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Every year my neighbor throws a family reunion/birthday party for my neighbor in his backyard. Answered by SusieQue: My backyard is treeless and I have four neiighbors whose backyards abut ours divided by a block wall. They blast thier music in the backyard and all throughout the house. She uses a line trimmer and has cut her grass down to the dirt. God created life to function in a certain way and man in his ignorance came up with his own methods. I'm tired of pulling up little baby popcorn trees that sprout up all over my property. He has a heavy voice and enjoys talking on his cell phone, or others in the driveway. My pet pieve is my neighbor throwing his junk (oil bottles, his old sewer pipes, car parts, and the list goes on!) They are the same age as me. The 2016 Yellowstone Angler 5/6 Weight Fly Reel Comparison. It just shows how dispicable, insensitive and downright dirty these people are. Besides offering easy access to a wide variety of adventure activities such as hiking, windsurfing, kite-boarding and river rafting, Hood River has a host of other great activities for the more sedentary visitor. Answered by mahardy: My neighbor allows his dog to roam the neighborhood. and two men riding around on electronic mowers. I wouldn't hesitate for a minute dumping someone's poop on their front steps. I looked out of my front window in disbelief because I couldn't believe he had the gall to do this after my son cleared our steps. The garage faces my bedroom window. Perhaps I should return the favor and send my grandkids to do the same th their door. I have a neighbor who cut down every tree, plant, and flower on his property because he claims that he has allergies. Food is provided by the Mt. (mechanical blowers aside--totally with you on that one). Relations. Any suggestions? This is an archived question from the Answers forum. I was floored as I watched this guy drive off his property. Very few lawn companies have the common decency to post a sign that warns kids and people to stay off the grass for a certain number of hours after it's treated. I wish I had the problem of a compulsive gardener! I have no idea why they did this, other than to try and annoy me. There are many choices, but I guess SOME folks prefer to live like pigs and that's why we moved from Fountain, Co. and we have never been happier. It is amazing how many of my neighbors think it is ok to let their dogs bark at 6 in the morning or midnight. He insist on riding his very loud mower twice a week during summers and starts mowing at 9:30pm or later. You have some nerve! It costs a forth e between getting soil and sod and the copious amounts of water plus time to get it healthy enough to use this year and now all for nothing. When he leaves for work, I hook up the hose and spray his yard with Scotts Weed & feed! The lawns in my area are not large so I don't understand why lawns that used to be mowed manually by one person (circa 1990s) now require three men with leaf blowers going non-stop (Yes, even during the summer!) And, year round Christmas lights left up - even if not lit. Stench, dust and the infernal droning racket drifts through our windows, sometimes for hours.Tranquil summer mornings, holidays, dinner time - doesn't matter. I have spoken to her numberous times but she never corrects the problem. Therefore, no light, cooler, damper, nothing grows, only dirt. this past spring i sprayed weed killer on the fence in attempt to help with the eye sore. Foodies can enjoy a thriving restaurant culture and visit some of the many vineyards and wineries in the area. “It is not remorse that maddens me, that drives me to the penning of this more than indiscreet narrative, in the hope of finding a… ” The Supernumerary Corpse (Synopsis) “A man dies, and leaves two corpses, in two different places.… ” The Sword of Zagan “It was in Benares, in the year of 1897, that I met Rama Kalindra Das. What their landscapers and lawn maintenance people do is troubling ... poison every few weeks put down in a vain and foolish attempt to sell people a "perfect" lawn. Top sights, 4 day road trip map, weather, 24 hour restaurants, 48 hours in, cheapest good restaurants for families with dogs, beaches near me, directions, events, spa resorts, elevation, summer, nice pools, healthy, romantic restaurants, forest, buffet, city, tree, dinner, rentals, tent, flight, upscale, under water, pools: Amusement parks in Michigan, Ann Arbor Kayaking, Drive-in theaters in Michigan, Apple Picking Michigan, Michigan lakes, Water Parks in Michigan, Oregon lakes, Oregon amusement parks, Largest Cities in Oregon. but I have never seen them in this state, let alone the city. I asked one of them why, and they said that it's so they can get more sun to the ground so they can "farm" -- I understand this in the back yards, but why in the front? Answered by Ladybug: I live in Florida, where my neighbors both have very tall pine trees, while I have none. That's right--a scythe (the European type, which is smaller, and it's very good exercise). She has poured swimming pool chemicals on my hydrangeas killing them. Answered by Guest_9509725: My neighbor could win the prize for this. I work from home and this makes things so much more difficult, to have to be rude to a little old woman. Any suggestions, I know they are bringing down my property value and my peace of mind. Today many visitors come to Jacksonville for wine tasting at some of the 60 wineries in the area along the famous Applegate Wine Trail. Where did they put their trash? I had to get a surveyor(a second one) to mark the property lines again, additional expense, still don't have my deck & have contacted the city who cannot advise, of course, except to say 'good fences make good neighbors' and that I can fence the prop line-my fence is inside the prop line. But the English language has failed me, just as it fails me, though for other reasons, when I am tempted to write of the ‘fishy’ sea. She's always complaining about how hard and not fun gardening is and she works at a nursery. After ABOUT 20 MINUTES, I realized this guy wasn't coming back, I ran outside to charge my hoses and laid them out towards his property, just in case. They trimmed 90% of it and leave it on the front lawn. I wish they had done this sooner. Now...the neighbor to the right of us is driving me crazy! I could go on, but I think you get the point. Answered by annoyed: I really, really hate it when our neighbor, who only mowed his lawn (in PA, where the grass does grow a lot) a total of like 3 or 4 times all last summer, blows the long, thick grass, over into our yard (which I mow every week). To learn all about the wildlife, you can make use of interpretive signs, birding stations with spotting scopes, or ask the trained Rocky Shore Interpreters who are on hand to educate you. Answered by Guest_90676612: Irrelivant, "land of the free".As long as health or safety codes are being violated, it is their property to do as they wish at their own expense. We have large trees and lots of shade. There are many who comply with the regs. When they fully behave we will remove the tape.Also wind chimes and barking dogs! Because we are all surrounded by woods and have extremly large front yard no one rakes leaves. The neighbors probably think I am crazy, but in 10 years we will see who has the most food production and wildlife value. She will have the man across the street come over to show her how.....and then she forgets again.. She piles it so high next to the end of our driveway that we cannot see oncoming cars when we back out. Most of the dead grass ended up in OUR yard and in the drains on our street. Answered by Guest_9306983: live next to me! Someone then responded that as a newby it was helpful to know how to avoid annoying neighbors. They are poisoning the children who unwittingly step off the sidewalk onto their toxins and carry the pestcides home on their shoes and into their homes. His kids from playing ball in my front yard. one persons weed is another's pretty flower. And digging sounds at night isn't exactly comforting either. My cans are where I usually put them, at the end of my driveway. At first we thought it would be neighborly to go along with it. In addition, you can go hiking, biking, and horseback riding along a variety of trails and daredevils can try a Rogue Jet Boat Adventure or go river rafting with Indigo Creek Outfitters. We have thought of buying them three new trees because my boys are highly allergic to those and can't go out in the backyard. Well every since then its been nothing but a problem with these two neighbors . Answered by survivorqueen: I have young neighbors who are clueless to landscaping. Using the area in front of my home is the only option for both cars and trash cans on trash day. Since we moved in less than a year ago the amount of worms have dramatically increased under these decomposing leaves, and already I am seeing a difference. Don't think Round-up (aka glyphosate) is any safer; a growing body of studies links it strongly with cancers, birth defects, infertility, etc. And they live in a completely rural setting. I had an friend that moved in for a week before moving into his new home and it took quite a while for him to move his things out of my house and out of the driveway. Answered by Smartie424: Neither of my neighbors fertilize, so their weeds,especially creeping charlie which I am now at war with, have made their way into my yard. I would like to buy them a gallon of Round-Up...Over a year ago my neighbor across the street started a driveway next to his house to park his motor home and still hasn't finished the job. It is sure a head-turner. The pit is on his patio 5 feet from his back door. But you'd think they'd have a little more consideration than they do. Answered by BetsyBee: Blowing stuff. Spring and fall tour experience packages are available, offering 15-minute orientation talks by staff farmers catered to the ages and needs of group members. Both trails start at the Oneonta Trailhead on the Historic Columbia River Highway. They will run out of top soil and the inputs come from petroleum. I think I live in the worst house on the block because I live next to the worst neighbors on the block. Answered by Guest_9328685: Okay...after reading a lot I have to confess that at times I've been "one of those neighbors" (I even have the anonymous nasty gram to prove it). Years ago one of our neighbors started "collecting" broken down cars in his back yard and even on the side of his BRAND NEW HOUSE and SOD. I'm not getting the HOA involved and not saying anything to them because I don't like confrontation. Answered by talvin062: I had it good for years, and should of counted my blessings. Answered by Guest_9988362: My dopey neighbor and I have driveways right next to one another, he has just one old car, he used to have two. I think this obsession with the Great American Lawn is a waste of time and resources. Share your best story with Angie’s List! My plan was to plant self-pruning thuja emerald trees to eventually hide the wall after they grew. Answered by gamegrrl: Our neighbors put Astroturf on their concrete driveway. I kept telling them to get off of my yard but they wouldn't go . We had a survey done and a fence put up within a month. Most people who have windchimes think