ps audio directstream dac stereophile

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What about the PerfectWave? This is is superbly well?" Stereophile A+ and product of the year, with rave reviews across the board. I need someone who knows audio and PCs ! Ditto my other gears. This is an expensive transport. PS Audio DirectStream DAC Art.Nr. So it goes here: The DirectStream is an original and very forward-thinking product that is priced accordingly, but not unfairly. Arguably the most notable feature of the PS Audio DirectStream is its ability to convert everything to DSD, so that's just what I used to test it: everything—including downloaded DSD files, DSD files made from vinyl, high-resolution WAV files, CD-resolution AIFF files, even MP3 files. The PS Audio Directstream DAC is one of the great bargains in hi-end audio. The final decision had to do with the analog output: Since the DS's analog output is variable, it can be used to drive an amplifier directly rather than running the signal through a preamp. The cool part here was that the process was incredibly easy; no need to say more, as this dead horse has been well beaten here at PTA and elsewhere. The PS Audio DirectStream DAC is a 5 year old design that, with the latest “Snowmass” release, still competes with the best DACs in its price class. He said that they would ship me a new unit the same day, and that I was to return the broken one. PS Audio PerfectWave DirectStream D/A processor Measurements I examined the PS Audio PerfectWave DirectStream's electrical performance with my Audio Precision SYS2722 system (see and the January 2008 " As We See It Presented the same sequence of zeros and ones, the DS was able to reproduce sounds that were more plausibly the result of real instruments being played by real musicians, with better differentiation among instruments. I am not a audiophile or a computer wiz. I could send the unit back to Ayre for repair, but that could take a while—and I was in the middle of evaluating GoldenEar Technology's Triton One loudspeaker. Replacing the fuse requires removing the top of the case—no task for the fainthearted. And the sound of the DS-PW? "Tiny Dancer," from Elton John's Madman Across the Water (from MCA 2016), had clarity, color, and as much touch as one could expect from a 1971 studio rock recording in which virtually every instrument was subjected to generous levels of compression. "Wer den Schwerpunkt seines High End-Systems auf der digitalen Seite des Musikspektrums ansiedelt, aber klanglich höchste analoge Ansprüche stellt, kommt an diesem PS Audio kaum integrierter Digital-Vorstufe ein absolut highendiger Gipfelstürmer. The Catch. The PW is a well-thought-out, well-performing product; for anyone buying the DS, pairing it with the PW is the safe way to go. Some digital products seem intended to stave off obsolescence as long as possible. This precision instrument is unrivaled in sound quality and features. Sounds good—and it did —but can you improve on perfection? In fact, this is what PSA recommends for optimal sound quality. (I think it was a CDP-501.) 2 Wochen Farbe: 7.595,00 EUR inkl. I have not seen the lamp appearing on stereophile either as a recommended dac or for a review. The kit is easy to install and all the tool necessary are included. The PS Audio Directstream DAC is one of the great bargains in hi-end audio. I am not a audiophile or a computer wiz. Rather, it pointed to the need for greater care in optimizing my computer settings—greater, that is, than the level of care required by most PCM-only USB processors, the relative simplicity of which had lulled me into a false sense of expertise. Power Amplifiers: Pass Laboratories XA60.8, PS Audio BHK Signature 300 (all monoblocks). As well as having a Stereo/Two-Channel digital output through its I2S/HDMI connection, the DMP can also accommodate multichannel SACD via two additional I2S/HDMI connections. They don’t really advertise their new issue in their web page (at least I haven’t found). (The DirectStream did a fine job with the MP3 streams from the websites of WKCR and other stations.) Stereophile - Herb Reichart - Holo May KTE DAC Review Stereophile - Atkinson - Measurements - Holo May KTE DAC Audiogon Forums - Holo May DAC Thread Audio Science Review - Measurements By Wolf - Holo May KTE DAC Audiophile Style - Forum Thread - Holo May DAC PS Audio Forum - Holo May KTE DAC vs DirectStream DAC Super Best Audio Friends … A new entry in the DAC market from PS Audio - the DirectStream Junior. The DirectStream DAC is the hottest thing to come of PS Audio since forever. The sound was free from digital edge, and offered not only great color in the trumpet and reeds, but excellent force and touch in Lenny White's and Jack DeJohnette's drumming