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Distrustful of Aleema Keto, who had been responsible for Qel-Droma's capture, Kun sent her to her death soon afterward, manipulating her into causing a massive supernova in the Cron Cluster that was sure to destroy the planet Ossus. Wearing the amulet on his left hand and shoulder, Kun gained the ability to unleash huge amounts of dark side energy. [1], In the meantime, Kun's dark campaign soon fell apart without him and Qel-Droma at the helm. [59], In addition to his proficiency with a lightsaber, Kun was also handy with a blaster pistol and with vibroweapons. Yet, all things must end, and during the reign of Grand Master Firefox, the Great Split was declared. [2] During the Imperial Era, crime lord Dryden Vos owned a desk with an obsidian slab as its base, which he had plundered from a Sith temple. [49] By the time of the Galactic War several centuries after Kun's original defeat, Kun was the subject of a text called Exar Kun: The Lesson, The Warning, which was suggested reading material for Jedi apprentices of the age. The spirits of the ancient Sith announced their approval of Kun after this act, and although he still believed that he had not been seduced by the dark side, Kun decided to follow Nadd's bidding and complete his research on the moon Yavin 4, where the Sith magician Naga Sadow had taken his followers hundreds of years before.[8]. With a single burst of anger, multiplied by the power of the amulet, Kun obliterated Nadd's spirit once and for all. Exar Kun battles Ulic Qel-Droma in the Iron Citadel. Cool Sword: Exar Kun's custom lightsaber, which he built by himself. Coupling his tactics with his ability to predict his enemies' actions through the Force, Kun became a nearly unbeatable force. It continues the story of Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun. Species At the end, Kesran would go from a orphaned child living in a slum all his life, to a young thoughtful man who craved his most utter desires and to achieve his most lofty aspirations. Kun explained that while the moon did have a dark side taint, he was attempting to purify it, and would need their help. Having made his point, Kun and Qel-Droma left the shocked, silent Senate chamber behind, walking right out the front door with no resistance. Jedi Academy Training Manual; Oss Willum: CL 10 A respected Jedi Knight that is manipulated by Exar Kun, and possessed by Sith Spirits. Exar Kun meets Master Arca Jeth on Onderon. As the two fallen Jedi battled, the Sith amulets they wore began to glow and envelop the pair in energy. copies of Star War Tales #1 and Dark Lords of the Sith #6 are still reasonable. Out of all the legends and eu material seems Exar Kun and Uliq qel Droma are shoe ins for future material. In his last moments, Nadd appeared to two of his other dark students—the cousins Satal and Aleema Keto, leaders of the Krath cult, who had used their significant talent in Sith magic to conquer the Empress Teta system—warning them of Kun's power and declaring him to be a pretender to the Sith legacy.[15]. [10] When creating the character, Anderson was initially unsure whether Kun should be a Dark Lord of the Sith or a "Dark Jedi,"[61] finally making his decision when George Lucas voted on the former. As he lay motionless on the rubble of the temple, Nadd's spirit again appeared to Kun, promising that he could only be saved by surrendering to the dark side. Ahead of the Jedi Order's chaotic evacuation of the doomed planet, Kun and Qel-Droma descended onto Ossus and ransacked the Great Jedi Library for its ancient treasures. Exar Kun was to be the Dark Lord of the Sith, and Qel-Droma his apprentice, and together they resolved to bring a Sith golden age back to the galaxy. Kun and his force brazenly marched into the Republic Senate Hall while the trial was underway, with Kun using a Sith spell to freeze the onlookers and render them unable to react. It would not be the last tim… As Kun was nearing the end of his lightsaber training, Baas instead sent Kun to summon Crado and Sylvar for another round of training duels. The battle over, Nadd suddenly manifested himself again to Kun, expressing his delight with Kun's newfound power and declaring that it was time for them to begin work on Sith alchemy that could once again give Nadd a physical form. [13], While the rest of the Jedi Order was meeting at the Conclave at Deneba, the ever-curious Kun was putting the Starstorm One down on the surface of Korriban, landing his ship in the long-forgotten tombs of the ancient Valley of the Dark Lords. Furious at Qel-Droma's betrayal, Kun realized that he had no chance at standing up to the combined might of the entire Jedi Order, and so delved into the ancient texts that he had salvaged from the Great Jedi Library. Kun had no choice but to undertake the ritual—he still did not completely understand the pathways the act would open, and cognizant of the possibility that his plan could fail, Kun sent the Massassi warrior Kalgrath to wait in the isolation chambers beneath