hidden figures movie questions quizlet

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Hidden Figures is not just a story of empowerment for women and people of color, but to a lesser extent for mathematicians. 5. She surmises that about “70 more can be shaken loose.” Approximately 400 white women were working in the same capacity. It tells a story that was “never hidden, but unseen.” The Mses. Note: It’s a great exercise to ask students to identify the tribes to which they belong, both traditional (including family) and voluntary. This campaign intentionally echoed the concept of the double consciousness of blacks in a racist society, a concept articulated by the African-American intellectual W. E. B. Melvin Butler, the man responsible for filling the burgeoning job positions at Langley, devised recruitment tools guaranteed to appeal to housewives looking for more fulfilling work: His want ads exhorted female citizens to “Reduce your household duties . ... Where does the movie take place? 48. By the 1930s it was clear to American leaders that the next war would have a different tactical lynchpin than WWI: much of the war would be fought in the air. Hidden Figures is a history lesson into systemic injustices and why they remain hidden. Conduct interviews (in person or via video conference) with math/science/engineering professionals of color/female professors about their career paths and the obstacles they have had to overcome. Hidden Figures Movie Quiz Student Info Created by Kristie R. Ruddick, PhD Questions to be used with the 2016 movie, Hidden Figures, directed by Theodore Melfi. 35 multiple choice questions to accompany the 2016 movie, Hidden Figures, directed by Theodore Melfi. Write a persuasive job notice intended to recruit female students and students of color to the fields of math, computing, and sciences. Hidden Figures is the story of three black women who made important contributions to the U.S. Space program before the “human computers” were replaced by digital computers. There are several possibilities: Dorothy Vaughan: repeatedly asking to be promoted to supervisor and walking into the IBM room to work with the new machine; Katherine Johnson: entering the Space Task Group; and Mary Jackson: bringing her case to court and speaking up to the judge. Also, be sure to put the film in perspective. Ms. Shetterly’s book describes the proliferation of black middle-class neighborhoods around the Langley campus in the middle of the 20th Century. Worksheet for Cinematic and Theatrical Elements and Their Effects. 39 terms. mrsjtone. I can't seem to sit still long enough. .,” spelling out the need for “women who are not afraid to roll up their sleeves . However, their persistence and outstanding work boost the U.S. presence in space and blaze a path forward for achievement based on merit. 120 seconds . Katherine Johnson and Mary Jackson worked for Dorothy Vaughan in West Computing, but the three were not close friends. . 0. Dorothy Vaughan had sent her on a special assignment to East Computing. What or who are the “Hidden Figures” referred to in the title to this movie? From the 1930s to the advent of the digital computer in the early 1960s, several hundred female “human computers” were hired by the federal government. Katherine Johnson simply ignored the “White Women” (only) bathroom signs at Langley, but the filmmakers scripted the scenes of her racing across the campus and her (Mary Jackson’s) explosion to demonstrate what other black women had to endure. pmendoza82. Americans looked up at the sky and wondered what the Russians had up there and, Americans of all races, classes, and backgrounds were united in their desire for the country to put a man into orbit and bring him home safely. The US National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA) was the forerunner of NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 41 & 63. Margot Lee Shetterly. Which of the characters is interested in the IBM mainframe machine being built in the tech wing, Katherine gets called out for being away from her desk too long because she was, Running across the campus to use the restroom. It provides excellent opportunities for class discussion and assignments. Coffee serves as a symbol for acceptance onto the NASA team. SURVEY . This displays a process that has worked and continues to work at NASA, in the U.S. military, in business, in sports, and in many other areas. What or who are the “Hidden Figures” referred to in the title to this movie? Describe three acts of courage by the heroines in the film. This average, of course, aggregates data from many neighborhoods where blacks have virtually no exposure to whites, and others where integration is advanced. Watching “Hidden Figures” I thought about how I would have felt had I seen this movie 30 years ago, when I made the decision to study math and computer science. If she says the numbers are good, then I’m ready to go.” NASA Biography of Catherine Johnson, accessed April 22, 2017. It shows that feminism is not just work related and that a man with the strength of character can appreciate and love a strong woman if he abandons stereotyped ways of viewing women. Du Bois, and analyzed in his signature book, The Souls of black Folk. New … Identify one of them, describe how their racism is shown, and what happens to their attitudes by the end of the film. Ashley_Turner01. ... Hidden Figures is based on a true story. SURVEY . Recent Questions and Answers on Hidden Figures. What does Mr. Harrison do in the response to the knowledge that NASA has separate bathrooms and coffee pots for blacks? A West Computer named Miriam Mann found the “Colored Computers” table sign to be especially loathsome. We’ve discounted annual subscriptions by 50% for COVID-19 … Hidden Figures doesn’t show the millions of people denied jobs due only to the color of their skin. 8th - 12th grade. 