me and my kind live

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I would appreciate any help or advice i can get in order for me to better the lives of my children and myself! She probably goes to great lengths to make it look perfect knowing that you probably look at it. My husband didn’t allow me to have anything once I became stay at home mom and he was never around. I been look for a low income place. I dont have a drivers licance. They have always had Christmas but this year the ideal of putting a tree is heart breaking. As far as housing goes, check on TANF in your area…they should be able to help you. My name is Taji. Good information for recovery. I’ve got to get us out of our current situation immediately! Does anyone have any idea of where I can get some kind of help? I am employed but it brings very lil money and recieve no financial aid for single mothers at all from there father. Hi I’m about to get evicted from my apartment in three days I have nowhere to go and need some help immediately can u help me I’m in the Jackson Ms area, Why in the world would you get pregnant a third time when you’re not married and have nowhere to live there are many birth control methods out there abstinence is one of them, Go to a homeless shelter. How can we just get out of this funk and have a safe place to go where we can start fresh and I can finish my degree or start new plan? Sometimes we get to stay at my friend’s house but I have no close family. I relocated to Florida for out protection and am in hiding. I lost my job back in 2013, the only income I have is receiving food stamps, Now I’m capable of handling things on my own I just allow myself to get sidetracked & I’m tired of being in this predicament. Sorry to hear you are experiencing the same thing as I am. I’ve found out how hard it is in Michigan and it’s already hard to even ask. ireally need helpidont know what else to do. but i would truly like to see her away from the relationship she is in, it is not healthy for her or her son.. Child care would be easier to get if I can find a job I can get to with no problem and stay there longer than a few months. He lied to the judge about money is given to me and the judge believed him without a shred of proof I couldn’t get an attorney to take my case even though I had $70,000 in receipts for supporting this gentleman for the last two-and-a-half years of his life because the conservator wouldn’t give him any of his own money. Please help!! I was looking forward to start school again in June to get my degree in English so I can be a teacher, but it looks like that will have to wait. is my email address. in my mother just dnt care about nobody but herself in i cnt be around two selfish people like that. I am awesome with computers and paperwork, children, cooking, and more that’s not even the half. What options do I have? My dad used to get me up for school at I am looking for employment, I m not afraid to work at all, I will work from sun up to sun down if I have to. I have a 18 yr old, a 15 yr old, and my 22 yr old son whom is the father of my granddaughter. I am 48 years old, grew up in a small town with a N mother who was a "respected" school teacher and I was pinned as the rebellious child by my community, because no one knew what went on behind closed doors and out of sheer desperation I acted out. / You made me … I don't have a mother. I got away. I NEED A PLACE TO LIVE.. or i fear the worst… i might loose my daughter.. she’s all i have!? Hello, I am single mother of three children. She gets some state assistance i think. I am a 25yr old mother of three and six mths pregnant with my fourth. please help! i have tried looking on my own and even contacted my local hud office but still havent been able to talk to an actual person just left a whole bunch of voice mails hoping for a call back. Turns out she's bipolar. Please get back to me ASAP. I pray I get to see her one day, I feel her prescence and warmth just praying to her! I have 3 kids, 12, 5 and 1, one of which has Autism. Lack of confidence is something I continue to struggle with. My husband left us and he was the one paying all the bills I stayed at home to raise our child. I dont know who my attacker is, I dont get any child support. Of course, I am too sensitive, I imagine things. I have an income but not near enough to survive in these inflated rental prices on my own. I am so glad that you are free from this now. I don’t think that is fair because instances like that can go on your credit and I don’t need that on mine. As he uses financial abuse as his tactic. She she is 87 now still tough and seems to be remarkably happy, especially when in the company of golden child, my middle sister. I appreciate any help /suggestions But over the past two weeks we have became harsh to each other. The greatest sin is that of being a mother who cannot see the divine in her child and pay it the respect that is deserved. We