the temples as a last line of defense. Hair color Exar Kun was a Human male Jedi Knight who fell to the dark side, assumed the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith, and waged a destructive war against the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order during the era of the Old Sith Wars. [28] Kun also added customized controls to the lightsaber, allowing him to adjust both the length—measuring from half a meter to one and a half meters—and the intensity of each blade, using this variability to his tactical advantage in combat. A master of lightsaber combat, Exar Kun was remembered for his innovation of the double-bladed lightsaber,[59] using a blue-bladed weapon[28] that he constructed himself as a modification of his original blue-bladed lightsaber. [6] Qel-Droma next seized the Republic's great shipyards at Foerost, claiming 300 of the Republic's newest and most advanced warships for the Sith cause. [1] Millennia in isolation on Yavin 4 made Kun grow desperate[2] and half-mad,[58] but his ambition was never dulled. [9] Kun was also portrayed in the audio adaptation of Dark Lords of the Sith, where he was voiced by Peter Reneday.[65]. [13] Kun used the Starstorm One as a Jedi apprentice and continued to fly the ship as Dark Lord of the Sith, using it to transport Jedi artifacts after his raid on Ossus. Exar Kun's program of systematic galactic conquest had claimed the lives of millions, over the years that the Great Sith War burned. A Human male, Exar Kun was discovered as a Force-sensitive and taken in for training by the Jedi Order several millennia before the Battle of Yavin. Exar Kun himself battled the spacers, but due to his spirit form, was easily defeated and silenced once more. On Empress Teta, Kun encountered Ulic Qel-Droma, a Jedi Knight who had lost his Master to a Krath attack and had gone undercover within the group to seek revenge. Kun showed Durron the path to the Temple of Exar Kun, previously rediscovered by Gantoris and Streen, and Durron immediately made his way to the structure along with his companion Dorsk 81. [24] Of course, Kun always did have his eye on the future, but his goal was a future based on his Sith teachings, not what he viewed as the "creaking old" Republic and Jedi ways. 1.9 meters[4] His lightsaber taken by Nadd and a tuk'ata at his neck, Kun reluctantly called upon the dark side and his inner anger to retrieve his lightsaber and slay the beasts. Over the coming years, Kun's spirit would continue to be bound to Yavin 4, slumbering restlessly. [10] Pushed fully into the dark side, Durron used the Sun Crusher to destroy the planet Carida, home to the Imperial Military Academy. Freedon Nadd, Dark Side Spirit: CL 15 His disdain for the Jedi class of Yavin 4 was complete, and he scorned Luke Skywalker, an accomplished Jedi Master in his own right. Kun flew to Ossus aboard the Starstorm One with Qel-Droma flying in on his personal shuttle, their descent covered by a phalanx of Mandalorian troops. As he approached the fortress, his Sith amulet began to glow—Kun realized that the Ketos had taken possession of the amulet's mate, making them even more of a threat. It was Kun's fear of death that pushed him to finally fully accept the dark side into his heart—but even after Nadd saved him, Kun remained defiant, claiming that the dark side would never claim him. [2] Many of the prospective Jedi that fought against the former Dark Lord—including Streen,[51] Kirana Ti,[52] Corran Horn,[53] Cilghal[54] and Kam Solusar—became respected Masters of the New Jedi Order. Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, Behind the Threat: The Sith, Part 3: Design, Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 12, Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 31, Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 38, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded, Authors of the Expanded Universe: Tales of the Sith, #SWTOR Cartel Market Specials: Week of February 5, 2018, Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 6: Dark Lord, Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 1: Masters and Students of the Force, Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 2: The Battle of Coruscant, Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 3: Descent to the Dark Side, Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 6: Jedi Assault, Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 2: The Quest for the Sith, Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 4: Death of a Dark Jedi, Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 5: Sith Secrets, Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 1: Edge of the Whirlwind, Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 3: The Trial of Ulic Qel-Droma, Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 4: Jedi Holocaust, Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 5: Brother Against Brother. Ulic and his allies from the Jedi Order were sent to end the Beast Wars on Onderon and helped the Beast Riders fight against the