and in Don Alias's congas. Time will tell if and when these levels of performance, flexibility, and luxury will become available for less than $6000. CD players were generally hard to come by, but I had a friend who worked for Sony, and he came over with his new toy: Sony's next-to-top-of-the-line CD player. The current version is more of the same, utilizing PS Audio’s I2S bus through HDMI. We learnt a bit more about his motivations and mind set in an interview we conducted with Paul at the eve of introducing their Network Bridge, an add-on to the PS Audio PerfectWave DAC or PWD for short. The DS DAC is quite heft with a textured matt finish: Other than a power button, you have the touchscreen to use for all other functions. Superbly well? As Beatrix Potter's Sally Henny Penny would say, "Something for everyone!". Upgradable via free firmwares directly from PS Audio’s website. Alright then, Huron is the latest (and supposedly greatest) PS Audio DAC operating system, so load it I did. Yet it was only when listening to the file through the DirectStream that I found myself physically responding to the music, nodding vigorously in response to the piece's many emotional peaks. Stereophile Recommended Component 2015 Stereophile Product of the Year Finalist 2015 The PerfectWave Transport is a ground breaking product that removes all digital sound limitations retrieving everything from your CD collection without any jitter or sonic loss. With their DirectStream Junior DAC, PS Audio has managed to offer the technology developed for the DirectStream “Senior” for only two-thirds the price. If I were the owner, my next "test" would be of PS Audio's 30 day, no hassle return policy. Read More. DirectStream DAC. Der PS Audio „DirectStream Digital DAC” ist ein reiner DSD DAC. Out of the box, the DS sounded quite dull. This was the unit sent by PS Audio, not the one I'd earlier borrowed from the dealer, which had been thoroughly broken in. Once the PWD’s insides have been removed and replaced with the DirectStream kit, your PerfectWave DAC will be identical to a new DirectStream. PS Audio's PerfectWave DirectStream DAC is a little bit of both, and I find myself admiring the combination. I have an old Dell from 2004. That was before the DS came into the picture. Introducing DirectStream Junior (DSJ), a world class DAC based on the architecture of the Stereophile and Absolute Sound’s Product Of The Year, DirectStream. Listening at matched levels through my Convergent Audio Technology SL-1 Renaissance preamp vs direct connection, I went back and forth at least a half-dozen times, trying to decide which was better—which should give you an idea of how close the sounds were. When are Sony going to give up protecting SACD!!! (Of course, they also played CD-standard, 16-bit/44.1kHz computer-audio files—just not CDs.). I can’t think of a better digital disc player than the PS Audio DirectStream Memory Player and DAC. Link to post Share on other sites. However, compared with the DS-PW (by this time I was using the DS's latest firmware, v.1.2.1; see "New Firmware," below), there was no contest: the DS-PW simply communicated more detail, with more three-dimensional images and more finely nuanced microdynamics. Now we have the apparent rebirth of DSD, the codec used for SACD, as a download format—and there's PonoMusic, with the promise of a hi-rez format for the masses. Preamplification: Auditorium 23 Standard step-up transformer, EAR 834P phono stage, PS Audio BHK Signature preamplifier, Pass Labs XP-22 preamplifier. One of the options for doing that involves gutting the PerfectWave DAC and replacing it with the DirectStream DAC’s interior parts. What makes the DSJ special isn’t merely technological, but that that technology is used in the service of outstanding sound quality to make it among the best-sounding DACs I’ve heard. Part 2: PS Audio DirectStream DAC as brought to you by Huron. PS Audio has done their homework with the release of the DirectStream Memory Player that I found to be a solid multi format performer. This DAC also distinguishes itself by offering audiophiles a constantly evolving, continuously upgradable alliance with PS Audio’s aggressively musical house sound.” – Herb Reichart, Stereophile During a conversation with Paul McGowan I learned that I needed to: open my iMac's AudioMIDI Setup window; highlight the left-column choice for the PS Audio DAC; change the source default sampling rate from 44.1 to 192kHz; and remove from the master-channel "Mute" box a check mark that, oddly, reappeared more than once during the review period. The second sample worked perfectly and was absolutely quiet. Part 1: PS Audio DirectStream DAC as brought to you by Torreys. I had a chance to compare the PW with the digital output