are homeless due to a controlling abusive relationship. I live in Il and im staying with my mom and her husband and well lets just say its not a good situation. I NEED stable housing. I have no family here for support. @ annonymous: So is mine uugghh. Maybe this can help. I wanted to go to colleg3 and finish but I got sick with a mass tumor last year. Being a mother myself I wondered why my mom can so easily cast me off like i don't exist. I felt like lightening had struck, my blind eyes could see and Hallelujah I am not crazy all at once! I had been staying at my 81 year old grandmother’s house and though we are all mixed race and my grandma the granddaughter of a kkk grand wizard, I’ve been able to take the insults for my children. Cuz have no car. Dort erlebt sie spannende Abenteuer. I do not have a vehicle and the town If there are any resources that you can provide it would be greatly appreciated. He was a fragile N. I think N is genetic for some, but not for most. Sometimes I wish I had a mother to talk to, a mother who would love me and care for me. Please get out of there. It wasnt easy by no means. I want to be away from her and my father. I’m sleeping on the floorof a family’s member house. I'm just not sure is my mother is N or what. I will wait to discipline them until I talk to my husband so I can make sure I don't overreact. If you could help me find a appt or town home asap that would be very much appreciated. She is giving us a small time frame to move out and threatening to evict us. I don’t know how much longer i can take having unstable environments, my babies need a real home. Hi, my name is Julie, I am 20 years old and I have a 2 year old daughter. I need help like yesterday! Please help. I have no job and no car. I’m not sure what to do, I have been looking for quite some time now, I’ve applied for section 8 and a few other things a year or so ago, but it seems everything has too long of a waiting list. If anyone knows where I can call please let me know because I Have been on the phone for a week finding no help. And get $320.00 in cash aid, and about $500.00 from work.I NEED HELP PLEASE SEN ME IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION…. My current living situation has become very negative and unstable, the verbal abuse is overwhelming. 269k members in the marijuanaenthusiasts community. I don't want anything to do with either of them. I was recently with another man who accepted my other 2 boys and found out we were expecting a 3rd i am now 7 months prego with my third son and single i am still staying with his family until i can get a place, i am stressed all the time there is not enough room for another baby and need a place asap for me and my kids i have been looking for a job but am not able to find one i have no extra money and feel like i have no where to turn plzzzzzz help me!!!!! I am between a rock and a hard place with the new edition to my life and i only want whats best for my child and my current conditions wont allow me to do so. i could not work because i had to take care of him and my 2 kids. She took her own life in 2006 while husband number two was in hospital with Alzheimers. We’ve not been together for a couple years now. thankyou and i hope and pray the rest have found, or will find salvation. I have gone to Church of Christ my entire life, no help there either!!! I am 25 years old. I’m not working at the current time but seeking employment very bad. My baby father and I split up when my son was 5 months and he’s no help since we’re not together anymore. I have ZERO help and I’m scared to death. Please . Without a GED, you’ll never get a job that pays above minimum wage. im a single father of a 9yr old gurl i have a notice of eviction coming soon i was receving tra but they havent payed in 5 months newark nj please help.. I have until Tue and then me and my babies are out. Please and Thanks. but i plan to move out in the next 2 months. I used to be a victim of domestic violence. My mom has been a homemaker for 18 years of their 20 yr relationship. I am currently looking for a job but in these times it is not easy to find anything and im not going to find something making enough to pay rent right away. I have nowhere to go. My other sister 2.5 years older than me, who is now the "golden child" got married at 19-20 just to leave the house. i am currenlty working but cant afford to move in a place on my ow. I have a 14 yr old son from prior marriage. Left me broke and have still not found any help. This is a note to the woman I passed a few weeks ago on the street. I live in Oklahoma, where are you? has moved her new guy in as well but she doesn’t want us here let her tell it ” she doesn’t have the room” She works every day except Thurs, but what she wants is a housemaid and her children are EXTREMELY rude & disrespectful 2 me and I’m fed up. This article is why I dont like ""mothers day"". Their father is unless and has caused my