Royal Family who served the dark side. [20] During the Galactic Civil War around four thousand years after Kun's physical death, some of his temples on Yavin 4 were rediscovered and used by the Rebel Alliance as a base of operations. Putting on a forgiving face, Kun assigned Crado to part of a force led by Aleema Keto that was planned to attack the Kemplex IX jump station in the Auril sector. Durron promptly returned to Yavin 4, and with Kun's aid, Durron used the Force to bring forth the Imperial superweapon known as the Sun Crusher from inside the gas giant Yavin Prime, where it had been secreted away. Finally, the image of long-dead Dark Lord Marka Ragnos appeared and ordered the pair to cease fighting, which they both immediately obeyed. However, the rest of Skywalker's apprentices banded together and, with the help of the long-dead shade of Vodo-Siosk Baas, banished Kun's spirit and finally put an end to his schemes. [15], In that moment, Kun had his final realization—the time had come to cast aside the Jedi ways and give in to his rage. [22] Those worlds were not alone—nearly a quarter of the civilized worlds of the Republic were devastated by the Great Sith War, and many were forced to rebuild by themselves, as the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic were greatly depleted by the conflict. Sith[1] Ulic Qel-Droma[9]Jorak Uln (Sith Acolyte)[6]Oss Wilum (Sith Acolyte)[7]Zona Luka (Sith Acolyte)[7]Gantoris (Sith Acolyte)[10]Kyp Durron (Sith Acolyte)[10] Wielding only his wooden staff, Baas quickly found Kun's balance point and sent him flying with only a single blow. Nadd's spirit guided him to the resting place of many of the ancient Sith Lords, where Kun realized that he now had the ability to read the Sith language written on the sarcophagi. After Horn mocked Kun, the former Dark Lord sent the pilot flying from the structure, breaking the man's arm. Kun sent his Brotherhood out into the galaxy to kill their Masters and wreak havoc, while he headed to the Republic capital of Coruscant to rescue Qel-Droma, who had been captured after launching an ill-advised attack on the planet. Over the coming years, Kun's spirit would continue to be bound to Yavin 4, slumbering restlessly. Exar Kun's spirit has been trapped upon Yavin IV for thousands of years. Their first appearances have completely flew under the radar. With his anger multiplied a hundredfold by the amulet, Kun summoned an immense amount of power and energy, obliterating the Sith wyrm and a number of Massassi. After wandering the streets of the walled city for some time, Kun came across a pair of street preachers named Nebo and Rask, who were being assaulted by an angry crowd for speaking out against the Jedi and expressing Naddist sympathies. Galactic Republic[3]Jedi Order[3]Sith Empire[6]Brotherhood of the Sith[7] Exar Kun battles Vodo-Siosk Baas in the Senate chamber. Back on Yavin 4, Kun and Qel-Droma felt a disturbance in the Force that confirmed to them that their plot had succeeded—the supernova was next to claim Ossus, and the Sith pair immediately set out for the world to rob the library blind as the Jedi evacuated. Eye color Kun immediately charted a hyperspace course to Yavin 4, landing the Starstorm One next to one of the ancient Sith temples that dotted the moon's landscape. [57], In 40 ABY, Tionne Solusar, a Jedi Master who had been among the Jedi class that battled Exar Kun on Yavin 4, compiled a compendium about the history of the Force that discussed Kun's life and afterlife extensively. In response, Draay began training several promising young Force-users to become seers, in time forming the secret Jedi Covenant dedicated to keeping watch for the return of the Sith. [59] Although Kun was often credited with the weapon's invention, Master Vodo-Siosk Baas' Tedryn Holocron stated that Kun followed instructions from a Sith holocron, possibly prepared by the original Sith Lords, Jedi exiles who fought in the Hundred-Year Darkness millennia before Kun's life. Desperate to save Qel-Droma from his fate, several of his Jedi friends attacked the Iron Citadel from above in a daring bid to extract him from the Krath. Kun disdained the Jedi Order he once served, seeing the old foundations of the galaxy as irrelevant, outdated and ineffective, with the Republic government especially seen as puppets to tradition. Exar Kun [35], In the aftermath of Kun's banishment by the Jedi class on Yavin 4, Luke Skywalker's spirit was able to return to his body and the Jedi Master continued to train his students. As the synergy between the Jedi grew, the images of Luke Skywalker and the long-dead Vodo-Siosk Baas appeared—after four thousand years, Master Baas proclaimed Kun defeated,[2] just as he had promised before his former apprentice struck him down on the Senate floor. Light[3] [31] Ossus remained a shattered wasteland, with the descendants of some Jedi survivors persisting as primitive tribes. [18] Kun began to draw energy off the trapped souls within the Golden Globe, which was bound with Sith magic that only could be