2. TPT - CHAPTER 16 - HIDDEN FIGURES ... IzzyDiaz7194. 35 & 60. NASA says he is largely based on Robert C. Gilruth, who became the director of the Space Task Group in 1958. The characters who exhibit the most adherence to Jim Crow attitudes are the police officer shown at the beginning of the movie; Paul Stafford, the condescending white engineer in the Space Task Group, and Mrs. Mitchell, the Female Computers’ white supervisor. The character of Al Harrison, Katherine’s boss at the Space Task Group, is a composite. CCSS pg. Hidden Figures Study Guide. This quiz will be covering the Hidden Drawings portion of the SIFT. Hidden Figures is an excellent way to excite your students about STEM topics during Black History Month, Women's History Month, or any time of year, so try out these Hidden Figures teaching resources give students the opportunity to dissect great scenes and passages again and again. See also Anchor Standard # 2 for ELA Speaking and Listening, CCSS pg. Describe the history of Jim Crow laws or customs in your state/city. Search. In 1941, as American industry geared up to produce the weapons to fight WWII, a group of civil rights activists led by A. Philip Randolph, head of the union for black men working as sleeping car attendants on America’s railroads, formed the “March on Washington Movement.” They demanded that President Roosevelt end racial discrimination in hiring for the defense industry and threatened a massive march on Washington, D.C., to protest racial segregation in employment and in the military. Mrs. Mitchell’s real-life counterpart was Margery Hannah, who behaved differently than the character in the film. Vaughan” at the film’s end. ... 43 Questions Show answers. 4. This scene foreshadows what happens in the film in terms of the attitude of whites at NASA toward the black women with whom they work. After Sputnik in 1957, his pay and status “skyrocketed” along with those of other scientists in academia. I'm watching Hidden Figures with one of my classes at the end of term, and created this worksheet to go with it. An example of team spirit triumphing over racial prejudice in sports is described in the movie Remember the Titans. Revealing the inspirational untold story of female African-American mathematicians working at NASA during the 1960s, the film Hidden Figures is based on a book by Margot Lee Shetterly. See Discussion Questions numbered 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Katherine Goble Johnson, a gifted mathematician, performs essential calculations and makes important theoretical contributions for determining the trajectories and orbits of America’s first astronauts. This psychological conundrum confronts every oppressed group. Analyze the story told by this film in terms of this view of human relations. There are many valid responses. What is Mary's husbands opinion on her working as an engineer at NASA, Math necessary to handle launch and landing for the space program. She lives in Charlottesville, VA. In the early 1960s, electronic computers were in their infancy. It will test your cognitive awareness and spacial reasoning. When Katherine begins checking math for the engineers at NASA, a lot of the data is classified and blacked out. What happens when Dorthy goes to look for a Fortean book at the public library? Fly-by-wire navigation (FBW), in which the trajectory of the flight is controlled by computer and not by the pilot, began with the Mercury mission. CCSS pp. 6. 0. The administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower responded by increasing the resources that went into scientific research and training. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on … 2. What happened to the Liberty Bell 7 capsule that returned Gus Grissom to the earth in July 21, 1661? Which of the ladies does Colonel Johnson begin to court? Parenting Points Shetterly nominates engineer John Stack as a model for Harrison. What role does the scene with the policeman and the three protagonists play in the story? It was essential to transform America’s unimpressive aircraft arsenal into a powerful aerial armada. Unless the class has already studied American history of the 20th century, set the scene before for showing the film with direct instruction covering the following points: This movie takes place during the Cold War with the Soviet Union, 1947 – 1991. Which is true of the personal life of Katherine in the beginning of the movie? It provides an approximation for the solution of a differential equation. Question 1 . Dorothy Vaughan, who supervises the “colored computers.” She sees that digital computers are the wave of the future and learns the prototype programming language FORTRAN, orients herself to a room-sized IBM computer, and encourages the women in her section to do the same. by meagantlopez. Spurred by Russia’s Sputnik, the first man-made object to orbit the earth, the U. S. recognized the need to provide technical and scientific training to students and to move them into positions that could benefit America’s reach for the heavens. (Don't miss the giveaway at the end of this post!) When our Waggl team saw this film it resonated with us immediately because we share core values like inclusion, and the importance of culture and progressive leadership. Their task was to calculate numbers and to manually solve the equations necessary for new generations of airplanes, the first American rockets, and the first U.S. manned space flights. 