youngest daughter to be taken by cps because she lived with him and he was doing drugs. We've developed a suite of premium Outlook features for people with advanced email and calendar needs. Dear members posting here...come join us in the on-line workshop and our facebook parties and our closed forum. I really need housing assistance and need guidance to how I can get it started and in full effect. I’m not homeless yet so would I qualify for any help yet. If theres anyone who can help plzz respond back, I am a single mother of a two year old girl and am out of ideas I am currently staying on a friends couch but there are 5 people living in this one bedroom apartment and it has been made quite clear that we need to get out. No one would address the fact that no "your mother is incapable of loving you" She has a severe Personality Disorder. My mom and me love movies. I can’t afford any apartment and could really use some help. this site was very usefull i am going to try and get in touch with the hub department i really need help on renting a place. In jan ill b attending Malcolm x college, takin up ged classes! I can’t stand auto correct. For a year I payed all our bills in full and on time, never late. I have been abused raped all my life i am struggling mother of a two yr old boy. it turns out he has the custody of both children. I want to get a job, but it won’t be easy without a place and transportation and baby sitter. Mom is sick and need some help, Im a 22 yr old mother with a 14 month old boy and a lil girl on the way in march.ive been in desperate need of help but cant seem to find anything i live with a controlling boyfriend which ive been trying to get away from and cant seem to do so because i have no where else to go im currently not working at the moment cuz im on maternity leave but would really need help with houseing im basically on my own with no family or friends to help.. I am not a veteran however a daughter of a deceased veteran. I have tried so hard to fight but no one will help he owes me so much but has played games and has gone for stretches as long as a year without giving us a penny. In order to speed up the process of finding housing assistance for single mothers, be sure that you get your required paperwork together before you make any calls. I tried section 8 its a 2 yr wait i live in idaho if i can ger any sort of help it would be great. I just know Mommie Dearest had a hand in my jacked up relationships and again, I just want to see my sister fail. I don’t know what to do I don’t want to quit school, but I am lost! Even if I could physical work like i use to I wouldn't be able to keep a job because my son requires my attention 24/7 with his special needs. I need help shelter .please My situation very very critical. I don’t buy pills and I don’t sell pills. If any of you would like to share your stories or comments there, I welcome them. Thank you for addressing the "silent sin" of being a child who mother does not love me. I get SSI but has worked on and off since 2003. I am even losing weight do to how nervous I am. i dont feel safe here. All else is out of our ken. So i already planned on kicking him out but i was putting it off cause i was kinda scared of what he’d do to us if i made him upset when i asked him to move out but a few days after he gave me no choice but kick him out cause what he did was went and gambled away everybit of his va disability check for the entire month he gets because he was mentally and physically wounded in the Army during his 2 tour of duty that both tours to iraq lasted more then a year an a half each tour and then he diced he would get out after he was stop lossed back to iraq the day he was supposed to leave iraq right then.. needless to say the war did a number on him an the result was he was forever changed and now not just him but our entire life myself i take care of two of my children and him i’m his care giver for the past 6 years i take care of all his needs i do everything for him including bathing him i attempted to create a better situation for all four of us.. slowly over time i just about had given up on him and let us just fall apart because he couldn’t face the fact that he needed serious help and that he just didn’t want to do any long term therapy and there was no quick fix for his many problems including a terrible back injury he’ll have to deal with forever.. he was now the one i feared 99% of the time. Basically, i NEED to get out of here. Im praying for a miracle in my life right now and if you could send me any information that may be usefull i would greatly appreciate it. I am so proud of myself and have been submitting my new resume all over and even have two interviews set up. I am loving in new York but I don’t have any job house before I was living family friends but unfortunately they r moving out of us I don’t now what I will do I don’t ve job or place to live please please guide me because