undone by Force-sensitive children. [2] Kun also attempted to influence the Jedi apprentice and former New Republic ace starfighter pilot Corran Horn to turn to the dark side and kill Skywalker, but was not able to affect the Corellian—the two would clash again when Horn intruded upon Kun's temple. [2] The only one remaining unaffected was Crado, who was loyal to Kun nonetheless—the Dark Lord had other plans for the Cathar. Isn’t exar considered canon now? While Kun made it in and out with a sizable haul, Qel-Droma got caught in combat, killed his brother, was taken prisoner and stripped of his connection to the Force. However, a day comes when a band of unaware rebels come to his moon. The Sith amulet had shown him the existence of the Ketos, and with the discovery of the Corsair giving him the opportunity to finally leave the moon, Kun resolved himself to track down Freedon Nadd's other students and kill them. In an impassioned speech on Ossus, Exar Kun have sowed the first seeds of doubt on his fellow Jedi Knights.After the terrible and pointless death of Arca Jeth on Deneba, many Knights had become disillusioned with the Order, losing their idealistic ideas of the immortality of the Jedi. However, during their excavations, they uncovered the catacombs beneath the Dark Lord's temple and reawakened his spirit. Master Baas sensed Kun's turmoil light-years away, and although the Krevaaki attempted to shield Kun with the light, Nadd's spirit manifested itself and foiled the Jedi's efforts. [30] This latter betrayal would end up leading to Kun's defeat in the end, but as it was when he first fell to the dark side, the Dark Lord was willing to sacrifice anything and everything to avoid death. Determined to defeat the Republic and the Jedi, the newly minted Lords of the Sith made their first order of business to consolidate the space around the Empress Teta system,[23] having already gained the allegiance of Aleema Keto and her Krath cult. Shattered by the deaths of her husband and Master Baas during the war, Jedi Master Krynda Draay became obsessed with prophecy, distraught over the fact that the Jedi Order's greatest seers had failed to predict Kun's fall to the dark side. Human[3] [61] Enthusiastic about the idea, Anderson decided to sketch out Kun's backstory for a stand-alone Tales of the Jedi issue, which turned into a three-issue story arc, which ended up turning into the 12 issues comprising Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith—written by a collaboration between Veitch and Anderson—and Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Sith War, written by Anderson alone. The two dueled on the Senate floor, with the Krevaaki Jedi Master wielding only his wooden staff as he had before on Dantooine. [6] Even as an apprentice, Kun was strong enough to defeat his Master, Vodo-Siosk Baas, although his combat style tapped into an inner anger that worried his Master. When Kun disembarked he heard Nadd's voice again, although Kun maintained that he wanted nothing more to do with the spectral Sith. But unbeknownst to all, Exar Kun's ritual had succeeded—but not in the way he had hoped. [31] Kun chained himself to an altar as the Massassi began to sacrifice themselves by the thousands so that Kun's spirit could escape—Kun hoped that his consciousness would be able to run rampant through the cosmos forever. [63] The concept was created by artist Chris Gossett, who pencilled most of the Dark Lords of the Sith arc, but it went unused until fellow artist Dario Carrasco, Jr. drew Kun with it in Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War. Recognizing Kun's power, Zythmnr ordered his warriors to bring Kun to the Temple of Fire, where Kun was chained to a Massassi altar to be the honored guest at a blood sacrifice. Exar Kun Fallen Jedi who led the Brotherhood of the Sith against the Jedi and the Galactic Republic during the Great Sith War, later establishes a dark side presence on Yavin IV. The Jedi, and Qel-Droma, did not need to see any more to know that Kun was defeated, and they soon departed. Kun and Qel-Droma spoke over hologram after the Foerost raid—while Kun wanted Qel-Droma to continue building up the fleet while he trained his Jedi learners in the dark side, Qel-Droma and the Mandalore were determined to strike at the Republic's capital of Coruscant. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Exar_Kun?oldid=9691842. Darth Revan's apprentice. Died Met personally in battle by Onderonian King Oron Kira and Onderon's native Beast Riders, along with reinforcements from the Republic Navy, the Mandalorians found themselves hopelessly outgunned and retreated back to the moon Dxun. Gender [52], Confident in his talent and abilities to the point of arrogance, as a young man Exar Kun developed an obsessive curiosity towards the forbidden knowledge of the dark side. Kun railed against the current Jedi establishment, particularly focusing on Jedi Masters keeping their students from forbidden knowledge, and asked some of the apprentices on Ossus to leave their teachers and follow him instead. While Kun and Qel-Droma prepared to leave the Senate chamber behind, however, Vodo-Siosk Baas emerged to speak to his former student. As it happened, Skywalker chose Yavin 4 as the place where he would train his first class of Jedi students, amongst the ruins of Kun's temples. Kun then dispatched of his former classmate Sylvar with a telekinetic blast when she charged him, but allowed her and several other Jedi present in the chamber to live. To Kun's shock, Nadd's spirit emerged from the coffin. Who is Bastila Shan? Out of all the legends and eu material seems Exar Kun and Uliq qel Droma are shoe ins for future material. Chronological and political information While searching for Satal and Aleema Keto, Nadd's apprentices, Exar Kun meets the Jedi Knight Ulic Qel-Droma and fights him until the spirit of Marka Ragnos proclaims them to be Sith Lords, with Kun as master and Qel-Droma as apprentice. [2] Kun stood 1.9 meters tall,[4] and had black hair, gray eyes and light skin.[5]. Kun was certain that he would die, but he had uncovered a way that his consciousness could continue to exist, separated from his physical body. With the help of a pair of Nadd's followers, Kun came across Nadd's tomb on Onderon's moon Dxun, and there was confronted with the spirit of the dead Sith himself. [16] Along with two of his Massassi, Kun lifted off from Yavin 4 in the Corsair and traveled to the planet Empress Teta in search of the Ketos, eventually finding his way to the Iron Citadel that the Krath magicians called home. Qel-Droma had been seduced by the dark side himself, and while the two briefly dueled, their battle was ended when the spirit of long-dead Dark Lord of the Sith Marka Ragnos appeared to proclaim the two fit to call themselves Sith Lords. At the beginning of their encounter, Kun attempted to make Sylvar doubt her Cathar heritage with taunts; instead, it caused Sylvar to give into her instinctive rage and claw Kun across the face, severely scarring him. copies of Star War Tales #1 and Dark Lords of the Sith #6 are still reasonable. Perhaps not a wise choice, after all. By suddenly changing the intensity or length of one of his blades, Kun was often able to trick his opponents into overextending themselves and creating openings for fatal counterstrikes. Kun's all-surpassing hunger for ancient knowledge still drove him on, as he became obsessed with his quest to bring back an ancient Sith "golden age" to rule the galaxy. Combat Tentacles: Much like Darth Zannah, Exar Kun is capable of using Sith sorcery to create tendrils of pure dark side energy, which he teaches to Kyp Durron. Using the ancient power held within the Corsair, Aleema would destroy the jump station, and whatever Republic and Jedi forces they could draw there, with Sith magic—it was meant to be a strike against the Republic, but secretly, it was also a way for Kun and Qel-Droma to get rid of the nuisances and traitors that were Crado and Keto. The Dark Lord was supposed to be a shadowy figure beyond what Exar and Ulic can imagine, and since he's from another era, it makes sense that Exar/Ulic and The Dark Lord only see shadows of each other. [16], First excited at the prospect of having a way off the moon, Kun found something more inside: Sadow's alchemy lab, containing a wealth of ancient Sith knowledge and alchemical lore that was previously lost. Disturbed by the immense dark side power he felt within the place, Kun attempted to turn back and return to his ship, only to find that the exit had been blocked in a sudden rockslide. In 3964 BBY,[40] Mandalore the Indomitable's successor attacked the Republic,[41] and while the Republic prevailed again, the war directly led to the horror of the Jedi Civil War—[27] Kun's fall was credited as a major catalyst. The Republic was able to greatly rebuild its shattered infrastructure and economy over a 30-year Restoration Period, although it wouldn't be long until the government was embroiled in another galaxy-spanning conflict.[6]. Creation Issue #4. [62] Soon afterward, Tales of the Jedi comic author Tom Veitch suggested that they combine Kun's story with that of Veitch's already-running Tales of the Jedi, as Kun had only been established as living "sometime in the past" and not in any set timeframe. [21] Although Kun grew bolder in his rebellion against the Republic, culminating in his storming of the Senate floor[28] and his devastation of Ossus, his focus remained completely single-minded, and he had no qualms casting aside those who did not hold any further use to him, including Ulic Qel-Droma. With the new Houses, came new power and prestige for Alvaak, and for a time, the Clan enjoyed a golden age. [2] He started his attempt with Gantoris. [9], While Qel-Droma and Keto embraced, Kun announced his arrival. [24], After the clash, a group of Jedi Knights rushed to the scene, planning on pledging themselves to Kun's cause: among them were Kun's former classmate Crado and the[24] Vultans[25][26] Oss Wilum and Zona Luka. [2], Although Kun's spirit remained hidden away