7. It spotlights the crucial contributions of African-American women mathematicians to the American space programme in the 1960s, focusing on three women in particular: Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson. Additionally, the film provides a historical link to today’s STEM and STEAM initiatives in schools and can alert students to seek out programs that will reinforce their skills and lead to careers in science and technical fields. The book and movie "Hidden Figures" celebrate the contributions of African-American "human computers" who performed mathematical equations and … This opened the door a crack for women at Langley, as it did in many other fields. Tell the class that Hidden Figures does not claim to describe the full effects of racism or the broad scope of the Civil Rights movement. It was actually Mary Jackson who lost her cool about the segregated bathrooms. While Executive Order 8802 didn’t end discrimination against African Americans in defense industries, it did lead to some job gains for black workers. Anchor Standards #s 1, 2, 7 and 8 for Reading and related standards (for both ELA classes and for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Classes). One view of human relations is that in our lives we choose to associate ourselves with different groups (called “tribes” in this formulation) and that we develop allegiances to these voluntary tribes that are as important as our allegiance to the groups into which we are born or to which traditions assign to us. In 1962 FBW wasn’t as reliable as it is today. Plus, check out more of Our Favorite Courageous Women Biographies. One of the pillars of Jim Crow was separate sanitary facilities. 2017 Academy Awards Nominations: Best Picture; Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role (Octavia Spencer); Best Adapted Screenplay; 2017 Golden Globe Nominations: Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture (Octavia Spencer); Best Original Score – Motion Picture; 2017 Screen Actors Guild Awards: Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture. 1. Who or what is the antagonist in this story? The seating at the cafeteria at Langley was segregated. 1. LitCharts Teacher Editions. The movie closely follows Margot Shetterly’s meticulously researched historical work of the same name. False. A black person in that situation had to find some alternative or run the substantial risk of arrest or a beating for using a “Whites Only” restroom. During the time the movie was based on, … The movie Hidden Figures is a great example. Hidden Figures Quizlet. by Denise Oliver Velez, Daily Kos, Sunday Feb. 19, 2012. Coffee serves as a symbol in this movie. These questions are recently being asked in bank PO, SSC, NDA, ITBP exams. Glenn said, “. Euler lived from 1707 to 1783, dying just seven years after the U.S. declared independence from Great Britain. [W]omen today hold only about a quarter of U.S. computing and mathematical jobs – a fraction that has actually fallen slightly over the past 15 years, even as women have made big strides in other fields.” Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women? Ask a Question 500. SUBJECTS — U.S. 1940 – 1991, Diversity, and Virginia; Mathematics; Science-Technology; SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING — Courage; Human Rights; AGE: 13+; MPAA Rating PG for thematic elements and some language; Drama; 2016, 127 minutes; Color. Selected Awards & Cast Save. They look simple, but need a lot of practice beforehand. Morgan_Cheeseman. Mary Jackson takes on Virginia’s stridently segregationist education system to attain the graduate qualifications that allow her to become NACA/NASA’s first female African-American engineer. They contributed to initiatives to integrate society and achieve economic and social justice. What does this tell you about the position of the black women in Virginia society in the late 1950s? Edit. She would periodically remove it, and it would reappear on the table some days later. John Glenn really did request that Katherine Johnson double check the computer calculations. The policeman escorts the three protagonists to work. He became her mentor, and she eventually organized his retirement party. For example, Katherine Johnson could be said to belong to the following “tribes:” mathematicians, the human computers, the NASA Space Task Group, mothers, members of her church, etc. 6. ... "That is just the way things are," so important in the movie. Great to use with any science, math or history class. 1. Explain whether or not you believe that this shows a process that works in reality. (The white husband of this writer was once detained by police for defacing a “White Only” sign on a laundromat in Tallahassee, Florida. It also serves as a reminder of the ever-present threat of force against black Americans inherent in Jim Crow. The human computers reported to the Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, operated by the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA) and its successor, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Shetterly, Margot Lee, Hidden Figures, New York, William Morrow, 2016, Print. What better time to re-examine the early years of the space race and, in particular, the efforts of 3. Hidden Figures. Professional respect and acceptance as a member of the NASA team. Much like the movie’s early prospects, the characters (played by Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer and Janelle Monae) were perceived by their colleagues as underdogs who had to work harder to gain equal footing. The increases in funding for the sciences that followed Russia’s launch of Sputnik in 1957 were felt in many areas of science. . In the opening scene, Katherine’s parents are entering her into a collegiate school in what state? In addition to websites which may be linked in the Guide and selected film reviews listed on the Movie Review Query Engine, the following resources were consulted in the preparation of this Learning Guide: This Learning Guide was written by