200mg test cruise

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WINNY/DECA/TEST (poor mans old school contest cycle) Weeks 1-4 – 200 mg/week Test… Cruise line testing for COVID-19 is to be rolled out around the world. Strong Man. I guess what I am trying to say is unless you really feel you need that much to maintain you may want to just pick one or the other. So Test only Blast and Cruise. Weeks 1-2 – 800 mg/week EQ front loaded, 200 mg/week Test. 400test for 12 weeks then 200test for 12 weeks. Report Save. a healthy cruise dose is no more than a TRT dose or LESS. The human body naturally pumps out about 10mg test per day iirc. Next cruise will be 200-250 mg test plus 400 mg primo a week. I finished an eight week cycle about … My original cycle consisted of 400mg Test E & 400mg of Deca for 12 weeks. Much better gains and sustainable long term in my opinion. But i cruise on 200mg and my test and estrogen are above normal range but all my other blood markers are in range and most are actually better than my blood work taken when natural. I have blasted with long estered Test and have added Test Suspension sometimes as a kick start, another times mid way through cycle and have ended with it. … I've learnt from past experiences anything less than 200mg doesn't hold the estrogen at bay (and yes you will have some crys and get all girly emotional if youre not carefull. Never met a SARM i liked. Is it test E? People on TRT for life are usually on 100-200mg test / week, so 250 would be the higher end of cruising for life. Test e @ 200mg/w for 8-10 weeks. All my lifts are pretty much the same. If somebody uses anything other than Testosterone during a cruise, it is often not really considered a cruise. … 200mg Test Ran Long Term: Reckless, Worth It? Does that dosage cause muscle loss? So that’s my cruise dose, 140Mg. 200mg Test Cyp cruise with odd BW. My next cruise would be at 250mg of test-e pw - this works best for me (BUT as i said its an individual thing) 250-300 of each. So this over and over again which is fine. About week 10 in on my tren and test cycle got another 4 weeks left. Reactions: C T J. NavyChief VIP … Originally Posted by Shovel. Part of my issue is that I don't want to blast and cruise anymore, I'd rather run a small (under 300-350 total) cruise year round and not have everything constantly fluctuating. Join Date Sep 2011 Posts 626 Rep Power 43. I am dreading coming off in a few weeks.. 04-29-2013, 10:24 PM #2. Is 300mg week safe to stay on forever lol? Definitely good advice as far as TRT cruise dosing but that still doesn’t address the original questions it just criticizes the OP. Here's my bloods: Test - 1264 Estrogen, total, serum - 212.6 Hematocrit - 50.7 Cholesterol - 167 HDL - 51 LDL - 93 Triglycerides - 130 I met with the Dr … Mar 9, 2018 #1 So I was off anabolics for a long time because of injury. To be closer to the normal range. December 14, 2015, 5:25pm #4. FWIW, I’m on TRT and blood tests every twelve weeks indicate that 140Mg per week has me at about 700 total test after seven days. I do note a lot more people starting on 500mg for a first cycle but 200-250 seems to work for lots too. I did a 12 week cycle of sust + deca (250sust, 200mg deca) and put on 2 … I used Test decanoate last year @200mg/every 2 weeks and pretty much felt the same as a weekly shot. The guy had a point and seems very knowledgeable but it’s a bit of an overeaction IMHO. Thoughts? My original comment was sarcasm at someone who posted that 250mg test and 200mg deca cruise is a heart attack waiting to happen. I'm still curious to see how 100mg test / 100mg tren would look on your markers as opposed to 200mg test. Blood samples (six men > 10 h fast = Group 1; 30 men > 4 h fast = Group 2) were drawn from 36 men, monthly before the beginning of the injections (control), every 3 months throughout the study period (treatment), and 1 month after stopping TE … 200mg test/100mg Deca or something similar would be my choice. Excerpt: I need some advice from vets who've been on for a while. Thread starter FRITZFURY; Start date Mar 9, 2018; FRITZFURY Banned. Starting weight: 167. Community Veteran. 