of the repaired Ayre CX-7eMP (both AES/EBU, Nordost Valhalla 2 digital cable, both feeding the DS with the latest firmware). Played through the DMP and the DirectStream DAC, my CDs sound better than I'd thought possible. Said to have 80% of the performance of the DirectStream plus a built in bridge for $3,999. I could easily live with the Ayre CX-7eMP—but having heard what the PS Audio combo can do, I don't want to. So I put a CD (one of Reference Recordings' orchestral recordings) on repeat, and left the DS on but turned off the power amplifier, a McIntosh Labs MC275LE. Optional mit Streamingmodul Bridge 2. Differences between an upgraded PerfectWave DAC and a DirectStream DAC is the improved IR sensor for the remote control found only on the DirectStream and the DirectStream nomenclature on the front panel. The Music Room is now the largest online retailer of pre-owned HiFi equipment in the world. For example, in Clark Terry's performance of "Pennies from Heaven," from the Chesky Records Jazz Sampler & Audiophile Test Compact Disc, Vol.1 (Chesky JD37), before using the DS-PW I'd been only vaguely aware of the sound of Victor Gaskin's double bass in the background. Listening with new firmware It didn't have the digital edge that less-refined CD players are prone to (I used the Ayre's Listen rather than its Measure filter), and I do believe that it sounded somewhat better than with its purring transport. Indeed, Caleb Quaye's consistently tasteful guitar embellishments popped nicely from the mix, while the pedal steel guitar of Cochise alum B.J. Ayre Acoustics' CX-7e CD player came on the market in 2002. I installed one each in the DS and PW. I called P S Audio to help with downloading the software and fired up the DAC. Optimizing the DirectStream DAC: The first way to optimize the performance of the PS Audio DS—and, alas, the only one that's free—is to give it enough break-in. 4865 Sterling Drive • Boulder, Colorado • 80301 • 800-PSAUDIO • +1-720-406-8946 . Heard: PS Audio DirectStream DAC ($5999), P20 PowerPlants (2@$9999/each), P15 PowerPlant (1@$7499), AN3 loudspeakers (price TBD), and AC Series cables; BHK Signature preamp ($5999), Stellar phono preamp ($2499), and Signature 300 Monoblocks ($7499 each); VPI HW40 turntable ($14,999); Mac Mini. A specialized DSD-based DAC plus a high-power amplifier The DirectStream Power Plant 20 is the biggest of three Power Plant siblings: the P20 ($9999), P15 ($7499), and P12 ($5999). But to do SACD on it you have to have PS Audio's dac… Handwritten, discrete, perfection based conversion that uncovers all the missing information hiding in your digital audio media for all these years. PS Audio Stellar M1200 Monoblock Hybrid Amplifiers The M1200 began as the dream project of PS engineer, Darren Myers who wanted to build a power amplifier without bounds or compression on even the loudest of musical passages, yet equally at home reproducing the subtlest of details. Paul McGowan, the leading man at PS Audio of Denver/Colorado, thinks of himself a bit like a rebel; a rebel with a cause that is. Then came hi-rez downloads and streaming. As you were able to listen to WBGO via your Internet connection and the PS Audio DAC, this suggests your set-up is correct. Posted February 12, 2016. james45974. The soft initial timpani strokes about 2:44 into the first movement had good startle factor, as did the even softer first taps on the bass drum a little after 9:00, and plucked strings and harp all had good touch and impact. and shows the poor low-frequency linearity graph from my measurements of the review sample with the original firmware, he is ignoring both my "but" and the subsequent measurements at, which show that this poor performance had been addressed. To further test Paul McGowan's claim of CDs having "a lot of information that you didn't know was there," I dug out some of the discs I'd bought back when most record stores' CD section was a single, small rack. Quite amazing. Not affiliated with any company selling audio, music, or related services. I am having some problems with the new P S Audio DirectStream DAC I bought. Solo piano music was also consistently involving through the DirectStream, as I found with the musically raw, live-in-the-studio recording by Jorge Bolet of Liszt's perversely fascinating arrangement of Wagner's Tannhäuser Overture (AIFF ripped from CD, RCA 63748-2). That was then or what would become the MK1. Without that option it costs US $5,999. Cole shimmered and shone nicely behind the other instruments. The recommended remedy of turning off the power and turning it on again didn't work; the video display indicated that the PW was initializing, but it would neither play nor eject the disc.

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