in secret for thousands of years after his physical death, the impact of his life, and his war with the Republic, was felt throughout the galaxy. Shattered by his brother's death, Qel-Droma switched sides and led the Jedi to Kun's base on Yavin 4. The tide of the duel immediately turned, and with one final blow, Kun blasted through his former Master's staff and killed him—with Baas promising, in his final words, that the two would one day fight again, and that Kun would be defeated. Kun barely survived the collapse, clinging to life with his bones smashed in over a hundred places. However, Qel-Droma, still harboring affection for some of his friends and relations within the Jedi Order, covertly aided the Republic in foiling Kun's plot and disabling the Dark Reaper at the old Sith world of Thule. Under his influence, some of the cultists traveled to the Corellia University research outpost on Talus to recruit more students and researchers to their ranks. He plans to infiltrate the Krath but was … Kun then took several prospective Jedi followers back to Yavin 4, where he used the holocron's power to corrupt them and reshape them into his Brotherhood of the Sith. The Star Wars Insider 26 article Straight from the Horse's Mouth lists Kun's rise to Dark Lord of the Sith at 3991 BBY,[66] although numerous later sources place the event at 3997 BBY. On Dantooine, Kun honed his skills with the lights… After unearthing long-forgotten secrets, two Dark Jedi launch an offensive against the Republic to restore a new Golden Age of the Sith in Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Sith War.Ages before the coming of Skywalker and a thousand years after the fall of the Sith Empire, Dark Lords Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma seek to extinguish the light of the Jedi and overthrow the Galactic … [28], Kun was reluctant to engage his former Master initially, hoping instead that Baas could be convinced to join their Sith movement. Kun surmised that the wyrm was created to guard something older and more powerful, which he was determined to master. When Kun found himself unable to swiftly overcome Baas, he decided to go with his ace in the hole, revealing a modification he had recently made to his lightsaber: a second blade. There, Nadd conspired to grievously injure Kun, only healing the man when he accepted the dark side into his heart. Main article: Third Great Schism Jedi historians would later see the Third Great Schism as a significant factor in the later explorations of Exar Kun and numerous other Padawans in the ways of the dark side of the Force. As Kun's mortal body disintegrated, the incredible amounts of energy that surged forth from the Temple of Fire reacted with the wall of light cast down upon the moon by the Jedi forces, causing a massive fire that swiftly engulfed the jungles of Yavin 4. Using the power of Zythmnr's Sith amulet and Naga Sadow's ancient magics, the Massassi summoned a mighty Sith wyrm, a Sithspawn beast created by Sadow that towered over the unarmed Human. [29] The Cron supernova immediately caused a panicked, desperate evacuation, and provided a perfect opportunity for the two Sith Lords. After this display, Kun overheard venerable Jedi Master and[24] Keeper of Antiquities[15] Odan-Urr discussing a Sith holocron he had discovered in his younger days. Although met with some resistance, Kun succeeded in pushing Gantoris to give into his anger after showing the apprentice a vision of his people being massacred by Imperial forces at their new colony on Dantooine. Agreed. [15] Kun owned a cortosis-woven[60] light battle suit during his life, which may have been found by the Sith-turned-Jedi Revan[27] and his apprentice Meetra Surik on their adventures during the Jedi Civil War and Dark Wars, respectively. Coming of Age Story: Redemption, the final arc. Exar Kun Recognized as an extremely promising talent, Kun apprenticed under the venerable Krevaaki Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas, training on the planet Dantooine alongside the Cathar mates Crado and Sylvar. Kun had little interest in titles, only power, and as such he ordered the Massassi to build massive temples in accordance with ancient Sith designs, in order to focus a great amount of dark side energy on Yavin 4. [33] It would not be the last time that Kun's spirit would make contact with the living—[2] although the Jedi expunged all record of the Yavin system in the aftermath of the war, the citizens of the galaxy would eventually stumble upon Kun's moon again. The ship was piloted by Mandalore the Indomitable, who brought news from the Coruscanti front: Ulic Qel-Droma's attack had failed, and the Republic was preparing to put Kun's apprentice on trial for war crimes. Although Gantoris was gone, Kun soon found another target: Kyp Durron, a new arrival to the Jedi Praxeum, a young man who had spent most of his life imprisoned in the spice mines of Kessel and who had swiftly outpaced the rest of Skywalker's apprentices.

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