6 years ago. Blast at 500 and cruise at 200. End weight: 187. I'm planning on cruising on 200mg test c, 1250iu HCG permanently, 4iu's GH and maybe a SARM. If that's the case, keep things to a minimum and don't chance exacerbating the issue. Would it be beneficial to cruise on 150mg deca a week along with 200mg test? Keep an eye on hematocrit. I do blast & cruise. Rather than testing that the staterooms are all working properly or the restaurant staff know their way around the kitchen, these trial cruises are testing the details of the CDC’s new order . I … Jan 5, 2020 #7 SteroidsBro Member. Then upped it to 400 mg tren and 800mg test a week. Hold at max dose for 16-20 weeks or until bloodwork begins to deteriorate. Discussion in 'Anabolic Steroids & Prohormones' started by T800, ... 300-500 test per week. Bullseye Forever. Im thinking 500 and 600 Today is my first week inside (diet and cycle), and i feel very good even if i eat only 3 times a day and i do 5 workouts a week. Anyway, thanks man! I personally use less on a cruise 100-125mg per week. Drop to 175-200 thereafter. Over Train Join Date Jan 2013 Location East Coast Posts 669 Rep Power 11. Reactions: C T J. Warrior45 TID Board Of Directors. Obvs this is a … The only reason I didn’t continue was the fact I was adding a compound that had to be pinned weekly which defeated the purpose of the exercise. trt dose is about 100mg ew,so 200mg of test and 150mg of deca is 350mg in total . 100mg wk was 800ish while 200mg wk was as high as 1800 and as low as 1200 depending on how close to injection day. Dec 27, 2020 #12 I’m about to start 125mg of test e and 100mg of mast e. Haven’t done it before so I … Reply. CRUISE/CUT RUN WITH ANAVAR, PROVIRON, ECA STACK, TEST. Keep that collagen synthesis up there between blasts and for injury prevention ? Since the start, it's been our aim to provide the latest cruise news covering all the major cruise … You will be fine as long as you train & eat well. I don't cruise on 500 my per week. Even with Test E or Cyp, there are fluctuations within a week . Weeks 1-8 – 30 mg/day Anavar, 50 mg/day Proviron, 100 mg/week Test, ECA stack everyday (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin) THE EQ KICKER. Can't wait to put some progress pics up but trying to wait till the end lol!! Test at 250 is a little high for a cruise but if you're able to keep cholesterol and lipids in line then it's fine as you'll still be able to get your liver and kidneys cleaned up with higher test. Deadlift is still about 450. 100mg test/100mg tren in an ideal world, that is a combination I feel amazing on and cholesterol isn't too tough to handle … But let's say this my idea of a cruise is to bring all my bloodwork back to normal range. Frank. I … Height: 5'8. not more. Cruise Hive was established back in 2008 and among the earliest blogs in the industry. 10-14 weeks at the above dose. My actual (thx to a friend) BLAST then is Test P 200mg, NPP 300mg, TREN A 200mg, PROVIRON 25mg ed, 1 arimidex ew, 2.5ui hgh (generic chinese), 40mcg clen eod, 25 mcg t3 100mcg t4 e3d (since my thyrod was a bit slow). I've been cruising now for 6 weeks. Or Should I try to get my Doc to prescribe Deca Durabolin 100mg/ml for 12 weeks plus my TRT 200 test cyp for joint pain. 3. . I cruise, or I guess you could call it self prescribed trt, on either 200mg of Test Decanoate every ten days or Test E/C 175mg every seven days. BEleven Test Tube Experiment. Shovel. my next cruise is going to be: 400mg test E/week 250mg dnp/day 1.25mg letro EOD (may switch to 6.25mg aromasin 2x/day) The_Myth. I've been taking Iconic Formulations Alpha Seven during that time. Just want to ensure that I give my body adequate means to recover. Or lower the individual doses a little. Please join this discussion about Cruise On 400 mg Test? I'm now at the end of a cycle of 1-14 400 mg test 1-6 30 mg Dbol 7-10 300 mg NPP. The 200mg puts me at about 1100-1200 total test. . If its not much change to markers then id ask why bother with a paltry 100mg just normal cruise then blast/cycle. Test cruises are nothing new in the