Deborah Elliott and was published on May 9, 2017. The Case for Reparations — Two hundred fifty years of slavery. In 1957 most Americans thought of the U.S. as the undisputed technological leader of the world. Mrs. Mitchell indicates her growing respect for Dorothy by addressing her as “Mrs. The characters who exhibit the most adherence to Jim Crow attitudes, the initially hostile police officer, the condescending white engineer in the Space Task Group, Paul Stafford, and Mrs. Mitchell, the white supervisor, all change their behavior. The movie highlights their intelligence, sisterhood, and perseverance, as well as the racial and gender It shows an episode in the ongoing process of eliminating discrimination against blacks and women in employment in the U.S. After watching the movie, students will be interested in reading the Helpful Background section. Unlike those big-budget movies, “Hidden Figures” had a relatively modest production budget of around $25 million. What famous astronaut do the ladies meet in person? In the opening scene, Katherine's parents are entering her into a collegiate school in which state? CCSS pp. Which is true of the personal life of Katherine in the beginning of the movie? The photo below tells it all. Shetterly cites two possibilities in her book Hidden Figures: One is the women, and especially the black women, whose contributions to America’s space effort went largely unrecognized until the movie was released. The following are research topics for essays by students. Tech companies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to improve conditions for female employees. Does this movie paint an accurate picture of racism in the Southern United States under Jim Crow? The whites who show racist tendencies change by the end of the film when they come to understand that their African-American coworkers are valuable parts of the team. They worked with pen, paper, and analog adding machines. . This writer’s father-in-law was a poorly paid professor of biochemistry in the early 1950s. Questions are in the order they can be answered from the film. The author of Hidden Figures, Margot Shetterly, estimates that she has identified almost 50 black women who were working at Langley – NACA/NASA as computers, mathematicians, engineers, and researchers. I'm not a movie girl. Start studying "Hidden Figures" Review Questions. 35 terms. Click here for a version in Microsoft Word, suitable to be printed and distributed to the class. She is an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow and the recipient of a Virginia Foundation of the Humanities grant for her research into the history of women in computing. The final calculations Katherine is asked to do are pertaining to, The safe return of John Glenn's capsule to the earth, Katherine has problems keeping up with the data needed for the calculations to return Friendship 7 to earth because, What conditions does Dorothy require before she accepts reassignment to programming the IBM for John Glenn's trajectory, She demands that all of the ladies in the West Computing go with her, The problem Katherine is trying to solve regarding the re-entry of Glenn's capsule has to do with, The transition from an elliptical orbit to a parabolic orbit, Katherine's solution to be the problem with the re-entry of the capsule involves, Mr. Harrison sends Katherine back to the West Group because, The IBM is doing the work she used to do more quickly. Social-Emotional Learning 56 terms. ), (Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule; Be tolerant of differences; Use good manners, not bad language; Be considerate of the feelings of others; Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone; Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements). You will be given a set of shapes. Discussion Questions In WWII these publications promoted the “Double V Campaign:” Victory overseas in the war and victory over discrimination at home. (For an example, see the picture above of the police forcibly removing a black woman from a library. The movie Hidden Figures , based on the book of the same name by Margot Lee Shetterly, is the true story of three brilliant African-American women at NASA: Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson. a year ago. 2. [We have no idea if there is any truth in this episode.]. What does it symbolize? Hidden Figures. Not all assignments reach all Anchor Standards. Hidden Figures assumes you'll share its vision, making correct judgments regarding differences between perception and blindness, bigotry and justice, right and wrong. It doesn’t tell the story of the millions of people denied education and jobs because of the color of their skin. Mr. Harrison ask Katherine to check the math of one of the Space Task Group at NASA because, Heat shields keep flying off the NASA capsule, She does all the work of a supervisor without the pay. Length of essay and extent of research depend upon the capabilities of the class. See Bibliography. Nonetheless, by this measure there has been no progress in reducing segregation [in housing] for the last 60 years. Oct 07, 2020 10:18 PM ... what were some way Katherine Dorothy and Mary fought ti change how they were treated in there movie hidden figures. Euler’s Method, employed by Katherine Johnson in her breakthrough calculations for John Glenn’s Friendship Seven orbit, was devised in the 18th century. Compare and contrast racial discrimination in the North and in the South during the period 1950 – 1965. Teacher info included. Hidden Figures - Chapters 21-23, Epilogue Summary & Analysis. a. Mississippi b. This comprehensive lesson plan includes 30 daily lessons, 180 multiple choice questions, 20 essay questions, 20 fun activities, and more - everything you need to teach Hidden Figures! The movie 