feb 4 I ll be homeless I don’t now where I will take my daughters now please help, I am a single mother of 5 children. When you’re in my situation, people take advantage and take your money, because they know you have nowhere else to go. I don’t know what to do or where to turn. I’m a full time student and we are homeless. I simply cannot believe that a judge has not made this man pay up! My name is Johnette, I’m 32 and live on Oahu, HI. I’m Actively searching for a job but now if I’m homeless I can’t take it. I live in arizona. The Secretly Mean: The secretly mean mother does not want others to know that she is abusive to her children. My email address is for anyone out there that is willing to give me an opportunity. I NEED HELP ON MY RENT AND ALSO FINDING A APARTMENT. I am 100% willing to do whatever is needed of me I just need a chance… just an opening. I live in south Mississippi i have been applying for jobs after jobs and no 1 is hiring and me and my son dont need much just a place to become stable again and eventually become successful. I am scared to leave my daughter with anyone because of the things that happened to me when i was a child..I NEED being kicked out at the end of august i have no where to go i have an 11 month old girl and im pregnant. Amy, I so fully understand your pain. i need a place where i am welcomed. I was an A/B student in honors classes, track star, held a job, and generally stayed far from trouble. I have watched my step daughter struggle with her nmom and at 25 she is finally starting to realize what being a mom truly is about. Just a STRONG BLACK INDEPENDENT WOMAN...that's what she said she was. However, that doesn’t solve the housing crisis that I will be facing at the end of September. I have a 3 yr old daughter and am currently pregnant. Now I know she never did and never will, now that I've broken free, no-one who hasn't walked in my shoes has any right at all to dismiss what I lived through by dismissing her abuse as 'doing her best'. 7 Myths About Narcissistic Personality Disorder, How to Recognize Dark Triad Personality Traits, Navigating Narcissism: The What, Why, and How, Unloved Daughters: Confronting the Slow Path to Healing, Why Your Abusive Narcissistic Mate Claims to Be the Victim, Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC, How to Find Inner Strength in Your Personality, How to Tell If Your Kids Are Lying to You, Traumatic Brain Injuries Affect More than the Brain, Antidepressant Drugs May Act in a Previously Unknown Way, Find a therapist who understands narcissism. ok now i need help asap my fridge is empty i have almost nothing to feed my boys i have not ate just so that they could split my food portion too have more i have no friends or family here where i live in Goldsboro North Carolina in Wayne county, I am a grandmother who has custody of her 10 yr old grandson for 6 yrs now.i am about to be homeless cause i live on disability. Just wishing there was a live chat room to discuss some of the issues we face having grown up with such dysfunction. anything is graciously accepted at this time, food, winter clothing and christmas. I spend numerous hours in and out of hospital with both my children. now I am looking for any kind of help or assistance with anything I can get help with, or at least a list of agencies that would help me immediately. Essentially, I was completely parentless by age ten. They would take the time to know me and care. I can give you infromation. I’m writing to see if anyone out there could help us my mom can’t do it alone she acts like she but she can’t often times I hear her crying it’s hurting her more than you could emange. My biggest fear is she will pay for my mistakes by not having a home or a mother whom she can depend on. i really dnt have any family because my dad is a dead beat. But I am starting to worry I hope that someone reads this and can help me. MY mother was narcissistic ( the flamboyant but needy type) and extremely destructive. I definitely need help!! They had barely any food, no transportation and my sister was getting sick and not attending school. Jobs are hard to come by, but I promise you that if you put together a well written resume and get out there and do not take NO for an answer, someone will give you a chance. Im bi-racial my mom is white my dad was black. Unser Sandmännchen. He was self employed and the sole provider ,now I’m living in a two bed room duplex by myself no car and a newborn wit 4 toddlers I have no job he didn’t pay the rent so I know I will soon have to leave I am really trying to be place somewhere else due to the fact he has a key and is on the lease please if anybody knows anytype of assistance let me know . As shown in the Romain orphanages were babies are neglected and unless rescued very early, are never normal and are seriously disturbed even if treated with the utmost love and care later on.

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