industry, though these will be a little different from the ones which happen on brand new ships prior to passengers setting foot on board. Thanks, J . I PCT after every cycle just because I like to set my self back to natural even if I plan to cruise to next blast. Nov 9, 2012 949 224. I have arthritis bad, How long can Deca be run before side effects? Continue this thread level 1. I have cruised on 200 mg test and mast a week. Another 5 weeks to go on my current cycle and looking at my 6 week cruise. Just finished enanthate cycle (@ 500mg), will be stickin with 200 a week for a couple of months than hittin a long test, EQ through the summer. Reactions: Gymtherapy, Catie_Lee and ec140. I cruise with test and deca. Id say to cruise at 150-200mg/week for most people..and when U blast if U were to run test alone id say ramp up to 750-1000mg/week over 4-6 weeks. I haven't blasted since last summer. Also looking for dosage recommendations for test and EQ after the cruise.....give me some ideas! off-cycle, I do 200-225 mg test ew of HRT. I'm looking at 200 Mg Test E weekly, but wanted to get some feedback on the idea of running Mast E @ either 300 or 400 Mg weekly along with the Test during my cruise. 250mg test e once weekly keeps me above 1000. I still … The Mast seems to do great things for my overall state of well-being and libido (Test also of course) and during a cruise I … My last pin before my bloodwork was roughly 3-4 weeks.. Most people take roughly 100-200mg of Testosterone Enanthate a week during a cruise. you see guys 'cruising' at 1000mg a week year round, that isn't crusing, that is just staying on absurd dosages.. at the very least let's call it what it is and atleast bostin loyd doesn't bullshit when he says he abuses steroids within the Anabolic Steroids category. I’ll be attempting to talk my wife into letting me get a coaching package with you for my birthday. While cruising on 200mg of test, do u stick once a week or twice?? Prince of Darkness Join Date Oct 2010 Location Wherever I May Roam Posts 3,547 Rep Power 15. Weeks 3-12 – 400 mg/week EQ, 200 mg/week Test. 5. share. Started at 300mg tren and 600mg test a week. When you cruise, you run a moderate dosage of testosterone as a base to put you in the high-end range of testosterone levels. I appreciate the blog. If you wanna KISS your cruise, you may be able to get away with one weekly pin of 200mg test c and 50mg deca (I believe 50mg is a recommended dose for joint pain) and that ought to keep you in a 900-1100 ng/dl range (test to confirm about 4 weeks in as the half-life is longer on the 6th day before your 5th shot). 12-30-2011, 07:57 PM #18. Hey … Pretty close to my blood work raw deal. What were you running, just test? I kick-started with Test Prop @ 300mg 3x per week, for the first 3 weeks (10 injections). As for myself I cruise at 250-400mg/week and if i were to blast test only id go 1250-2500mg/week. If I’m on trt 123 mg of prop a week, or 125 mg of test e. I’ve done bloodwork, puts me in the middle if I draw the blood the morning before my next pin. In this study we analysed the effects of long-term (12 months) administration of TE (200 mg/week) in normal healthy men. 04-29-2013, … Jan 5, 2014 #7 . April 16, 2019 at 12:21 pm . I cruise with test … 12-30-2011, 08:25 PM #19. As well, as a 40 year old you definitely need to be aware of the increased arterial calcification associated with nandrolone use and utilize vitamin k2 mk7 and magnesium to help keep your … It's my first injectable cycle and the gain have just been immense for me!! Dr has me at 200mg a week. I started a cruise of 200mg test cyp about 2 months ago just to … Awards 0. When guys blast cruise they usually drop dwn to 200mg week wuile cruising right? Also, during blast and cruise does time off still need to equal time off assuming blood markers are good? . Cruise weight: 181. Both test & deca and test & mast are pretty common cruise combos depending on the individual (you even see test & deca getting prescribed by some TRT clinics), but 550mg/wk is a fairly hot cruise.

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