they are enjoyable background noise, and would probably be horrified to know that they are annoying someone else. I think they are on drugs! But not until we have all of our other projects out of the way. Now he stands across the street and constantly cast his line where it will come over in our yard and mess up our rose bushes and evrything. The scene is a total eyesore and we must see it every time we walk out of the front door. He collects and stores rusty junk on the edge of his property and mine sometimes even leaning on my fence. They are too good to pick up their garbage just because they have the nicest house on the block? Your yard need not be perfect, but things like above really make a neighborhood look bad. Langlois is a charming historic town in Curry County, Oregon, originally established in 1881 as a pioneer settlement along the Oregon coastline. Outdoor lighting: Enough lights it could be used as a landing strip for aircraft. There are no other homes in such a sloppy mess. Blowing stuff disturbs people for great distances. Also those who make "turle mounds" at the base of their trees (also called "mulch volcanoes") are settting up their trees to fail. It could have been avoided. Your home should be your quiet, private place free from issues. I'd love to see the neighbors put in a pipe from their fire directly into their house so they can smell the smoke as much as they'd like. Answered by Guest_94109981: Nothing I've read here for me compares to the torture I endure with my neighbor's refusal to take down his wind chimes. I clean up after my dog (don't want to spread disease), I mow my lawn once a week (fire hazard kept down). besides, our house (still a single family) was in deplorable condition when we bought it. I could probably do all that and they wouldn't notice! However, my house is located approximately 200 yards or so away from the very spot that they do their 'burning' every year! It will never be the same. one of them puts household in the recycling and yard waste or just walks over to the fence in the alley and drops the trash over the fence into the alley, and two other neighbors walk down to the dumpster and just drop the bags on the ground next to it. For the first 10 months I really didn't even pay them too much attention besides the initial hello introduction when they first moved in of course. Next read: 25 Best Things to Do in Bend, Oregon, Where can you get away, luxury tourism, resorts & family weekend hotels to visit around me with kids, outdoor activities, on a budget, takeout, most popular small town, things to do near me, drive in movie, tropical island, how to spend a day locally, state park, entertainment, places to go, hiking trails near me: Berkeley, Tybee Island, Nantucket, NH resorts, MN resorts, Kona, Pasadena, ND, ME, From Boston, Salt Lake City. I've wanted to sweep it back onto his side but would I be any better of a person to do so? I've tried to get them out but they come back every year. The best advice the officers gave me was "Fences Make Good Neighbors." They had to more due to foreclosure & new owners have moved in & so far, keeping my fingers crossed, they have been nice neighbors so far. Answered by liz8787: My neigbor's honeysuckle bushes are right on my fence line. Answered by jclrn: My neighbors have beautiful lawns. It does seem that many people are just looking for a reason to go off but that is a miserable choice. Answered by Guest_982031244: Its what they don't do. Answered by Guest_95844381: Our neighbor on one side is a crazy woman. Answered by Dpolican: Hi Angie: Encouraging people to say things about their neighbors o your site is not worthy of Angies List. Romantic weekend getaways near me, spring break, places to live, what to do near me, coffee, breakfast restaurants, when you are bored, sea vacation, relaxing overnight trips, no-contact delivery, pickup, rainy day trips, cabin camping, best small beach towns to retire: Orange County Beaches, New Zealand Beaches, Fairbanks, Aberdeen, Providence, Lake George, Leesburg, Niagara Falls, Richmond, Virginia Shopping, Ann Arbor, Sausalito, Morrison, Puerto Rico Beaches, Athens GA, Portugal Beaches, Zagreb Hotels. Sometimes I get the feeling that these ignoramuses do these things just because they think they can get away with it. This causes dirt and grass to end up in my swimming pool. All I get are excuses about "that's the way they work" and "that's how the man that put them up set them up". I really want to buy him a rake and leave on doorstep. He too blows his leaves and ornamental grass cuttings into my yard. I think he just likes to annoy the neighbors on the otherside (they have had a fued going for a long time) they take turns calling the cops on each other. seperating our properties is about 75 yards of dense woods. Now that's scary! The neighbor's don't control which direction the wind comes from and ultimately all the loose items (chairs, leaves, trampolines) that it sends on their merry little way. Your disgusting grass is not even a green found in nature. tHE WIRELESS SYSTEM WORKS AMAZINGLY WELL (AFTER 2 WEEKS OF SOLID TRAINING WITH THE HUSKY, GERMAN SHEPHARD CAUGHT ON IN JUST A FEW DAYS. All I can do is keep calling the police and I don't want to do that, why are people so willing to cause so much trouble and defend their children's bad behavior? I'm at a loss as to why she dislikes me so much. This last time, coming up to me while I was trimming the hedge to tell me how to do it, I just turned around, handed her the trimmer, pulled my gloves off and smiling, thanked her for her thoughfulness in correcting my hedge, while walking away.

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