Such people usually have a dry temperament and dark complexion. Symptoms run characteristically from right to left side of the body. I do not have diabetes but having high BP (taking one TELMA 40mg tab daily). Uric acid levels 7.6 to 8. very small babies, pregnant women, old people, challenged people. And also very much of money involved. I have penile erection and sex desire while using Viagra or Tadalafil (Cialis) . Every 15 days facing problem of in control of urination.

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