'Hidden Figures' reveals four important lessons for science and society irrespective of our backgrounds, race or gender. at the beginning of the movie the ladies' car breaks down, how do they make it to work at NASA? People working together for a common goal can lead to the end of prejudice. I might have felt more secure in that decision, and certainly would have had better ideas on how to handle some of the thorny racial situations into which I found myself. The movie follows the story of three women … Discussion Questions And Paul Stafford reverses his resistance to Katherine’s presence and status, bringing her a cup of coffee. Research and present information on engineering, computer, mathematics, or robotics programs at three of your top choice colleges/universities. Links to the Internet It was called West Computing because it was located in a building at Langley’s Western end. The idea behind Euler’s Method is to approximate a curve using the concept of local linearity to join multiple small line segments of the curve. Write an essay evaluating whether the U.S. should pay reparations to its African-American citizens in light of the following: National Book Award winner Ta-Nehisi Coates has written that the practice of “redlining,” or denying mortgage and financial services to blacks, has prevented the intergenerational transfer of wealth in families that is a mainstay of middle-class financial security in the U.S. ... Hidden Figures Quizlet. Another possibility is that the “Hidden Figures” are the mathematical figures that had to be uncovered in calculating trajectories and orbits for the astronauts. . How does Mary get permission to attend at an all-white school? Hidden Figures is Disney’s latest release telling the story of a team of African-American women who helped NASA send astronaut John Glenn into outer space and return safely. At the same time, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Civil Rights movement was gathering force. Examples include racists do not treat others with respect; they do not follow the Golden Rule, and they are not tolerant of differences. This story that few know, is a powerful one indeed, and one that can kickstart wonderful discussions about a variety of topics related to STEM, the power of thoughtful women making a difference in our world, civil rights, and the power of education. The first American to be launched into space from Cape Canaveral on May 5, 1961 was, In the speech John F. Kennedy he said: "We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are _______". This could have been the inspiration for Katherine’s humiliating coffee pot encounters. 1. True. These actions are particularly courageous because they involve challenging the color bar, something that had been enforced in the South for four centuries through intimidation and violence. It was Halloween night in 1963. Ninety years of Jim Crow. In 1943, employment applications began arriving at Langley from black women. You must search through each drawing and determine which shape is hidden within. Bibliography. How integrated is your neighborhood? The movie Hidden Figures shares their struggles as Dorothy Vaughn (Octavia Spencer), Mary Jackson (Janelle Monáe), and Katherine (Goble) Johnson (Taraji P. Henson) crossed gender, racial, … What defeats the antagonist? From 1957 to 1961 the Russians led the space race as the early U.S. space program was plagued by failures. How does she respond? You can also use them as a jumping off point to form your own Hidden Figures discussion questions, and determine what ideas you want to explore when you discuss the books. Why are these actions particularly courageous? Questions are in order as they occur in the movie. kenziecowan2019. They fix the car themselves and are escorted by a policeman. Dubois wrote that blacks faced a nearly impossible task in constructing internally positive personal identities because they were forced to act in ways that were acceptable to an oppressive white society. The lab saved the city of Hampton from economic collapse after Prohibition, when the sale of alcohol was outlawed and the liquor industry, from which a large proportion of Hamptonites earned their income, was brought to a halt. However, I've been waiting for this movie to come out for a while and the book is next on my reading list. Note, that the concept of race is a societal construct. What decade does this movie take place? He got around the scandalous implications of racial equality by setting up a segregated work area for the smaller number of “colored” computers. 7 months ago. These were designed to denigrate and suppress African Americans. Journeys in Film: Hidden Figures 3 o s As NASA begins preparations for the first landing of humans on Mars in the 2030s, the excitement and challenge of the early years of manned space exploration will once again capture the world’s imagination. Helpful Background, Using the Movie in the Classroom What country beat USA to putting a satellite in space orbiting the earth? ... Hidden Figures Questions Ch 19-23Epilogue. 56 terms. Racism (or “Jim Crow”) is the antagonist. Vaughan, Johnson, and Jackson are outstanding role models for young people who are trying to break through barriers of prejudice and glass ceilings in employment. 20 in this series. Use at least four examples. 1. "Hidden Figures" hits the movie theaters for its wide release in the U.S. today (Jan. 6), and I highly recommend that everyone go see it. In 1950 it fell to 35 percent — where it remains today. Today’s, cell phone have more computing power than entire rooms of the digital computers of the 1950s and 1960s. [or] What are some of the things about racism in the Southern U.S. under Jim Crow that this movie doesn’t show?

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